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posted on August 9, 2003 10:47:41 PM new
Figured it out QUICK! Blocked his bidding FUN! You just KNOW what he was up to,,,,,throw away ID. Bid, WIN and NEG!!!!

E bay,,,,,You need to put a HALT to this Nonsense!!!!

I won't spell it out here how I caught on but! I did! he's blocked out!!!!!

Lead or be left in the Dust....

posted on August 9, 2003 11:11:56 PM new
Your good Jack. I wouldn't have the foggiest what to do.

posted on August 10, 2003 04:57:08 AM new
WOW!!!!! I found he had actually placed a BID!!! I killed that! I went right to powersellers and turned in his I.d's. I'll be smilin' when I see BOTH accounts narued!

He had sent me an e mail,,,,I recognized his,,,style,,of writing? mispellings, ur,thanz,,,you know. It's the SAME user,NO doubt in my mind.

There is NO Safety here if that kind of activity can continue.

What is E bay doing to stop this? That credit card number has to hold some connection power, I know, different credit card. Just thinking.

Idea! Like your drivers license number. You can have all the names you want on a California drivers license (hence, call yourself anyone besides WHO you really are, State cares less) BUT the NUMBER is YOU to the State. E bay needs to assign a NUMBER to members. That number follows the I.D's new Id. registering,,,,,,Same number,,OOPS, sorry! You are NOT Welcomed at e bay. Denied!

Or if nothing is out of place, Welcome to e bay with as many User Id's as you please.

Lead or be left in the Dust....

posted on August 10, 2003 05:52:55 AM new
Welcome to e bay with as many User Id's as you please

How many people here would be screaming if they had to give up all but one ID?

I would support it, even though I have several on eBay...

Because to do that it would have to be BUYERS and SELLERS who only have one ID.

Oh and your number idea, these people are obviously regestering as first time users, they would be assigned their own number each time. If you are suggesting that we use our DL number, how would eBay check that? Everything costs money. I think it would be almost impossible to do.

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Aug 10, 2003 06:00 AM ]
posted on August 10, 2003 08:26:25 AM new
How many people here would be screaming if they had to give up all but one ID?

You could still have 5 ID's, but, if they were all tied to one drivers liscense/state ID number eBay could easily NARU all of them at once.

I like this idea.

posted on August 10, 2003 08:33:25 AM new
I doubt many people would be willing to give up that information to eBay... I know I wouldn't.

Also how could ebay verify that was actually your DL or ID number... I still have my old DL from my home state... haven't lived there in 15 years... you see no matter what idea people come up with, the a-holes will find a way around it....

and to add... so someone gets on ONE of your IDs and screws it up, eBay suspends ALL of them? LOL

That would be worth "seeing" the screeching here on these boards.

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Aug 10, 2003 08:35 AM ]
posted on August 10, 2003 08:37:46 AM new
Of course you know that it will not work and would never happen right?

You do realize that states are not going to allow ebay access to their their networks in order to confirm these numbers and that anyone can make up as many as they want.

Next thing you know you guys are going to be demanding DNA profiles.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 10, 2003 08:44:48 AM new
I hate to tell you this but all that information is on the internet anyway. I think if you go into state records and you enter your drivers license number you can find out if you have any outstanding warrents, tickets, fines etc. Nothing is sacred anymore. I would give them my drivers license number or even state ID number if they wanted it as I don't think that is an important number only to find you when you have bounced a check... That would keep the underage bidders away well to say the least to open an account. Now if the parents can keep their password to themselves that would be good. I might be wrong but I think eBay is very secure as they never ask or reveal your password and PayPal does the same.

posted on August 10, 2003 08:58:00 AM new
The reason it will not happen anytime soon is simple. Money. There is no nationwide database that includes every state so each state would have to allow ebay access to their database Many states are not going to do that because of public outrage at the concept. Even if ever state did allow this there would still be trememndous programming expenses involved in linking onto 50 different and sometime very outdated databases.

In other words, they might ask for them but they are not going to confirm them. It's kind of like your varies utilities. When you hooked up your phone or power did they ask you for your Social? Do you think they actually confirmed it?
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If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 10, 2003 09:09:27 AM new
And I think Jack is sitting there throwing out every idea he can possibly think about, to try to solve this problem or many other ones on ebay.

When Jack comes running to Vendio with many different plans on how things may work better, I think that even Jack knows in his own mind that some of his ideas will not work.

But Jack does make people sit up in their chairs and think a bit about all these ideas and how some of them may never work and how others may work just fine..... maybe.

Anyhow, when I read these topics day after day I also sit here and think about how to make ebay better. It's because of that other thread going here at the same time, it's all about how much we all love ebay.

