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posted on December 14, 2003 09:20:53 PM new
I'm slowly but surely getting "into" the nifty things that can be done to make selling a bit less time consuming...like sending the automatic invoices. How do I change the 500-word notice that's included? I want it to be different than the payment information that's automatically added to my auctions. I checked the eBay "My Preferences" but couldn't find out how to do this. Any help/guidance is appreciated...Thanks in advance!

posted on December 14, 2003 09:31:15 PM new
Good question! I tried to figure that out too since a lot of that payment information is redundant and it's a whole lot nicer to just say "Thanks for your purchase" etc...AS a work around, I just type what I want to say in the first invoice I do, copy it and then paste into all subsequent ones. Hopefully someone will know a better way.

posted on December 15, 2003 05:04:54 AM new
Here's how I did it. There's probably a more direct way - but this one will work.

Select any item in your post sale list. Click on invoice. When the invoice comes up there will be a clickable link towards the right that says customize invoice. Click on it and it takes you to a page where you can customize your automated messages.

posted on December 15, 2003 05:30:03 AM new
If you click the "my account" tab - on the right of that page towards the top you'll see post sale management (or something similar). Clicking that will get you those automated emails.

posted on December 15, 2003 06:22:02 AM new
Are you talking about notices generated in Vendio post-sale or eBay generated invoice?

posted on December 15, 2003 07:09:40 AM new
Neglus, I was talking about vendio post-sale messages. (not sure who your question was directed to)

posted on December 15, 2003 08:17:52 AM new
Thanks Cherished - I figured yours was Vendio - not sure if Blue Eyes is asking about Ebay Invoice or Vendio WBN. While we are at it...Is there a way to get around the Vendio check-out link with the Vendio WBN? I used to send the PayPal WBN automatically but now I don't trust that it is being delivered in a timely manner. I don't want Vendio check-out link in my WBN and so have been sending the eBay invoice manually (takes a second but it would be nice if it were automated).
[ edited by neglus on Dec 15, 2003 08:21 AM ]
posted on December 16, 2003 08:19:38 AM new
Hi All...I was talking about the notices sent out by eBay...the ones where you can "click here to send an invoice." I know, going through Vendio, there's a place where you can put in default messages that automatically get added to the eBay auction. I've done that. I guess my question is "Is there a place where I can go on Vendio to add a default message to the notices sent out by eBay?" OR "Do I need to do this through eBay"? If so, to either place, where and how? Thanks again...hope this is clearer.

posted on December 16, 2003 08:25:57 AM new
That's what I thought you were asking! If there is such a place I'd like to know too. As it is, I delete the default message there and paste in my own. Takes a second but still it would be smoother if I didn't have to do it!

posted on December 17, 2003 07:33:22 AM new
Am bumping this up...There's GOTTA be a way to do this...anyone know how to do it easily?

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