posted on September 7, 2003 07:51:15 AM new
I went to end an auction early because I couldn't find the item. Good thing someone asked me a question before they bought. I did a bad thing about 2 weeks ago. I cleaned my eBay room and I think I threw it away. Lesson learned here. Don't clean eBay room. Well it use to be at the end of the auction page now you have to go into my eBay and change it there. What a mess. I guess I will have to go over and read those darn eBay boards. I have gone their about 5 times and it is always the same. I even asked a question but no help so I haven't been back.
Here is the url for ending you listing Early
posted on September 7, 2003 07:55:23 AM new
whoops, i hate when that happens! but, believe me Libra, it is one of those lessons you learn after the first time.
posted on September 7, 2003 08:36:44 AM new
Libra, I havent thrown anything away yet but have been in a panic because come EOA, I can't find where I put the stupid thing!! Or I've broken something trying to pack in a hurry! That sux to tell the buyer!
Guess I am going to have to go read that page, too! ty for heads up on it!
[ edited by neroter12 on Sep 7, 2003 08:47 AM ]
posted on September 8, 2003 03:28:13 PM new
Libra: Don't feel too bad about not having the item any longer. I did something even worse. And I've mentioned this before, here, I believe.
Wrapped the package, set it on my car hood, backed out sharply, then pulled up again, heard a "funny sound," got out of car, inspected for funny sound's origin, saw that I'd run over the package (and broken the item). Duhhhhh.