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posted on January 5, 2004 09:01:41 AM new
Insertion Fees:
eBay.com and eBay Motors Parts & Accessories
Item Starting Price Current Fee
$0.01 - $9.99 $0.30
$10.00 - $24.99 $0.55
$25.00 - $49.99 $1.10
$50.00 - $199.99 $2.20
$200.00 and up $3.30

Item Starting Price Fee as of February 2, 2004
$0.01 - $0.99 $0.30
$1.00 - $9.99 $0.35
$10.00 - $24.99 $0.60
$25.00 - $49.99 $1.20
$50.00 - $199.99 $2.40
$200.00 - $499.99 $3.60
$500 and up $4.80

eBay Motors Motorcycles - Insertion Fee
Current Fee Fee as of February 2, 2004
$25.00 $30.00

Reserve Price Fees:
eBay.com and eBay Motors Parts & Accessories
Reserve Price Current Fee
$0.01 - $24.99 $0.50
$25.00 - $99.99 $1.00
$100 and up 1% of reserve price (with a maximum of $100.00)

Reserve Price Fee as of February 2, 2004
$0.01 - $49.99 $1.00
$50.00 - $199.99 $2.00
$200 and up 1% of reserve price (with a maximum of $100.00)

Store Inventory Insertion Fees:
Duration Current Fee Fee as of February 2, 2004
30 days $0.05 $0.02
60 days $0.05 plus .05 surcharge $0.02 plus .02 surcharge
90 days $0.05 plus .10 surcharge $0.02 plus .04 surcharge
120 days $0.05 plus .15 surcharge $0.02 plus .06 surcharge
*GTC $0.05 plus $.05 per 30 days $0.02 plus .02 per 30 days
(*Good 'Til Cancelled)

Home Page Featured Fee:
Current Fee Fee Effective January 31, 2004
$99.95 for single item $39.95 for single item
$199.95 for multiple items $79.95

(*This is special promotional pricing that will become the standard pricing for this feature as of the completion of the current promotion January 31, 2004.)

10-Day Listing Fee:
eBay.com and eBay Motors Parts & Accessories
Current Fee Fee as of February 2, 2004
$0.10 $0.20

eBay Motors Vehicles (Passenger, Other, and Motorcycles)
Current Fee Fee as of February 2, 2004
Free $5.00

Listing Scheduler Fee:
eBay Motors Vehicles (Passenger, Other, and Motorcycles)
Current Fee Fee as of February 2, 2004
Free $1.00

Buy It Now Fee:
eBay Motors Motorcycles:
Current fee Fee as of February 2, 2004
$0.50 $1.00

Transaction Services Fees:
eBay Motors Motorcycles
Current Fee Fee as of February 2, 2004
$25.00 $30.00

Category Featured Fee:
eBay Motors Vehicles and Parts & Accessories
Current fee Fee as of February 2, 2004
$14.95 $19.95

Seller's Assistant Pro Subscription Fee:
Current Fee Fee as of February 2, 2004
$15.99 / Month $24.99 / Month

Listing Designer Fee within Turbo Lister:
Current Fee *Fee as of April 12, 2004
Free $0.10
(*Please see our Frequently Asked Questions for more details.)

Some international eBay sites have also changed their fee structures. To learn more, please check Announcements for the eBay site of interest.

eBay understands that fees directly impact our members, and we take care to ensure that any decisions to change fees are made only after careful consideration of this impact. These changes will help us continue to sustain and develop a thriving global marketplace, while balancing the needs of our buyers and sellers around the world. To learn more about these changes and enhancements, please read the Frequently Asked Questions.


posted on January 5, 2004 09:22:01 AM new
Thanks for posting that, marcn.

I had a feeling that ebay may do this after giving us more characters in the title.


Why is eBay changing fees?

eBay carefully evaluates the pricing structure and, from time to time, determines that some prices should be increased and others should be reduced. We believe that these changes are the right thing to do to ensure the continued success of eBay and the vibrancy of the eBay marketplace. These changes will allow us to provide our members with an even more valuable marketplace and help them become more successful in the future. (bolding is mine)


posted on January 5, 2004 09:23:30 AM new

posted on January 5, 2004 09:26:04 AM new
prices should be increased and others should be reduced.

I must have missed something. What prices were reduced?

