posted on January 16, 2003 07:39:53 PM new
Why don't Buyers empty their mailboxes so they can receive mail???????????????
I go through this exercise at least once a week. Winning bidder (usually a BIN) can not be contacted due to 'Mail Failure' full mailbox. So I have to pull their contact data and try to call, usually their phone is busy, since they are on the net.
I'm seriously thinking of starting a 3:00 AM wake-up service, "It is now time to empty your mailbox"
Invest in the Future, by saving some of the Past!
posted on January 16, 2003 07:59:23 PM new
Same reason they drive with bald summer tires on in a blinding snow storm then wonder why they get stuck or go over a cliff.
They just do not think!
posted on January 16, 2003 10:29:50 PM new
They must be related to the ones who can't read "I do not take personal checks" & send one any way. Also the ones who are too busy to look at their email until they get a NPB notice.
posted on January 16, 2003 10:58:29 PM new
Many people come to Ebay to kill a little time and amuse themselves while their brain is in the shop for repairs.
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on January 16, 2003 11:21:15 PM new
i have this one buyer who contacted me at the end of the auction and of course my emails bounced cause the mailbox was full. finally i got ahold of them thru the ebay system. well she emailed me yesterday 3 weeks after the auction and even tho i let them know the problem with their email.... lo and behold the email bounced back cause it was full!!!