posted on November 19, 2002 05:10:54 AM new
1. All my virus emails go to one account. The one that I use for Ebay and AW. Go figger.
2. I would like to set up some mail rules and block all email except that from AW and Ebay. Has anyone done this sucessfully? My outlook express has mail rules that my regular outlook does not have, and one of the options is (if I set the other parimeters correctly) Do not download it from the server.
I also use MailWasher and love how it bounces those nasty little emails that I get that I don't want and blacklists them so that mailbox looks like it doesn't exsist and I don't get the same email over and over from the same sender. Great Free program, I'm thinking about upgrading to a paid account just because the guy deserves the $$ for making such a good program.