"What does the 'O' stand for?"
posted on January 5, 2004 09:31:28 AM new
The word GREED comes to mind...also would like to know exactly WHERE the site is better to merit the increased fees!!..kind of ironic this starts on GROUND HOG'S DAY!
[ edited by neglus on Jan 5, 2004 09:47 AM ]
posted on January 5, 2004 09:38:45 AM new
The stores prices went from 5 cents to 2 cents per month.
Autos now eliguble for NPB refunds
No FVF increase.
Some od the biggest increases are the $.99 to $9.99 items ( new category ) going up 5 cents to 35 cents
10 day listing from 10 cents to 20 cents

All Reserve fees doubled and threshold of 1% fee doubled to $200

Home Page Featured Fee:
Current Fee Fee Effective January 31, 2004
$99.95 for single item $39.95 for single item
$199.95 for multiple items $79.95

-------------- sig file ----------- *There is no conclusive evidence that life is serious*
[ edited by auctionACE on Jan 5, 2004 09:40 AM ]
posted on January 5, 2004 09:40:47 AM new
Looks like ebay stores are reduced - Something I don't use, so no help there.

Basically for me, looks like it will cost about $25 more per month, assuming 125 auctions per week. It also means I will most likely not be doing 10 day auctions, as 20 cents more is not worth the extra three days. Ever since they started charging more a few years ago, I got out of the habit of doing these anyway.

As far as the comment of greed, how is that applicable? What is greedy about raising your prices? I think it is a fact of life, from postage costs, to banking costs, to the cost of bread. From a business perspective, I can absorb $25 more a month in expenses. This could be a lot worse from my perspective. Maybe it will affect others more than me. If that is the case, then it is time to readjust your business model. As I said many times over the years, if I stuck with my original business plan when I started out auctioning, I would be LONG out of business...

posted on January 5, 2004 09:44:31 AM new
One of the biggest increases was in the use of Seller's Assistant Pro. It went from $15.99 to $24.99 per month. Lucky for me, I dumped it last week and went with SpareDollar for all my listings.


posted on January 5, 2004 09:45:25 AM new
I see it now..I just read marc's post and not ebays anoouncement. Now i see the store fee reduction..I didn't think an increase made sense! Well at least that is a relief!

posted on January 5, 2004 10:03:01 AM new
Who cares anymore. The rich get richer.

I will stick to my 10-15 auctions a week that start between $1.00-$9.99. I won't start anything higher in hopes the ones I start lower will go up higher. Does that make sense. I don't do 10 day auctions what I do is when my auctions go off and there are no bids I relist right away. My thinking is that some people come in only every other week and with that I should hit everyone. Are the extra spaces worth 5 cents well time will tell. If ebay is charging because of the extra spaces then I think they need to charge sellers that have the auctions that take up a lot of space.

For you guys that have stores 3 cents will make a great difference. That is good.

Now with eBay raising fees do you think Vendio will?

posted on January 5, 2004 10:09:26 AM new
I wonder if the BIN fee will stay the same since they don't mention it at all...

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to the people who sleep under the very blanket of freedom I provide, and then question the manner in which I provide it. I'd rather you just said 'thank you' and went on your way." - A Few Good Men
posted on January 5, 2004 10:16:14 AM new
woaw that is a huge increase in Sellers Assistant Pro!! I have it.

Not sure I will get rid of it, I'm so used to it, and can have up to 5 user ID's using it.

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posted on January 5, 2004 10:25:09 AM new
The listing fee increase doesn't affect me much, but I am sorry for the folks whose margins are already thinner than Kate Moss. This will hurt them badly.

"What does the 'O' stand for?"
posted on January 5, 2004 10:25:44 AM new
These increases are similar to last year's increases where a few selected fees increased substantially ( last year it was Dutch Auction fees ).
The fee increases are actually very small considering that ebay has a near-monopoly on online auctions.
The huge ebay stores fees decrease may be because Half.com is going away at mid-year and ebay still wants those slow moving items and 24 cents per year looks a lot better than 60 cents per year.
I suppose ebay wants to limit the 10 day auctions so the doubled the fee there. 14 days for 60 or 70 cents or 10 days for 40 or 45 cents for items under $10 are now the choices.

-------------- sig file ----------- *There is no conclusive evidence that life is serious*
posted on January 5, 2004 10:28:20 AM new

Auctionworks allows you to use as many ID's as you want and they even have a handy-dandy Sellers Assistant Pro Import tool.

