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posted on December 26, 2002 07:41:44 AM new
Happy Holidays To All My Friends,

Please Help me Stay Sane!

I am so MAD,,,,,,,,,,that I hope I can explain this so you ALL will understand ......My Auction ended on Dec. 19th .......I sent the EOA Email to the buyer .

This is ......Dec. 26th, the buyer never responded to my email, but this morning I get a .......NEG Feedback from him saying................Complaint: correct information please! payment is not a problem.

The First thing I did was put him on my block list................then I am in the middle of writting him an email .........I
am finding it so hard to stay.......nice.....

This is the email I want to send to him, not saying that I dont want to say more because I do, but I also know I am dealing with an idiot.......and a jerk.......and a person who should not be allowed on Ebay, or out of his CAVE......I am so upset right now that I dont know what to do, I can't even think clearly.
I am so tired of buyers that lack thinking power, and that dont understand Ebay, or how to even communicate with a Seller.
Now, this is the email I was sending........Tell me................can you stay sane when this happens to you,,,,,,,,which I know has happened to all of you and me before, but I am sick and disgussed over this entire Feedback system.

Now, this buyer has 1 feedback, and sunglasses.............
This is the email I want to send, but I want to add more to this, even that I do realize, this will not help him, but it will make me feel 1% better!!!>>>>>>>>>

Is there something wrong with you, dont you know how ebay works,
I sent you the email telling you how much and what do to, and you never responded to me,

Answering a simple email you can not do...............but you sure know how to screw up someones feedback, this must have been the first lessson you learned.............
Tell me ........was this my Christmas present?..........showing me how stupid you are..............(this is the end of the email)

PLEASE, tell me what you would do..

posted on December 26, 2002 08:25:53 AM new
As much as this can drive you up the wall, you are dealing with a game player. They are using this to get out of the deal.

Best to file for your fees, leave them a npb on their file and move on.
As they have already left you a neg do the same for them.

No contact, no payment, date of auction ending, date of neg. Most bidders will see right thru this. Do not let this jerk ruin your day.

posted on December 26, 2002 08:26:26 AM new
The IDIOT! MORON, D.S. can't read a blatant WARNING from e bay as to what he was about to do,,,,,wasting your time typing him? NEG the dumb SOB and file for fees.....

Of course we all know he will have the intelligents to get a new name I.D....what a waste.....

But then again,,,,,,,you could try the nasty remarks back to him thing? All the dirtiest words you can get on that line in fb. That WILL get it removed. Just a thought. See what others say before you do anything.

Good Luck.

On second thought,,,,screw the jerk....send him the bill for whatever he bought, I hope it was expensive...Once you have the money,too bad it was broken.

But then again, When he e mails the hell out of you with, where's my item? Return the favor. Ignore him!!!!

Whhhhhhiiiiiiip It,,,,,,Whip it GOOD!
[ edited by fetish128 on Dec 26, 2002 08:34 AM ]
[ edited by fetish128 on Dec 26, 2002 08:38 AM ]
posted on December 26, 2002 08:36:37 AM new
fedish128,,,,,,,I love it, you did help my mind to relax for a few mins. and you also made me laugh, I love it, thank you!!!

Now, here is an Email from another seller, she just contacted me with this email, please read it. SHE IS HAVING THE SAME PROBLEM AS I AM HAVING AND SO ARE 9 OTHERS.
This buyer left NINE!!! negative feedbacks to sellers, including you and me, on Christmas Day!!! I have concerns about this buyer, so I am contacting the others to whom she did this. What is our recourse? I am going to have her blocked from bidding on any of my future auctions. Are you aware of anything else that can be done to prevent her from doing this to anymore of ebay's sellers? As for my transaction, she ignored my request for payment, then left negative feedback for me, the only one I've ever had...on Christmas Day, no less. Something is wrong about this. As a Psychology Professor, I have a few thoughts as to this kind of behavior!! Please let me know if you are aware of any assistance ebay can offer
posted on December 26, 2002 08:41:24 AM new
You could pull his contact info, "accidently" put his phone number in your response to his neg and ebay should remove it...BTW I like Fetish's idea too!

posted on December 26, 2002 08:55:22 AM new
This buyer left NINE! negative feedbacks to sellers

This is just a sick azzhole getting their cheap jollies. File a complaint with safe harbor, thats about all you can do.

posted on December 26, 2002 08:55:29 AM new
For the rest of us, WHAT IS THE USER I.D.????!!!!!!!

Whhhhhhiiiiiiip It,,,,,,Whip it GOOD!
posted on December 26, 2002 09:05:35 AM new
tonimar1 - Please don't think for one minute that we can't identify with what you're feeling right now. Best to cool down before leaving both a response to the FB left for you and a FB of your own on their FB list. Do as suggested and just file your NPB notice, then request your FVFs and let it go.
If everyone who this yoyo has left negs for, files for their NPB and FVFs they will be suspended soon anyway.

