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posted on October 15, 2003 08:46:04 AM new
I just had to file on someone, they had 5 negs and 1 neutral, all for non payment (why give a neutral is beyond me) - Anyway, this means that in six bad transactions, at least 4 of them did not file FVF...and who knows how many people did not leave feedback and did not get paid, so it could be much higher! These transactions all go back over the past year, they just didn't happen over the past week. Why is this scum still on ebay? Leaving a neg does NOTHING! As a seller, I don't have the time to check the bidding history on my bidders. File those FVF's (I know I am preaching to the choir here) and get your money back, but leaving a neg is WORTHLESS

posted on October 15, 2003 09:58:39 AM new
Well, I finally have been filing for the fees lately. One problem, that sellers *might* not do it more, is for fear of a neg? but then you said, the one person had all the negs, but still on ebay. I don't know why they don't.

I do know why I am really hesitant on filing on the latest... he wrote me, as soon as I sent him my end of auction email, he said plain out 'I don't want this anymore' that was it. So the procedure to file means I have to send him that 'reminder' before I can file for final value. Now if he just plain out says, no I don't want it... I wonder what he's going to do when he gets the 'reminder to pay your seller' email?
I have to do it, in order to procede with FVF's. They should have a box to check in there first that says, the bidder doesn't want the item! ebay sure makes it hard!

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posted on October 15, 2003 10:31:32 AM new
Surprisingly, many sellers don't even know that they can get a refund of their final value fees. I can't believe how many times I've come across a seller who says, I didn't know ebay did that. For those that do know, many don't feel it's worth the 1 minute it takes to send notices thru ebay. Just think how much money ebay makes from these people not filing for refunds! The one gripe I have, is that they should also have the listing fee be eligible for a refund, if it sells the second time around.

posted on October 15, 2003 11:01:33 AM new
I no longer give negs to NPB's. I just file with eBay & let them handle the problem. I just filed a NPB on a bidder who has 2 negs for nonpayment. This should make it 3.

posted on October 15, 2003 11:05:45 AM new
I just file the NPB's and give no negs. None have ever left a retaliatory neg feedback for the NPB. Even with 3 NPBs and an ebay suspension the buyers can use a different credit card to open a new account so it must be no biggie for many of them to get suspended.

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posted on October 15, 2003 11:14:16 AM new
What irks me is the fact we have to do a NBP and a FVF...my items don't sell for squat and since I sell a lot of small items, it is a nightmare to file the proper steps with ebay... I do it but it is time consuming.

posted on October 15, 2003 11:32:41 AM new
I've bookmarked the page and it takes a minute to do


I keep a small Word file with when the first alert was filed on each auction.

-------------- sig file ----------- *There is no conclusive evidence that life is serious*
posted on October 15, 2003 11:54:10 AM new
I file at the 10 day mark, and send a reminder email also. I also give negs.{makes me feel good}when no payment has come.Day 25 or so. Have only gotten 2 back from NPB.
posted on October 15, 2003 12:36:49 PM new
That's one of the reasons I hang on to ebud..right click on the auction, hit npb, done. Same process for FVF.

I've given up on neg fb as well. It does me no good, it really doesn't do other sellers any good (those who have the time/inclination to check the fb of every bidder are few and far between), and it just opens me up for retaliatory moron fb..which *could* make a difference to me.


posted on October 15, 2003 12:49:44 PM new
Why don\'t sellers use FVF?

Because it's a huge administrative hassle.

I can understand why some large volume sellers do not use it. It would cost more to employ the manpower to pursue the process than the amount they lose in unclaimed FVFs.

I do not know of any automated tool that makes this process easier. You still have to, as far as I know, log in each time you file an FVF. I might do 40 in one day and let me tell you I get sick to death of typing in my password.

My partner is working on a program that will do the FVFs, given a list of auction numbers, and boy will I be happy when it's done. Right now his higher priority is the program that archives each of my eBay auctions in its entirety. That will be marvelous to have. That means I can essentially relist a year-old auction, which as far as I know, no one else can do.