And yes, all the info that everyone is so fearful to give up is probably already out there if someone starts digging for it. I know my info is there also, somewhere. I will just continue to try to run all my businesses the most honest way I can and hope that none of it ever screws up. What more can I do?

posted on August 10, 2003 09:17:19 AM new
Actually your motor vehicle information (Driver's License) is not readily available on the Internet... it contains information that many here would not want exposed... like your home address...not your mailing address.... because it is required by law that the address that is on your DL be your residence.

I have no disagreement about eBay limiting EVERYONE to just ONE ID, but not the method of trying to tie many IDs together.

posted on August 10, 2003 09:55:59 AM new
Kiara - the problem is that Honesty has nothing to do with Privacy. Companies and governments try to strip away ever little last piece of your privacy and when people complain they throw this "as long as you are honest, why do you care" response out at people. My response is quite simple... Because it is none of your damn businiess. My Identification number is none of anyones business except for the police. My social is no ones business except for people from whom I am asking for a credit line.

Jack is trying to create risk free selling. It's not going to happen, at least not online. If you want risk free selling then open a B&M, accept only cash and run every bill thru a conterfeit detector, and don't forget to strip search all people as they leave to protect against shop lifters, and a portable x-ray machine at the door to insure against potentional weapons to be used in a robbery. Get the point?

There is no such thing as risk free commerce. Accept that you are going to incur a small percentage of loss and move on. If you really can't come to grips with that reality, compare the monetary loss from listing fees from NPBs agains the advertising costs of doing this on your own. If you still have a problem with it. you are in the wrong business and you are going to drive yourself nuts worrying about the losses rather than celebrating the gains.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Aug 10, 2003 09:57 AM ]
posted on August 10, 2003 10:09:23 AM new
Fenix if you would just get in line with your politics...I would marry you...

Well said...
posted on August 10, 2003 10:22:45 AM new
fenix03, I understand exactly where you are coming from. A good many of us are fighting to have our PRIVACY remain private. Some people are fighting almost only for that issue.

I have lots of issues to fight for while I struggle along and a lot of this hits me direct in the face every day. I can't fight it all.

For years I just run as honest as I can, fighting to keep all my identity secret that I can, writing off all those losses as the cost of doing business. I don't dwell on the losses as I'm too busy thinking about all the new problems I am fighting at the moment.

I know seasoned ebayers on both sides of the border, almost running 100% good feedback, little Mom and Pop Powersellers doing everything the right way. They are telling me their NPB problems, venting in my mailbox and I'm trying to help them all the way I can.

This is serious...... a serious thing NPBs and it's eroding their business. Why don't they come to Vendio? They tried, maybe even before I got here.

They got tired of being criticized for writing their message here in CAPS, that they were using RED font on yellow background in their auctions or that they spelled a friggin' word wrong when the vented here. They got TIRED of dealing with trolls who hassled them on the board and in their inboxes. ALL they wanted to do was get some help, some input and get their message out. ebay suggestion box etc is getting to be a bigger black pothole everyday.

They wade through crap each day on ebay and they're wearing hipwaders now and still running good feedback #'s. Do you really think they want to come here and wade through this snakepit at times like Jack has?

Here is a MARINE that marched into WAR. He came out with a few bruises and comes to these boards with all the issues venting in his mind and ways to solve it. Do you really think when he struggles with that keyboard that he needs some little pissant riding his back about his freakin' CAPS??

He is here to get a MESSAGE across, any way he can. SHEESH!

posted on August 10, 2003 10:39:51 AM new
Kiara, you really are one unstable person...

You start one thread about being nice to each other in the threads... and then you write that... LOL

Jack has been very good about his use of CAPs and now his posts are readable to everyone... you are the only one that has brought this up... and no one in this thread has said anything...

Writng in all CAPS is bad board etiqutte, why should good people be subjected to that when posting in a normal manner is just as effective?

You offer nothing to add to the disscussion other than to justify Jack posting ideas... your rah rah is rather tiresome... why not try a new routine...

These are ideas... good bad or indifferent... people are stating their opinions on the subject... you feel the need to come in here and make personal attacks... lame ones, but still attempt at personal ones..

Why aren't rebuttals to the opposing views coming in? Only YOU have made personal attacks.

posted on August 10, 2003 10:54:20 AM new
Maybe I babble. Maybe I'm not getting the message across. We don't need any more hassles on message boards, I agree. I am not attacking anyone. If anyone thought I meant them when I used the word troll, I am so sorry.

