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posted on August 12, 2003 11:22:31 AM new
Anybody been browseing the collectable's catagory and notice lots of stuff not moving? Seems so empty of any bidding activity. I am wondering if people are spending their money on practical things right now?

posted on August 12, 2003 11:40:02 AM new
I always thought it was the other way around. People give up the practical things to maintain and add to their collections.

A lot of stuff is going without bids or going for the start bid these days on ebay. I recently read on another board that ebay's sell through rate was down to 26% . About 4 years ago it was at 70%. How soon before the small sellers just list a few things and rarely relist items? What if the ebay sales do not pickup at the end of the year like in years past? Lots of interesting questions.

-------------- sig file ----------- He who angers you controls you
posted on August 12, 2003 12:36:47 PM new
LoL Ace, I guess its what you can really deal with giving up. Food, yes! Mortgage/rent, electric.. ehhh?..mabee

Was looking at the beer glasses catagory. Maybe its the whole glut thing going on but if I remember right, that catagory used have alot of hot bidding activity in it. Its all just sitting there and looks like it has been for days. Oh, there's a few there and here, but....

You're are right about smaller sellers. I am one, and usually do ok; but I am hesitant to list just to give Ebay some money this month, but at the same time I got alot of sh** I bought just to do this. ("Oh, is me in a quandary".)

posted on August 12, 2003 02:12:11 PM new
The problem with collectibles is that it is such a BROAD category. How can you put in beer cans with gold coins? Even in something like coins, there are different areas that are red hot right now, and others that are plain dead. I do read the sell through rate is going down (at least that is what is reported) but think about the big picture. Ebay has gotten bigger, more and more people trying to sell. There are a lot of dealers out there who are clueless, and place things up for bid at a price that will never be realized! That will bring down the sell through. Trends are great, but in the end they don't necessarily add up to much. I've basically taken the summer off from selling on ebay, I've been busy with travel, moving, and I've been selling a lot on half.com - I will start up on ebay again in September. The few things I have sold in collectibles have done quite well, but I don't think that applies to anything someone else is selling unless it is the same type of collectible, and the same quality, and the same price range, etc. etc...

posted on August 12, 2003 02:42:48 PM new
There are more than 6 million people that have lost their jobs. I am sure a lot of those poor people are grabbing anything they see around the house and are trying to sell those items on Ebay just to put food on the table or pay a bill like health insurance. I have seen a lot of auctions descriptions that say something like this "I lost my job and am selling this item to raise money". The market is flooded and there are way more sellers than buyers. Do you think the people that are out of work or have taken big cuts in pay are buying? This is what's hurting sales on Ebay under President Bush the rich are getting richer and the middle class and poor are getting poorer. Hey, President Bush, "ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID".

posted on August 12, 2003 02:55:54 PM new
Look, I am middle class and I am getting poorer because more and more of my income is being taken by the democrats who think they know how to spend my money better than I do, and given to those who are not interested in working because they want to have the state pay their rent (section 8), their food (food stamps) and their medical bills. The money isn't being redistributed to the rich, it is going to the lazy. Here where I live, we just voted in an extra income tax, and at the same time state employees are getting a 12% raise! Socialism sucks for those who work hard.

posted on August 12, 2003 02:57:55 PM new
dont blame it on the govt.
there is recession just as there is economic expansion ,one follows the other.
not just the unemployed selling on ebay,the retirees getting 1% interest on their savings is selling too.

-sig file -------They may have ginsu knife,but we have DING KING!!!!
posted on August 12, 2003 06:59:55 PM new
This economy problem started way before Pre. Bush took office. It you look back in your History you will find that Ex-Pres. Clinton got us in this problem. He sold us out to China and many more.

posted on August 12, 2003 08:40:08 PM new
There really is a lot more people out of work. I dont know what percentage of them are trying to sell on EBAY, but they're certainly not buying right now.

posted on August 12, 2003 09:22:36 PM new
It was always tough selling on ebay and it was always a boon economy before. The listing numbers have not gone down though and it is amazing and shows that the sellers aren't giving up.

