posted on January 4, 2002 06:41:20 PM new
I have 3 B & M shops inside 1 building.
I sell some items from one of my shops at eBay. I am wanting to sell a completely different item from one of my other shops.
My concern is this. They all share the same phone number. (yea,I answer the phone stating all 3 names!)
When I go to register my 2nd eBay account, it will have the same address and phone number of my 1st Ebay account. The name and the banking information will be different, but I have read here in the past of problems with several people use the same phone information (like several employees of the same business using their work phone number to register) and I don't want to encounter any problems.
I thought of just using the 1st eBay account and selling it under it, but that would make an accounting headache to try and keep track of sales.
I'm also wondering if I would run into any problems with PayPal too, if I decide to do this.
Anyone have any experience with this or any suggestions?
posted on January 4, 2002 07:02:39 PM new
many people have more than one ebay accounts sharing same billing addr,phone number and cc and bank account info.
common usage is one for buying,one for selling,sometimes more than one for selling in different product lines.
this is okay with ebay as long as none of your accounts violate ebay rules/
past threads are from folks who were suspended by ebay and decide to use the other account to continue selling either during time of suspension or after one account is permanently suspended.
but one consideration is that you will have to check emails of each account often.
same with paypal,you can add more email addresses with the same paypal account,i just did.
posted on January 4, 2002 07:40:43 PM new
I have more than one account registered with eBay using the same address and phone number. I use one account for selling and another for buying. I have not experienced any problems with the accounts set up this way.
I also use the same CC and banking info for both accounts. If I remember correctly, when I added either the same banking and/or CC info, eBay sent an email to the other account to inform me that someone else was using the same info, so I could let them know if it wasn't me.
[ edited by sandvet on Jan 4, 2002 07:41 PM ]
posted on January 4, 2002 08:17:48 PM new
Thanks for the input.
I feel more confident now.
As far as PayPal goes, I wonder if it would be better to sign up with a totally new account for the other business, rather than adding an additional e-mail.
I'm thinking when I do my accounting, it would be a headache to try and sort one PayPal account vs 2 separate accounts. Yah think?
posted on January 5, 2002 07:58:52 PM new
I have additional emails on my PayPal account, I also spend lost of times filing and sorting proper emails and payments to the right folders, easier to keep track of them once they are organized, but sometimes it takes up lots of time, depends how much stuff you sell, I only had 124 sales on one ID about 200 on my second one and now I have to do my husbands and he sells lots of stuff...