I am trying to show you the struggle that Jack has endured to get his message across. How those good people sitting in my Inbox each night are struggling to get their messages out to ebay and feel like they can't even come here for fear their auctions get wrecked even more.

Here I am, one foot firmly planted in one country and one in the other. Almost all my friends and family live in either the US or Canada. I am flying both flags daily with almost equal love and dedication for both countries and trying to get my message out. Half the money in my till and in my bank account is equally divided between two countries.

Young soldiers from Canada are on the front lines as peacekeepers in Afghanistan and dropping like flies. You think all of this doesn't affect me? I have gone to pages on the Internet to look at the names and ages of all the US soldiers that have been killed in Iraq. I look at it and it hurts me a lot.

When it comes right down to it, these issues like NPBs that stack to big $$$ figures, these same people that can splatter our feedback in red paint, this is what we are trying to improve. And some of these people come back with new ID's to hit us all over again.

Issues like this are affecting our business which is also being affected already by this whole world all around us. We can't fix up the world, but we can try fixing ebay. Almost the same challenge in the end.

[ edited by kiara on Aug 10, 2003 11:10 AM ]
posted on August 10, 2003 11:04:54 AM new
And on the flip side of the coin I am trying to remain as civil as I can on these boards. I used to run for years under a Canuck ID and got tired of being pizzed on each time someone came upon a stupid Canuck in his auction.

I see good qualities in everyone. I think it's great that you enjoy cooking, Twelvepole. I used to enjoy that too but not anymore after standing here at work all day and then home to my computer to work on my website or do ebay auctions.

In fact if they could send real food through a computer screen I may even accept a meal from you if you ever offered it.

And some nights I am so tired and hungry I may not even worry if you poisoned it a little bit. PLEASE, just let's get over all this small stuff and move on.

posted on August 10, 2003 11:16:22 AM new
Kiara - could you please tell me when I attacked Jack? When I made any type of personal insult towards him, called him a name or anything else to desrve the little tirade of irrelevency that you directed at me above?

I pointed out the realities of a suggestion that was made on a DISCUSSION board. It's a right that I have. If you have a problem with what I said, then point out the faiures and inaccuracies in what I said but I have no clue where the color combination/caps lock tirade came from.

TWELVE - I don't believe in marriage - how about business partners?
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 10, 2003 11:25:57 AM new
Sigh......... fenix03, I knew you under your previous ID and you are one of my favorite people here still. NEVER did I see you attack Jack. SHEESH

I said about Jack being attacked by trolls on message boards, hassled for ages when he tried to get his message across. NEVER once did I consider you one of them. Jack still comes here and fights almost daily and I admire him for that.

I guess because I started my message with your name and about the honesty issue and then ran on to ramble about the big issue....?

SORRY, PLEASE believe me, I wasn't meaning you, fenix. Sigh......... I wasn't even meaning anyone on this board at this time.

I was talking about why people don't want to come to this board, about their previous experiences here and how they are venting in my mail box and we're all trying to help each other on the sidelines, even away from these boards. These same people don't even have a place to go to on ebay to tell them.

Sorry, I didn't mean you at all or Twelvepole or anyone else hanging out here.

[ edited by kiara on Aug 10, 2003 11:37 AM ]
posted on August 10, 2003 11:43:19 AM new

-------------- sig file ----------- He who angers you controls you
posted on August 10, 2003 11:47:57 AM new
Kiara - okie - you are right - since you started the post directed at meand then just kept going you lost me

I have not seen anyone on these board criticized for their color combiniations in as long as I have been on them. I have seen a couple times when someone has stumbled upon an especially obnoxious auction and brought it to the classes attention for some good natured disection but I've never seen that happen to a member.

I think the point of a discussion board is to get help, share ideas and sometimes to get a a little perspective. That NPB from last week may really be on your nerves.and ruining your day but in the big picture, that buck or two is not worth all of the grief and sometimes you need someone to remove the blinders so that you see the big picture.

I have a NPB on a $150 item. It's been bugging me for a week. I was venting about it to a friend who was smart enought to point out that the item sold way below value and that the fool is doing me a favor. If I wait until October and relist it will go 50-100% higher. They are right and I needed that input. Hell, I'm now hoping the guy doesn't pay.

I think dissenting opinions are important. If you want someone to pat you on the back and completely agree , call your mother, sister, best friend, etc. If you want a realistic view point and useful advice, then this is the place to get it. It may not always be what you wanted to hear, and it may not always be phrased in the kindest of words but in its rawest form, it's the most valueable feedback you are going to get.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 10, 2003 11:55:00 AM new
LOL, AuctionAce. All summed up with this and I don't care how or what you are thinking. To me all I see is

And truly, Thanks, fenix. Maybe I've been here too long and remember too much.

