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posted on January 7, 2002 10:49:37 AM new
I have a Canadian who won one of my auctions. She complained shipping was higher that she had anticipated (even though she ignored my request to "email for an international shipping quote prior to bidding".) We've worked past that, but I told her I would like a Billpoint eCheck or a postal money order payable in US Funds. I told her I did not want a personal check due to the time it would take to clear and confusion with the currency exchange. She replied that she will send me a check in US funds.

Do any of you US sellers take Canadian checks? How do I know what currency they are in?

I should probably mention she has 51 positive feedback, 2 neutral and 7 negative.

I don't mind taking a check, as long as I don't get taken. My bank said I won't know if it's cleared unless I call the Canadian bank to verify, but that it should take no longer to clear than a US check. I'm not going to spend my time and money jumping through these hoops for a $13 sale. Any suggestions?

posted on January 7, 2002 11:11:28 AM new
If you receive a Canadian check that is drawn through a U.S. bank (i.e. Citibank) you probably will be all right. If it is a Canadian check not affiliated with any US bank, most likely you will have additional fees to pay as it will have to be sent out for collection (my bank charges $25). If it is through a US bank, it will have the 9 digit routing number on the bottom.

I had a customer one time who insisted his Canadian check was taken all the time by US sellers. Well, I said I would try. My bank told me $25 to cash, the credit union would have cashed it for free, but it would have to be at least $250.


posted on January 7, 2002 11:37:57 AM new
My bank charges $5 fee to cash a Canadian check IF it's made out in U.S. Dollars. If it was Canadian Dollars they would charge a exchange fee and give me whatever their current exchange rate was at that time. Verify with your bank how they will handle it, and what fees will be charged, and pass along all fees to the customer. Of course, all of this assumes you trust the person not to bounce a check on you in the first place. I'd be a bit concerned about the negative feedback, though you don't mention what those feedbacks say. Though enough to collect on a bounced check in the U.S., let alone another country. I'd just ask for a Canada Post money order, you still might pay a fee to deposit it, but you could cash it at a post office too, and you'd be able to feel a bit more secure accepting it.

posted on January 7, 2002 12:06:07 PM new
Just insist on a Canadian International Money order. The only sure way.

posted on January 7, 2002 12:11:58 PM new
I live on the US/Canadian border. I haven't had any Canadian money in a while, but I understand the Canadian dollar is only worth about 40 cents to the US dollar. In other words, if I have a Canadian 10 dollar bill, its worth about 4 dollars in US money.

If your buyer has the money in her checking account, then tell her that you would like a Canada Post Money Order, payable in US dollars. These are cashable at the USPO at no charge as indicated in the prior post.

I would not take a check from anyone out of the U.S., including Canada. I love only about 2 miles from the border. If the check bounces, what recourse do you really have.

posted on January 7, 2002 12:14:01 PM new
You can cash an international postal money order (presumably from the Canadian p.o.) at any US post office for no fee. I like to request those from Canadians.

posted on January 7, 2002 12:18:17 PM new
I received a Candian Postal Money Order in US funds. My bank charged $2 for collection and held the funds for weeks until the process was complete.

posted on January 7, 2002 12:22:39 PM new
I always tell international customers that a check Or money order MUST be in U.S. funds and must be drawn on a U.S. bank otherwise I cannot accept it. I then suggest that they use BIDPAY since they will sell the customer a U.S. money order and send it directly to me for $5. this is a good deal; when I buy something from someone overseas I use bidpay because if I were to purchase an international money order and ship it to the person via global priority mail that would cost far more than $5.!

If the customer asks, I tell them I will accept U.S. cash but I will not be responsible for lost cash in the mail. If they really need to send cash, I suggest that they send it via registered mail (also more expensive than bidpay!)

Cashing a check from a foreign bank in foreign currency is too expensive (fees from my bank, etc.)

posted on January 7, 2002 12:33:13 PM new
I told her I did not want a personal check due to the time it would take to clear and confusion with the currency exchange. She replied that she will send me a check in US funds.

Remember, you are the seller so you have every right to stick to your terms. If you are uncertain of accepting a check don't do it. Many Canadians do have US bank accounts though.

Ten dollars Canadian is worth about $6.25 US.

posted on January 7, 2002 12:52:26 PM new
Thanks everyone. I didn't even think about a fee just to cash it (although my bank says they won't charge one to deposit or to exchange currency).

Her negative feedback comes from slow or no pay. Most have follow-up feedback where payment was finally received weeks or even months after the fact. Luckily she doesn't post retalitory feedback, in fact she's posted no feedback.

I've told her I wanted an international postal money order from the start, but I don't think she wants to pay a fee since she sqabbled over the shipping charges. It looks like Billpoint will take eChecks from Canadian customers, and I'd pick up the fee. But she just wants to write a check.

I know the TOS are my decision, but I generally try to accomodate my customers. Although on this one, I wouldn't mind forgetting the whole thing.

I love this forum - Thanks!

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