-------------- sig file ----------- He who angers you controls you
posted on August 12, 2003 10:32:35 PM new
This may be a little OT, but I noticed that the OP used the word " collectables " in the title to this thread, which is the same spelling Ebay has used for a very long time. I just noticed that recently they changed the spelling to "collectibles" in that category. I was never quite sure of the proper spelling, and being too lazy to hunt down my Webster dictionary, I copied Ebay's use of the word. I always thought it should be an "i" instead of an "a" in the spelling. I'm wondering if anyone else noticed this unanounced spelling correction?

The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on August 12, 2003 11:17:04 PM new
That's a word that is acceptable with either spelling. There are tons of words that have two acceptable spellings.

-------------- sig file ----------- He who angers you controls you
posted on August 12, 2003 11:50:39 PM new
Ace...That's what I thought. It might be worth keeping in mind in the event someone lists an item where that word could be a keyword for search. Spell it one way in the title and the other way in the description.

The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on August 13, 2003 01:47:15 AM new

bigdummy said: "This is what's hurting sales on Ebay under President Bush the rich are getting richer and the middle class and poor are getting poorer."

Back during the "Clinton boom" everyone felt richer because the stock market was going sky high. Clinton was lying his ass off but everyone said that character didn't matter. Meanwhile, CEO's were cooking the books, banks were ripping off investors and stock analysts were pumping and dumping.

The "Clinton boom" was a bubble based on lies, deception and corruption and now we are paying the price. I guess that character does matter after all.

If you think that the recession was Bush's fault, why don't you take a look at a graph of the stock market. It started it's nose dive well before Bush was elected. My stock portfolio crashed on Clinton's watch. Bush inherited this train wreck.

posted on August 13, 2003 06:03:51 AM new

As a seller this was the first summer I took off about a month from selling, mainly because when summer came I noticed a lot less bids on my auctions.

But then I needed to get back and I was a little more careful as to what I decided to list since I usually sell Antiques/Collectibles, And for me selling started to pick up and more then 1 bid most items were getting.

I also list anything that I feel is of interest also, weather it be antiques or collectibles, clothing, houseware, tools, books, etc., and starting them all at a reasonable opening bid can help big time.

I do believe that the collector is out there waiting to bid, but they are being a little more selective since there is so much to choose from.

I don't know really what is better to do then anyone else knows because we all need to experiment with what the buyer is comfortable with, but for me I have also simplified my auction listing and my do's and don'ts of what I expect from a buyer.

Honestly all I expect from my buyer now is....payment in a timly fashion. And I let them know what type of payment I Accept and what type I don't accept. I give Shipping as APPROX. where it could be less or it could be more, but the amount I list is very close to either one.
I figured to try a different approach to dealing with prospective buyers and I am happy that I did make the change because I also think a buyer does not need to hear neg. remarks in an auction listing. Just simple instructions, clearly laid out has been working for me.
posted on August 13, 2003 06:04:51 AM new
Whoever or whatever caused the recession is irrelevent. Whichever sitting president is stuck with a recession at the end of his term is a dead duck. Both Bushes are in that category and both are going to be one term presidents. That's why there are so many Demos running, one of them will be the next president. People vote with their wallets.

-------------- sig file ----------- He who angers you controls you
posted on August 13, 2003 07:20:11 AM new
To keep this EBAY related, we are in the slump season. No matter who is president, the summer months have always been on the slow side. I don't see August as being any better than June or July. In fact, August should be worse. People are getting ready to send their children back to school. Clothing and supplies, in case you don't have children, are not cheap. I bought my grand daughter four outfits for school and it cost over $100. She still needs a few more outfits, shoes, socks, jacket, boots, and school supplies. I figure another $200-$300 and we're all set. I don't see an increase in sales until mid to late September. So, blaming slow sales on Clinton or Bush seems fruitless to me even if I do get a bad taste in my mouth when I think about Bush.

