posted on April 9, 2002 08:51:17 AM new
I have several auction items that did not sell Sunday night (so what else is new!). They're currently in my "completed auctions" section of the AW page.
I want to relist them, starting in a couple of weeks. Can I move them up into the relisting site and work on them gradually over a period of a week or so? Will they stay there until I've edited and launched them, or would they disappear? Usually I've relisted right away so I'm not sure about this. ~Adele
posted on April 9, 2002 10:27:45 AM new
You can "move" them to your pending auction (without a schedule date).
Or you can leave them in closed and relist as you wish.
To move to pending (which makes them easier to find) click the box of each item, click relist, it will automatically come up launch now. Change to the day you want or any day if you don't know when yet.
That will put it in pending. You can launch on the choosen date or click on each item separately and undo the launch date. That will leave it in the pending with no date.
posted on April 9, 2002 02:15:51 PM new
Thank you! I was actually wondering in the 2nd paragraph whether they would disappear if I just left them there, etc.
However, I have selected them to relist, edited them, and now "saved" them. They are now showing both in the relisting list AND the pending list, with no launch times set yet. Learn something new every day!