Our motto: Bright and shiny baubles for persons with low impulse control.
posted on October 15, 2003 01:01:57 PM new
The password thingie on each and every transaction is a major PITA and I swear ebay does it on purpose to make the NPB process a bigger PITA than need be.

The best part of the NPB is not the return of the FVF from ebay but putting a strike on the deadbeat's record.

-------------- sig file ----------- *There is no conclusive evidence that life is serious*
posted on October 15, 2003 01:48:50 PM new
I don't think it takes much work at all. Depending on what service you use, you can have all your outstanding invoices arranged by their ending date. When it's time to send out the first notice, and then the FVF, just open up a second browser and copy and paste the auction #'s/and password into the correct area. The dropdown box isn't that difficult to set. Probably takes a total of 20-30 seconds per auction. If you have a lot of deadbeats, that can add up to quite a bit of savings. It's also fun to see some of these people NRU'd right after filing.

posted on October 15, 2003 02:03:47 PM new
I don't think it takes much work at all.

You are welcome to come by and do mine, then. I'll even send directions.

Our motto: Bright and shiny baubles for persons with low impulse control.
posted on October 15, 2003 02:09:42 PM new
Yesterday I canceled a bidder and blocked him. He has 24 positives and 15 (fifteen)
Negatives, all for non-payment. I wonder... why he is still around? Hummm.

posted on October 15, 2003 02:27:27 PM new
I agree with Celebrity that a lot of sellers don't know about filing for FVF. I've had two contact me in the last month about mutual deadbeats and neither had a clue. When they heard about the three strikes and gone, they both filed pronto.

Am I fond of the multiple sign ins? No. But it's just another click. And I'd like to think it benefits everyone when I give a deadbeat a black mark. Should eBay make it easier? Sure. But that costs them money. Not gonna happen.

posted on October 15, 2003 02:38:35 PM new
It's NOT a hassle to do the FVF process with Vendio. All you do is click on NPB Alert next to the offenders name in Post Sale Management, and 10 days later click on FVF credit. You can see at a glance who it's time to hit. No big deal, no hassle.

posted on October 15, 2003 08:39:30 PM new
I've had sellers contact me to ensure that a deadbeat bidder attained the status of being Not-A-Registered-User (NARU).

Vendio has an easy method for filing a Non Paying Bidder Alert (NPD) and Final Value Fee (FVF). It's a lot easier than going through Ebay.

posted on October 15, 2003 09:17:20 PM new
Personally, I don't care how difficult it is or how many hoops I have to jump through to file for a FVF. I will take the time and make the effort to contribute to getting a deadbeat bounced off Ebay. The actual refund of the FVF is just an added bonus. I will not take the time to leave a neg for a deadbeat as it does no good whatsoever unless he has a score of -3. Even then you have to Notify Ebay that he has a -4 before they will bounce him.
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on October 16, 2003 02:31:32 AM new
Unfortunately unless you are using an easy click and file on everyone at once system it is NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to file NPB & FVF

When I was newer and long before I settled on an auction service I tried really hard to file NPB.

First I had to find the place to do it. IMPOSSIBLE. Only RECENTLY is that link at the bottom of the my Ebay page.

Then I had to have the item number. One by one I tried and was almost never successful.

Then 10 days later I had to go back and do the whole process over ONE BY ONE.

I feel bad for all small volume people and new people who get screwed out of the process and their RIGHT to reclaim the FVF.

Granted it is considerably easier NOW but if you don't use a service you either have to keep every single email on every auction to save the item number or some other intricate hand written system. Or constantly go back and forth off your "Leave feedback" page.