Power to the people. Power to the people, right on. - John Lennon
[ edited by CBlev65252 on Aug 13, 2003 07:21 AM ]
posted on August 13, 2003 07:24:10 AM new
Instead of complaining do something useful. Do all those non Ebay things that need doing or list once at a good price and send "no sales" to inventory for late September sales.

Work on ways to make your ad better IE color, typing size, picture improvement. Review your postal management, post sale management etc. Give a little thought to your business plan, its goals and the like. Later you may not have time to do the above. (at least we all hope that becomes true)

posted on August 13, 2003 07:27:00 AM new
Great suggestions! I have done exactly those. I've re-designed my ads, experimented with different ways to photograph items and have built up my inventory for the busy season. Actually, I'm glad there has been a slow season. I've actually been able to enjoy the front porch swing this summer.

Power to the people. Power to the people, right on. - John Lennon
posted on August 13, 2003 09:21:49 AM new
Thats what I was thinking: back to school items must be doing well. (If people are buying them on EBAY.)

I have a few things I can market towards college students, but have read from other posters they aren't very honorable when it comes to paying for their winning bids.

Guess I will have to take that chance if I want to sell anything though!

posted on August 13, 2003 11:32:17 AM new
I think collectibles/collectables aren't dead ... just going through their annual summer slump ... jmho


posted on August 13, 2003 11:41:05 AM new
aintrich, that is what I meant.
Dead for now. Dont think they will ever
be permanently dead. Look at all of us --
were collectors!!

posted on August 13, 2003 03:07:50 PM new
O.K. all you people that say this is just the summer slump. I have been selling on Ebay for years now if its just the summer slump why is it the worst EVER. ITS THE ECONOMY STUPIDS.

posted on August 13, 2003 03:12:59 PM new
Or...it is the Demon~Spawn of the Satanic Pretzel-Choker, obviously!

Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"
posted on August 13, 2003 03:16:58 PM new
For me, this summer has been the best EVER - I have been too busy to sell on ebay. August should be about $6000 in sales on half.com alone, plus other online sales outside of ebay adds up. What slump? If this is a bad economy, I hope it continues...

posted on August 13, 2003 03:44:56 PM new
"Mr Big-Shot!
Who do you think you are?
Mr Big Shot!"

Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"

[ edited by tomwiii on Aug 13, 2003 03:45 PM ]
posted on August 13, 2003 05:08:54 PM new
collectables have been going down with ebay for over 2 years now. They are at the lowest point and will proably go lower before this is over. Many people have pulled their collectables off and are selling elsewhere. Selling collectables on ebay is not profitable for most people. On solution is to sell only one time in the year and that is on free listing day. This day has the most potential gain because of the fee structure. If ebay does away with FLD then go elsewhere. You can sell collectables on ebay all day but not at a profitable amount. People do not pay the price they once did, that is why so many collectable dealers have left.

posted on August 13, 2003 06:41:42 PM new
No slump here either. Let the economy run like this for another couple of years and I'll be even happier.

Anyone who says that collectibles aren't selling isn't selling the right stuff right now.

Buy right and you can make a nice profit on a pretty regular basis.
Trying to Make a Difference - One Satisfied Customer at a Time....
posted on August 25, 2003 03:42:07 PM new
What is the right stuff. i hear this all the time, yet these people can not tell us what the right stuff is. It usually is something that you can not find or unavailable for the average ebay seller. Collectables are dead may be for years. Ebay was suppose to be for collectable sellers to sell their inventory. If we are to sell "the right stuff", then how do we get our money out of these collectables? Clearly its over for collectables unless ebay changes their fee structure or give more free listing days.

posted on August 25, 2003 03:55:22 PM new
oh god - not this song and dance again.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
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