Sorry you've had to experience this. Deep breaths. In with the good, out with the bad.

posted on December 26, 2002 09:06:44 AM new
I responded to her feedback with...........
Watch Out!-Is this the right #(&%& #*# - &### No Ans. ???No Contact, Why???

Then I went and left her her Christmas Present........NEG Feedback saying.......

WATCH OUT!!Never Makes Contact-But will Leave you a NEG, when Auction Ends.

I am feeling a little better, now she has a..........-1 FB.

But I want to get her off of Ebay, because she will keep doing this until the FVF has been completed by all of the Sellers she has done this to, So that means she will continue doing it for at least 10 more days.......
Just think of the destruction she will be doing.......
posted on December 26, 2002 09:13:50 AM new
I would ..........LOVE.........to post her name on here,,,,,,,,,,,but i dont know if I will have a problem with Auction Watch.

If you email me, I will GLADY give you her name............

If you want, just go into my auctions and pick any auction and ask Seller a question???????????............
This way you can put her on your block list so she dont do to you what she seems to Love doing...............

posted on December 26, 2002 11:44:25 AM new
so sorry for what you are going through right now!
Sonds like you are regaining control, though!
okay, here's my take on it.
(besides the fact that you are dealing with a butthead).
Your Best Shot at getting the NEG removed and the bidder blasted from eBay is if you file with SafeHarbor citing:
bidder won with the sole intent of leaving negative feedback (worded something like that).
list as many of the other auctions #'s as possible (you can get that info from the ScumBag's FB profile under 'feedback left for others').
If you & the other sellers (like the one that e-mailed you) file the same complaint on behalf of yourselves & each other, the bidder should become NARU & the FB removed for all of you.
Hope this didn't dampen your Christmas ~ into each life a few reindeer droppings must fall.....

posted on December 26, 2002 12:49:51 PM new
This sounds like a Yahoo user!

Yahoo encourages you to leave Neg Feed back to get the other party's Attn, or to ask them a question.

They figure it's an attention getter.

May work fine with Yahoos feedback sys. but no for Ebays!

posted on December 26, 2002 03:03:56 PM new
Yes, do take a deep breath. Now another. Most of us have had at least one rotten buyer. I went crazy over a neutral! not a neg, and needed my pals here to help me calm down.

There are a couple of things that may have happened here, even though the buyer sounds like a mean idiot. Perhaps your e-mail didn't go through? (I've begun requesting a return receipt for e-mails to buyers.) Perhaps the buyer's server wasn't working?

After three days, I send another e-mail "SECOND NOTICE," and a couple of days later I start the contact information/NPB ball rolling.

Horrid to go through, I know. Put her in God's Garbage Pail (details on request) and move on, thanking the stars that you don't have to go home every night to someone like that. Feel pity for the people who have to live with or near that person.

posted on December 26, 2002 04:34:44 PM new
Wow, I went to take a look and tonimar1 is correct, that id left 9 negs on Christmas Day. What a sicko. This person must be so low on the slime to nice scale that he or she is probably crawling down there below the flesh eating maggots.

I put that id in my Blocked Bidder List.

That is the only positive aspect of the negative. You were able to alert the rest of us about the problem so we can block the bidder before we get a neg. Tominar and other sellers took the hit for the rest of us.
posted on December 26, 2002 06:13:30 PM new
An Update:

Zoomin, thank you for your advise, I went and copied all the auctions that this bidder left Neg feedback on and I went to Contact Support, under Feedback Removel..........

I wrote an email asking that Ebay remove all the Neg. feedback that she left for me and all the other Sellers, Because we feel she bid with the sole intent of leaving Neg. Feedback for all of us on Dec. 25th.
So I am requesting that you please review our problem and remove our Neg. feedback from this Bidder.

I hope this helps and also hope they boot her a## our of Ebay.
posted on December 27, 2002 12:14:11 AM new
We have all had at least one DS jerk I had one in Febuary never paid would not answer emails and then neg me say bowl color did not match discription I still have that Federal bowl on the shelve to remind me that there is at least one jerk in the world.

posted on December 27, 2002 06:02:40 AM new

I didnt hear from Ebay Safe Harbor Surport yet. .............But......Now this bidder has..Feedback (-2) Not a registered user

Now by being Not a registered User, does this mean she can not do anymore bidding on Auctions????

I have also taken your advice.........Not to send her an email, and just handle this through Ebay.