Now after my first 2 years of forfeiting my rights to refunds I make sure I get back all due to me.

posted on October 16, 2003 04:02:26 AM new
I am getting near 5000 feedbacks with 6 negs. 4 are from no paying bidders. Now when a buyer looks at my feedback record all they see is 6 negs not why I got the negs. Giving negs for any reason just hurts YOUR business not the person you give the neg to because they don't care and Ebay doesn't care about its sellers either. Ebay wants to charge its sellers 10 to 20 dollars to remove a neg that is much more then I loose on fees. I just move on and wright it off my taxes at the end of the selling year.

posted on October 17, 2003 01:02:17 PM new
I have 2500 feedback with 10 negatives 8 are from deadbeat bidders that I gave negatives to first. I have given every deadbeat bidder a negative and filed FVF. If the banks in this country were like some of the sellers on this board they would all go broke. Think about it if banks didn't report people that don't pay they would just keep going to other banks and borrowing money and not paying. We would think those banks were stupid for not reporting these deadbeats to help each other. The feedback system is our credit report and anyone who doesn't use it properly is hurting every other seller on eBay.

posted on October 17, 2003 01:15:39 PM new
I think the sellers that refuse to take the time to file NPBs should not complain about deadbeats since they take no action against them. Same type of thing as non-voters complaining about the government.

-------------- sig file ----------- *There is no conclusive evidence that life is serious*
posted on October 17, 2003 02:19:31 PM new
I agree completely. My latest deadbeat has over 500 positives. He sent me a boohoo e-mail about his father being sick and no internet access for a while. Color me gullible. After two weeks, I took a look at his bidding. That expletive deleted has bid on over 100 auctions since mine and winning many for hundreds of dollars. I want to be nice but a**h##es like this make it really hard. There''s no point negging him. Who would look or care?

NPB alerts and FVF refunds are the only effective way to rid eBay of these vermin.

posted on October 17, 2003 03:14:46 PM new

I have to disagree with you. Banks have something to gain by reporting something bad, and nothing to lose. As a seller, what do I have to gain by giving a negative to a deadbeat? Maybe some pleaseure in giving a negative, but that isn't enough. First, it doesn't help me, because they have already screwed me. I do block all fvf deadbeats, so they won't hit me again. I know some argue that it helps other sellers, but I disagree. Even if I was altruistic in a business sense (which I am not, competition is competition) I don't check bidding history of buyers, I simply have too much going on to review the bidding history of bidders. Someone with 5 negatives can bid on my items, because I won't cancel them. Sure, if I had the time to check this person out, I would have canceled their bid and blocked them, but there are only 24 hours in the day.

The bottom line is that as a seller, I have something to lose (retalitory feedback, and buyers DO check sellers feedback) and nothing to gain by leaving a neg for a deadbeat.

I will always do fvf, because even if they decide to give me a neg for that, at least I have something to gain, which is getting some of my money back.

posted on October 17, 2003 04:01:57 PM new
NPB alerts and FVF refunds are the only effective way to rid eBay of these vermin.

Well, no, not really.

Two examples:

1) I went on a cruise a couple of years ago but was careful (I thought) to make sure all my winnings were paid for before I left. I get frantic email a week into the cruise from my housesitter who says this one seller is complaining i didn't pay him. Checked my records, and yeah, I sent it. Sent him email telling him so. However, he never got it, and NPB/FVF'd me while I was on the cruise.

I bought another money order on return and sent it, which he haughtily refused. OK. Wrote to eBay, explained the situation and without asking me for proof of payment, they removed the Non-Paying Bidder Warning #1 from my account as a courtesy. Poof. Vanished. Gone. Done.

If they do it for me, they probably do it for everyone who screams loudly enough.

2) The tale of the reappearing bidder. Once upon a time I contributed to the NARUing of a bidder named captainjohn (not his real eBay id). He reappeared as captain-john. Turned him in as a previously suspended user. One more reappearance as capitanjohn and as far as I know, he's still bidding.

Anyway, I don't know what everyone is referring to when excoriating sellers who don't file for NPB/FVF. I said it was a hassle; I didn't say that I didn't claim my fee refunds.

Our motto: Bright and shiny baubles for persons with low impulse control.
[ edited by fluffythewondercat on Oct 17, 2003 06:31 PM ]
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