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posted on January 7, 2002 05:29:31 PM new
We sent the below to paypal, with no response. Anyone else getting this stuff? Is our email addy's safe at PayPal???
-------- Original Message --------
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from spielberg.vip.uk.com ([]) by
mta005.verizon.net(InterMail vM. 201-253-122-122-101-20011014)
<[email protected]>;Sun,
6 Jan 2002 17:15:46 -0600
Received: from modem-149-41-60-62.vip.uk.com ([]
helo=tinyworld.co.uk)by spielberg.vip.uk.com with esmtp (Exim 3.22 #1)id
16NMVI-00080M-00; Sun, 06 Jan 2002 23:15:01 +0000
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
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X-Priority: 3
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: "Recipients" <[email protected]>
From: "Landis" <[email protected]>
Subject: Genuine Thousands of SURE FIRE Prospects are waiting to get an
from YOU!!
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 23:15:00 -00
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
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X-UIDL: <[email protected]>

NEW, FRESH, Mailing Lists of E-gold/Paypal users for VERY low prices!

Are you selling a product or service and can accept Paypal or E-Gold

Want to reach thousands of funded E-gold users?
We have the solution for you!

Our database currently holds over 130,000 unique E-gold and Paypal account
ALL with their current E-Mail address INTACT !!.
Every day they all spend together thousands of dollars buying all kind of
online - software,
hardware, investments on Opportunity programs & gold games , and many
If they hear about your offer, either a product, service, or any other
thing you
might interest them with,
they'd probably don't mind to take a few bucks out of their funded and
account and

Don't waste your time on useless direct e-mail marketing.
You can now have access to thousands of freshly funded E-gold/Paypal
who can pay you for your offer in a matter of minutes!
Chances of making a sale out of each e-mail are extremely high! (approx.
of E-Gold/Paypal
users buy anything they feel will make them money online !!)

What are the prices of these lists?

First of all, let us clear one thing: when you purchase a list of active
E-gold/Paypal users
(actually their e-mails, accounts funded in the last 2 months, so they are
you in turn get top quality, FRESH e-mail addresses (NOT OLD ONES!).
We do NOT give out the same e-mail for another customer in the same 14
This means that each E-gold/Paypal account is NOT being spammed by our
who purchase the lists.

Our prices are very low. You may purchase as many e-mail addresses of
users as you wish. We do offer discounted prices for large volume of

$50 for 10,000 FRESH E-Gold or Paypal addresses!
$100 for 25,000 FRESH E-Gold or Paypal addresses!
$200 for 60,000 FRESH E-Gold or Paypal addresses!

How to purchase e-mail lists from us?

1st. go to our E-Gold site and purchase the set amount that you would
our E-Gold payment number is:- 443223

Make the purchase and on the memo line put:-
Your e-mail address and Batch number of the purchase,

Then send an e-mail to:- [email protected]
with your name and the number of E-Gold/Paypal e-mail addresses you
You will receive the appropriate number of e-mail addresses by return
ALL e-mail addresses are different, you will not get the same e-mail

To open an E-Gold account, go to, www.e-gold.com
You can use your credit card etc. to open an account.

We hope to do business with you soon. LandisGold
posted on January 8, 2002 11:18:38 AM new
Your Paypal email address is probably very easy to harvest. It is in the HTML code of every PayPal logo on eBay and any other web site you place it on too.

posted on January 8, 2002 11:39:29 AM new
whilst a member of paypal i got soo much spam now i not a member i dont get hardly any....not saying ts paypals fault just a seems strange!

posted on January 9, 2002 08:52:00 AM new
It's certainly a fact that all types of email address links were/are being harvested from eBay everyday. On the bright side though, the newer PayPal link codes don't include your email address, just a series of letters & numbers that identitfies your account. That should stop the harvest.

If you have old code in your auction templates you should logon to PayPal and get updated code.

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