posted on July 24, 2003 08:08:48 PM new
Hey Sanmar and Dad,
You want me to forward one to you, just so you don't feel left out?
You may take your choice - an eBay email or a PayPal one... Guaranteed to be a real, honest-to-goodness phony - both have been sent to spoof@eBay/PayPal and have been confirmed to be bogus.
posted on July 24, 2003 08:25:23 PM new
Now I feel slighted!! I got about half a dozen of them, but they quit coming about a month ago. Could be because on the last one, I entered "megwhitman" as the username and "FBI" as the password.
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on July 24, 2003 08:57:50 PM new
I just send those remarkably REAL looking phonies right to [email protected] I wunder if it really does ANY good??? I mean they just keep coming,,,,,so what's the point and e bay does not even tell you which one you sent them is a spoof.....Tonight i said specifically to them,,,,send me the spoof I sent YOU.....
posted on July 24, 2003 09:40:55 PM new
There have been several threads concerning these phoney emails, but I feel it's important to keep beating on this horse as long as these scam artists are operating. It's essential that all Vendio members be kept up to date on these scams. As far as the buyers and sellers who don't wish to associate with Vendio, they can fend for themselves.
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on July 24, 2003 09:42:51 PM new
Ebay is not tracking any of them down and NARUing them. The vast majority of these are from Eastern Europe and they are not registered users. That's why the grammar is off on most of the emails.
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"Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error."
- Andrew Jackson
posted on July 25, 2003 02:58:37 AM new
i got a new one yesterday...told me my ebay account had "accidentally" been closed and i needed to click on the link to my account in the email in order to access and fix it...
posted on July 25, 2003 06:45:56 AM new
While Spoof@eBay can't NARU those b#)#)$*_ds sending all those emails, it is my understanding that they DO shut down the URL fast...that is why it's important to send them ALL to eBay so they can do that. The bad guys change URL's all the time so it's nearly impossible to "catch" them but at least once a URL is closed anyone else receiving that link will not get taken in!
posted on July 25, 2003 07:08:16 AM new
It is very important to send the scam emails to ebay as soon as possible. Why some people say they delete them without a thought is beyond me. Sending them in also helps ebay get an idea of how big a deal these scams are to their venue.
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"Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error."
- Andrew Jackson