posted on September 7, 2003 01:44:39 PM new
Please I hope someone can help me. I have been searching google for 4 hours now - I'm way too frustrated to continue.....it's too early to break out the hard stuff.
Anyway, I need so save this backround color as a jpeg image so I can upload it into my shopping cart as the backround color. I have published it on the web, but it won't let me do the "save backround as". Is there something in windows that will let me do it? I have tried paint, picture it, everything I can think of. Here's the code
Please help
posted on September 7, 2003 02:01:12 PM new
you don't need to save a flat color as a jpg file for background. Just add the color code to the tag and you are good to go.
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Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on September 7, 2003 02:04:59 PM new
That's the problem. This website store is way too "user friendly" for non-computer saavy people. It won't let me put in my own color numbers. I either have to pick one of theirs (nothing matches even close) or upload a file. I saved it as an html document through front page, but it won't take it as that. I think they want a jpeg image.
posted on September 7, 2003 02:08:16 PM new
I doubt that you'll be able to load a background as a JPEG as the site will think it's a picture and not a background. You're probably stuck with their selections.
-------------- sig file ----------- President John F. Kennedy said, "There are three things which are real: God, human folly and laughter. The first two are beyond our comprehension, so we must do what we can with the third."
posted on September 7, 2003 03:08:43 PM new
Put in one of their selections then go in and edit the code on the back end. There should be some spot for you to "view source" or "view html"
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Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on September 7, 2003 03:11:54 PM new
There's not a place to view source until you publish it to the web. I tried to then download it to front page, edit the color and republish it, but for some reason it didn't take the changes.
I am definately getting a concave butt over this
posted on September 7, 2003 03:27:22 PM new
Do they have a choice for a jpeg or gif as a background fill? If they do you should be able to make a small jpeg or gif of you background.
This is a possible solution if they do and you have a graphics program that can crop and save:
Open your page with the background color you want. Press the "Print Screen" button. I am using my Mac and do not have a PC in front of me but I think that is what the right name and it is toward the top of the keyboard. This will copy the entire screen to the clipboard. Open your graphics program and ask to make a new file. Do a Paste from the menu and you should have a picture of the entire screen. Use your square tool to cut a small area of solid color. Save it as a jpeg or gif (if the web site allows that) and name it something like mycolor.jpg. If the site allows graphics for background fill you can upload this and it should work.
Good luck
The illiterate of the future will be the person ignorant of the use of the camera as well as of the pen.
Maholy-Nagy, Vision in Motion, 1947
posted on September 7, 2003 03:58:49 PM new
That worked! I can't even believe it - I practically have tears in my eyes (ok, I actually do, but I have been working on this for 6 hours now). You are a lifesaver - I can't thank you enough!!!!
posted on September 7, 2003 04:33:24 PM new
ihula just as frustrating as the game. You should have broken out the hard stuff....
posted on September 7, 2003 04:38:34 PM new
I figured that was all I was going to do with the website for today....that was enough! Now I'm watching City Slickers and enjoying a nice Mike's Hard Lemonade That's enough to make you smile
posted on September 7, 2003 07:05:48 PM new
Back when I was using background, it had to be uploaded as a gif file. For some reason if I did it as a jpg file, it would over-take my text and make a color box with the text below it. Try uploading as a gif and see if that corrects the problem.