posted on May 12, 2003 05:37:04 AM new
Here's a new one to look at:
Why can't I be so lucky - of course I don't think it would have dawned on me to look....
posted on May 12, 2003 06:06:34 AM new
"The winner will recieve this piece packed carefully in dry ice to prevent it from becoming limp."
Just give it shot of the ole Veg-agra & it'll bounce right back!
Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"
posted on May 12, 2003 07:06:40 AM new
posted on May 12, 2003 11:00:22 AM new
I wonder what these sellers are thinking when the list this crap..sheesh I'd be to embarrassed to list something like this...Someone might know me and I sure wouldn't wanna be know as the lady that sold a chicken nugget shaped like a penis .
posted on May 12, 2003 11:02:56 AM new
Toasted - flip side of the coin - "Lady that turned a $8 appetizer into $150 on ebay."
[ edited by neonmania on May 12, 2003 11:03 AM ]
posted on May 12, 2003 11:14:20 AM new
I don't know.....the whole thing does'nt look KOSHER to me...heehee
posted on May 12, 2003 12:31:45 PM new
What? Ya never heard of a chicken bris??
Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"
posted on May 12, 2003 01:33:23 PM new
Boy, and the seller has more feedback than me!!!
I guess it gives a whole lot more meaning to "having the stones" to list something, eh?
(Browsing through refrigerator....)
posted on May 12, 2003 01:54:27 PM new
Ok i keep coming back to this ...lol neonmania your right almost makes it worth while ..<ahem> Lmao I still couldn't do it !!Rofl Inot !! and I'd say yes it takes big big stones to sell this !! Still shakin my head here in South Carolina on this
posted on May 12, 2003 02:32:54 PM new
I wonder if ebay will let the auction run, because the seller is <b>pleading</b> that they do. ......... only time will tell.
Goin' to look through all my fridge contents right now ... AintRichYet in Ohio
p.s. come to think of it, i can make a pancake look like anything i want. hmmmm...
posted on May 12, 2003 04:19:45 PM new
I wonder what these sellers are thinking when the list this crap..
smoking ganja maybe? The item looks like the former property of a well-hung rooster.
posted on May 12, 2003 05:07:48 PM new
posted on May 12, 2003 04:19:45 PM
"I wonder what these sellers are thinking when the list this crap.. "
'smoking ganja maybe? The item looks like the former property of a well-hung rooster.'
rofl! this gave me a flashback to when i listed a paper doll of Burt Reynolds whereas of course the 'doll' part was wearing just his underwear [outfits were printed on pages around the 'doll']... i listed in descrip, regarding the paperdoll artwork, that 'he would look well hung anywhere in your home' [or something to that effect] ...... at the time, couldn't resist typing that.
posted on May 12, 2003 08:29:44 PM new
ROFL aintrichyet !!! omg tooooooo funny ...see I'm lurking in this feed again ....well hung !! lmao !!
posted on May 12, 2003 09:22:03 PM new
If my "chicken finger" looked like that, I'd cut it off and sell it on eBay too. This thing is NASTY!
Chicken Finger... Now there's a euphemism I've never heard before!
That's it. It's too late at night for me...
But wait- the next punchline...
"Finger Lickin Good!"
edited: I meant HIS chicken finger! My chicken finger is NOT nasty!!!
[ edited by replaymedia on May 12, 2003 09:23 PM ]
posted on May 16, 2003 10:21:04 AM new
so the chicken finger auction is gone but marketing the title seems to work out pretty well:
Item #3416269640
posted on May 16, 2003 12:06:48 PM new
Sure looks like a poultry-peepee to me!
Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"