posted on December 31, 2001 10:24:08 AM new
I hope the Projections from eBay for AFA are NOT the same ones they use to tell Stockholders about Future Growth. Couldn't resist that, But eBay should have done a Reality check when they came up with THAT's NOW an embarrasment to them.
posted on December 31, 2001 10:53:42 AM new
I never thought they would reach their goal of $100 million with all the bad feelings they created with eBay sellers but $7 million total is pretty pathetic.
With all the publicity eBay got on TV, radio, the president, and going directly to the public at malls across America touting their program you would think they would have done a lot better than this.
Health & happiness
"The Colonel"
[ edited by kolonel22 on Dec 31, 2001 11:05 AM ]
posted on December 31, 2001 12:40:27 PM new
They could have raised far more if they showed more upfront than forking over a mere 1% of their goal--it was definitely more show than dough. The old put your money where your mouth is. They also forgot that most people just donate money--it's more efficient and it's tax deductable. They didn't need eBay for that. To expect 99 million in merchandise from mostly small time home biz is also a bit stretched--think about it: it sounds like they came up with the slogan 100 in 100 before they even thought if it was possible.
posted on December 31, 2001 02:59:24 PM new
I hope ebay and coporate America learned from the 100 million goal error. Be conservative or be vague but do not be overly optimistic.
From the sound of it, you'd never guess it was an utter failure. eBay makes it sound like a big success. Right....
My feelings about AFA were that eBay was basically pledging other people's money. eBay expected the same sellers it is trying to ditch in favor of big business, to rally round the AFA banner. I hope eBay will take this opportunity to re-evaluate how much it depends on its core user base.
posted on December 31, 2001 07:35:49 PM new
Well I read the other day Ebay was bosting a registered member ship of over 33 million so if you factor in the million they kick off with the total was under $3 per member to get to there stated goal..
posted on January 1, 2002 06:31:21 AM new
Isn't interesting that eBay's AFA home page
Doesn't mention how much they raised. If aren't one of the "informed" minority that gets information from forums like AW you probably would have no idea what the end result of AFA was.
Bottom line AFA was a failure but also $7 million is 7 million more for those in need that wasn't there before. That is if they ever see it which is a whole other matter