posted on September 10, 2003 04:28:47 PM new
Today at the post office I was asked for the first time if any of my packages were being sent media. As I had several, the counter person, who is new and doesn't know me yet explained that she had to open the packages to verify that what was in the packages actually qualified for media rates. Fortunately one of the other counter people that I know very well told her not to bother with my media packages as I was a daily customer and knew how to ship properly. Per postal regulations the counter person or anywhere down the line a postal employee has the legal right to open a package marked for media rate and inspect the contents. I was told this wasn't a new regulation but was now being enforced.
I think we all know what this means. It means that media packages are going to come up missing or empty. I am going to insist on insurance from now on for media rates because I have a feeling we're all about to take a huge hit.
Staying out of a mental institution is a testament to my greatness!!!!
posted on September 10, 2003 04:34:26 PM new
Wow, that's scarey. I wonder how long before they will want to open all the mail? I used to wonder about their Ebay auction site. Seemed rather funny to me that all those expensive items were things that were "lost in the mail". Who doesn't put return addresses on fine jewelry?

posted on September 10, 2003 05:03:30 PM new
The post offices around here have been opening all media mail since about the 4th of July. I have had some people in front of me in line happen and of course, their items were not media items. They didn't get into trouble this time, but were told to take them home, open all and then bring them back for inspection. They were also told to bring their tape. My guess is these people went to a different PO and tried again or at least ship them priority or parcel post. My guess is this will be nation wide soon if it isn't already.
posted on September 10, 2003 05:43:36 PM new
putting return address on a package isn't good enough. I always put the buyers name and address, along with mine, inside the package. If they want to open the package, fine, but they have no excuse for ever saying it is "undeliverable" or "lost".
posted on September 10, 2003 05:46:54 PM new
what actually qualifies for media mail?
posted on September 10, 2003 06:08:00 PM new
From the USPS Website
Media Mail
Generally used for books (at least eight pages), film, printed music, printed test materials, sound recordings, play scripts, printed educational charts, loose-leaf pages and binders consisting of medical information, and computer-readable media. Advertising restrictions apply. There are presorted rates available for bulk quantities of Media Mail (minimum quantity is 300 pieces). There is also a barcoded discount available for Media Mail.
posted on September 10, 2003 06:35:36 PM new
I actually am not against them cracking down, because a lot of people abuse it. It just raises the price of shipping for those who follow the rules. I ship via media mail extensively, but everything I ship via media mail qualifies for media mail.
posted on September 10, 2003 07:13:53 PM new
My post office doesn't seem to care. I frequently watch someone hand the clerk a heavy package and the clerk puts it on the scale and reads of the various prices without ever asking what's inside. The people always seem to pick the cheapest way.
-------------- sig file ----------- President John F. Kennedy said, "There are three things which are real: God, human folly and laughter. The first two are beyond our comprehension, so we must do what we can with the third."
posted on September 10, 2003 09:05:18 PM new
I don't mind seeing it either as long as they properly repackage the item so it doesn't get lost. I recently bought 4 tubes of lotion from a seller with about 150 feedbacks. They were from 4 seperate auctions and she advertised $3.85 shipping. She gave me the discounted rate of $10.00 for combining them. She shipped them in a flimsy envelope which was ripped when it arrived to me 3 weeks later via media mail. The mailman wanted me to check to make sure they were all there - it was basically ripped open - you could easily see the contents. I'm amazed no one said anything about it being shipped media rate.
posted on September 10, 2003 09:45:37 PM new
I think if the postman would have reported it he would have been filling out paperwork all day and decided against it. Basic human nature.
-------------- sig file ----------- President John F. Kennedy said, "There are three things which are real: God, human folly and laughter. The first two are beyond our comprehension, so we must do what we can with the third."
posted on September 11, 2003 07:15:33 AM new
I never understood why it was cheaper to ship an item becuase of it's contents. I can understand cost related to weight, sized, or speed. No other shipping provider gives you a discount becuase of the contents of the package.
I think it is bad business for the USPS. I do use it all the time becuase it is cheap. I do use it as specified in the rules.
"For I know the plans I have for you." says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." - Jeremiah 29:11
posted on September 11, 2003 07:35:47 AM new
I deal mostly in video tapes-I usually ship priority-but most of the stuff I buy is shipped media-I guess they dont have a problem with their post office shipping videos that way.
posted on September 11, 2003 08:15:38 AM new
I think if the post office ever got rid of or dramatically raised their Media Mail rates they would be in a world of hurt, left with pricey Parcel Post, Priority Mail and First Class Mail that converts to Priority Mail at the twelve ounce mark.
-------------- sig file ----------- President John F. Kennedy said, "There are three things which are real: God, human folly and laughter. The first two are beyond our comprehension, so we must do what we can with the third."
posted on September 11, 2003 09:39:56 AM new
classicrock: Videos qualify for media rates.
Videos, record albums (actually any vinyl including 45's) as well as books and booklets that do not contain advertising.
I got caught with some recipe cards I had to give back to goodwill. Since a recipe book can be shipped media mail I just assumed the recipe cards could. Strange rules, but no. They required regular postage and the huge box weighed nearly 10 pounds
I probably could have done it anyway since all my postcards come to me that way. But, I don't like to take chances and state so in my ads if items don't qualify. I'm glad the post office is cracking down because I have to compete with sellers who offer $10 shipping where I have to require $18 when they break the rules.
posted on September 11, 2003 02:52:14 PM new
You got to be a real lowlife trying to save pennies by misuse of Media Mail. They should all be fined a lot of money in court.
posted on September 11, 2003 02:54:54 PM new
But it is not pennies though. I had someone send me a 50 pound package that did not qualify for media mail. It cost him $16.84 to send. Via parcel post, it would have cost $40.11 - That is a HUGE difference. Even for a 7 pounds package, that is $12.83 vs. $3.94
posted on September 11, 2003 03:39:59 PM new
Possibly one post office branch is cracking down.
-------------- sig file ----------- President John F. Kennedy said, "There are three things which are real: God, human folly and laughter. The first two are beyond our comprehension, so we must do what we can with the third."
posted on September 11, 2003 04:30:31 PM new
I guess they are cracking down. The post office here had a brand new sign stating that postal workers had the right to examine all media mail packages.
posted on September 11, 2003 06:03:34 PM new
I asked my postmaster today and he chuckled saying there is no way they are going to check each and every package. He did not get any signs to put up, but suspects its to prevent people from sending heavy non media objects, so they may check large packages. All the items I purchase from columbia house are shipped media mail. Another interesting note the postmaster told me was media mail is the most dependable service they have believe it or not.