Yes, somehow I am like a kid stamping my foot to get my message on the wall writing with my big crayon. But ALWAYS I have that with me, even if I don't post it.

Once when I was a little kid running in the woods all of us ran right into a little snake breeding pit. We all took off running for our lives screaming.

Someone recently reminded me that I was the only little kid that ran back into that snake pit two days later. Why? Because I wanted a certain little yellow flower growing in the middle of it.

Sort of reminds me all over the way I dive in here all the time babbling and rambling.... somewhere there is a message behind all this. Thanks, guys.

Edited to say PLEASE, don't anyone come back on me now and tell me I am calling you snakes.

If you have been here at AW/Vendio all the years I have you may have seen the odd snake pit at one time or another, just like I have. So please just don't think I am referring to all of you here at this day in time.

And no I've never been the one to want the patting on the back, though on occasion it's okay when it happens. I work harder and longer and better while being booted in the azz. I stay here because of the differing opinions and all the new ideas that get brought here.

And back to the real issue. Some of the people in my Inbox are talking to me about lots of NPB's..... #'s running from $500 to $1000 while they sit in fear worrying about their wallets..... and also about whether they may get negative feedback and then maybe it happening all over again when that person comes back and does it to them under another ID. This is a serious problem.

[ edited by kiara on Aug 10, 2003 01:58 PM ]
posted on August 10, 2003 12:48:45 PM new
LOL - don't get me started on feedback paranoia again
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 10, 2003 07:04:32 PM new
I dont like the idea of drivers licenses.

Some people dont even drive! Surely, they must use ebay even more so. I just don't think you should have to present your driver's license to make a purchase or sell something. I mean, where else would you need to present a DL to purchase something with the almighty dollar or CC?

It's too government controlled. That thought perturbs my very sense of freedom as a consumer and truly does infringe on any sense of privacy left to anyone. For what?-in exchange to make a purchase?? (Balk, hiss, pffst!)

Well, there is a big problem with NPB's and identities...what to do about it...I dont know, though.

posted on August 10, 2003 07:10:24 PM new
Ebay doesn't care about what qualifies a buyer at all. Evey one of the Yahoo Auctions users, both sellers and buyers alike, must register with a valid credit card and the 4 digit security number on the back of every card. Even with that added measure of security, there are still a lot of deadbeat bidders at Yahoo Auctions. I bet the same thing would happen at Ebay if they adopted the Yahoo policy.

-------------- sig file ----------- He who angers you controls you
posted on August 10, 2003 07:13:51 PM new
OH my GOD! I WILL never start a thread again on a Weekend,,,,,when I am Shopping and selling and having such a GREAT time at the Swapmeet. And NOT here to keep things in line.

1. I NEVER suggested tying ANY drivers license to E bay. THAT was an intended Example! I said IDEA! LIKE,,,, your drivers license number. ONE Number,,,but have as many aliases as you please. Hence on E bay ONE e bay assigned NUMBER but connected to ALL your e bay account NAMES.

Roadieken,,you understood Perfectly!

2. Then this thread just went ALL to piece...

Now as far as Powersellers response at e bay,,,,What an icredidible JOKE.

I swear they have a list in front of then,,,,1-10 replies,,,,,hmmmm, this one MIGHT fit,,,,,,Feed back removal,,,,Did I mention ANYWHERE about ANY feed back removal? NOOOOOO.......Well that's the response I,,,,,,,,got.....they will check into it,,,,,,,,UNREAL!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh well.

I am very sorry I was NOT here to( hahahaha, Moderate if you will ) interject and many of you typed your fingers off for actually nothing. Appears you had a good mud throwing time anyways I just hope it was VERY cool mud,,,HOT AS HADES here today! Wheeeeee, scorcher.....

Government involvements had NOTHING to do with my thinkings. Believe me, I am the LAST one to want any,,,of that. The less,,the better. The City Government alone is a big enough pain in A$$ for me.

Some other time when the creep comes back. We can try this again. NOT ON THE WEEKEND!!!!!!!

Lead or be left in the Dust....

posted on August 10, 2003 07:51:28 PM new


Lead or be left in the Dust....

posted on August 10, 2003 07:55:08 PM new
Yep totally unintelligible... thanks for wasted posting...
posted on August 10, 2003 08:01:14 PM new

All summed up into one little sentence. THAT is the very reason we should all be here on these boards working together, even if we don't always agree. TRUE sellers and buyers trying to make things better.

posted on August 10, 2003 08:01:23 PM new


Lead or be left in the Dust....

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