I will update you when I hear from Safe Harbor.
posted on December 28, 2002 03:41:59 AM new
I am another recipient of this woman's 9 Christmas presents. I wrote to a couple of the others to see what they were doing and then wrote safe harbor as did this one other seller that wrote you. She has had her neg removed but none of the rest of us has. Now how does that figure? I was incredibly upset to find this negative after Christmas but I think I'm more upset that one of the 9 gets the neg removed immediately and the rest of us don't. Gosh darn it, this buyer even left negs for people she paid and got the merchandise from (who'd left her positives). I know I should just let it go but this is so NOT fair.

posted on December 28, 2002 06:22:21 AM new
catchntime.............I'm sorry to hear what your going though also, but I would think that if one of the sellers had the neg removed we will all have the neg removed.

I didn't hear from safe harbor yet, but I am going to think positive about the feedback being removed because if it is not removed I will keep emailing Ebay and complaining until they do the right thing for all of us not just for one.

It doesn't take a genius to see that this bidder had intentionally played with our feedback for her pleasure......Lets See if Ebay does the Right thing, if not we all should be sending emails to safe harbor over and over until it is resolved.
posted on December 28, 2002 10:38:24 AM new
Even if you go through Safe Harbor and mediation and pay the $20 fee they are not allowed by their legal people to remove a FB unless the person who left agrees (both parties must agree). Like that would happen with these jerks. I've already tried that, went all the way to the top & paid the fee. The only thing that will get it removed is to put their ID information or your really bad language in your response to their negative. I've seen some pretty nasty words in FB though and they were not removed.

I can't imagine why someone would choose random people to go through the trouble of bidding and then leaving negs on Christmas. May be someone who is lonely and angry at everyone else whom they perceive as having everything they lack. At least you have a lot of company, we've all been there and you feel so helpless because it is not justified.

posted on December 28, 2002 11:38:40 AM new
Yo! CrowSnauzer! Not 100% entirely correcto-mundo

If ye initiate a ST action, & the other party fails to respond, ST will (for a mere 20 clam-a-roonies) prevail upon feeBay to erase the odious ode

"What we have heah is a fail-ure to communicate!"
posted on December 28, 2002 11:48:06 AM new
Problem being they know this and are quick to respond with a no.

Mine could not provide email headers or even straight copies for the emails that she claimed she sent many times, nor could she come up with a MO # or place of purchase when asked by ST. She would not admit she was simply a NPB to allow me to get it removed, even though she was informed that her neg from me would also be removed at the same time.

Some people just enjoy being mean.

posted on December 28, 2002 01:55:47 PM new
This person is obviously a low-life who will probably come back with a new id.

[ edited by kellco on Dec 28, 2002 04:46 PM ]
posted on December 30, 2002 01:52:21 PM new
Update on what has happened here.

The man who left all the Neg feedback for me and 8 others has Called me on the phone and explained to me that he didn't understand how ebay worked, he tried to pay each one of us by going through Paypal, (which I am not a registered user of paypal)................

He said that he was having a hard time trying to pay everyone, and he didn't know to email each one of us to tell us his problem.
He is sorry, and wants to pay now. So I told him a little about how Ebay works, but he said, he will try to call everyone and talk with them.
He has a heavy accent so it wasn't too easy understanding him, but he was very polite and kind speaking. His feedback will remain, which he understands but he is sorry for the problem he caused everyone ,,,,,,,,He said, and I believe he is sorry. He also still wants the item.

But for now I just wanted to update you on this situation.
posted on December 30, 2002 03:43:12 PM new
Hmm... Do you really belive him?
Is it true that ALL nine of his sellers don't use paypal?
that would bethe first thing I'd look at. It's real easy to talk in a heavy accent, you know ...

posted on December 30, 2002 04:50:01 PM new
They are now showing as NARU'ed

posted on December 30, 2002 04:54:23 PM new
Hi Dragonmom...........

Yes I do believe him, he called me back this evening again and told me he was putting a check in the mail tomorrow.

About all the other sellers, well that I don't know, but I did request his contact information so he had mine also. Now weather he requests there information this I don't know, I mentioned to him that he should do that but its his choice.

Also, when it comes to his accent I am no expert................lol.......but at this point it doesn't matter really because he has his neg from me, and I have the neg from him.
If he sends his payment, well then fine, if not fine too.

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!!!!! its right around the corner.
posted on January 1, 2003 08:40:09 PM new
Hey, how about some of us sellers start sharing the user ID's of some of these MORON buyers. Only the total jerks like this one then we can bid-block them before they screw up anyone else's feedback rating.
[email protected]

posted on January 1, 2003 08:46:32 PM new
OPRMOND2000............Go to my auction site and check my feedback you will see his name, it stands out in RED.........complaint..........

This is my ebay selling name that i use on here.
posted on January 1, 2003 08:49:24 PM new
I see he's already "non registered". I hope permanately!!!!!!!!!!

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