posted on June 26, 2003 07:11:41 AM new
I signed into ebay this morning. Ciicked on My Ebay a got an invalid page message. Went back to ebay's home page. It is obious that I have signed in because at the top right of the screen now has a button to sign out. Again Clicked on My ebay, got the same error message.
What's up with that? I guess I will search for my own auctions by SEARCHING by seller
Ho hummmm Another day in paradise
Edited for clarity
[ edited by paloma91 on Jun 26, 2003 07:19 AM ]
posted on June 26, 2003 08:20:05 AM new
For some reason it seems as though the eBay pages are now really fussy about how accurate your pointer position is when you click a link. I don't know if this is something that has changed, if it is my computer settings, or what, but I get this at least once per eBay session (can be for any page, not just My eBay).
If I go back and click again, it always brings up the page.
I would attribute it to "operator error", but it does not happen nearly as often on any other sites I use.