I generally list three times a month and use the 10 day listing option on everything. I may have to re-think that strategy now that they've DOUBLED the 10 day option.

The stores dropping is nice, but at three cents, who really cares!
Replay Media
Games of all kinds!
posted on January 5, 2004 10:29:25 AM new
Is Fenix on vacation. I am surprised he/she ain't in here waving the pom poms and squaking about this benefits the community

posted on January 5, 2004 10:36:49 AM new
For many the increases were a gift from Meg. That because on many message boards including a very recent thread here, those sellers do fantastically on their store items. It may only be a three cent decrease but 500 store items now costs $9.95 ( monthly store fee ) + $10 for the items. Compare that to $9.95 + $25 for the 500 items.

-------------- sig file ----------- *There is no conclusive evidence that life is serious*
posted on January 5, 2004 10:39:01 AM new
Muerdeme Horsey

5 or 10 cents doesn't really make much difference in my profit margin - unless of course it removes more of my competition because they decide to leave in a self righteous huff over fee changes.

To be realistic I view fee increases like rent increases. Unless I buy my own venue I have to accept that every so often my rent is going to go up. I don't neccesarily like it but exactly what do you think is going to be accomplished by weeping into your keyboard?

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on January 5, 2004 11:20:19 AM new
Buy It Now has gone up from 50 cents to $1
"I have resolved to allow my friends their peculiarities." -- Samuel Johnson
posted on January 5, 2004 11:33:44 AM new
10 day listing from 10 cents to 20 cents

Wow this is free on yahoo lol.

The stores prices went from 5 cents to 2 cents per month

I guess they want to compete with yahoo's stores. Too bad yahoo doesnt want to compete with ebay's auctions.

posted on January 5, 2004 11:47:32 AM new
Roadsmith - that BIN is for eBay Motors. BIN on auctions is currently .05 - since they didn't mention it maybe it is going to stay the same.

Ace - "14 days for 60 or 70 cents" - am I missing something?

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to the people who sleep under the very blanket of freedom I provide, and then question the manner in which I provide it. I'd rather you just said 'thank you' and went on your way." - A Few Good Men
posted on January 5, 2004 11:51:22 AM new
The 14 days for 60 or 70 cents would be for listing the auction twice. Even that is better than the extra 20 cents for a 10 day auction option because ebay left the 'relist is free if it sells on the second try'.

-------------- sig file ----------- *There is no conclusive evidence that life is serious*
posted on January 5, 2004 11:52:22 AM new
I see what you mean - thank you

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to the people who sleep under the very blanket of freedom I provide, and then question the manner in which I provide it. I'd rather you just said 'thank you' and went on your way." - A Few Good Men
posted on January 5, 2004 12:06:11 PM new
Bet this will scare some of the new little sellers off. Lately I've seen sellers with very low feedback and they start auctions at 10.00 instead of 9.99, spent .25 to make an extra .01. They just don't get it. Some won't be able to keep selling if their profit is already low. Maybe this is what ebay needs.....a good cleansing. I know I will be a little more careful what I buy to sell as far as starting price.

The only thing is we will have to pass the increase on to the buyers. When I owned a regular business that is what I had to do. When my supplies went up I went up on my prices. If you don't do it you will drown.
[ edited by paws4God on Jan 5, 2004 12:10 PM ]
posted on January 5, 2004 12:22:49 PM new

I just read the announcement on Ebay, and it does have some good points.

I will quote some:

Non-Paying Bidder Re-list Credit - Currently, an item listed on eBay.com that is won, but not paid for by the buyer, is not eligible for an insertion fee credit when the seller re-lists the item and it sells. As of February 2, 2004, qualifying NPB items will be eligible for the standard re-list credit.

Second Chance Offer if Reserve Not Met - Currently, a reserve price item that ends without the reserve price being met is not eligible for a Second Chance Offer. Beginning in mid-March, sellers will be able to make a Second Chance Offer to under-bidders on items that do not meet the reserve. In addition, the reserve fee will be refunded if the Second Chance Offer is accepted.

The part of "NPB" is something that everybody has been complaining about, but on the other hand they will make it up with higher fees.


posted on January 5, 2004 01:41:54 PM new
Ebay's profit has been going up by leaps and bounds. Their culture is to squeeze every penny out of the sellers. I understand the capitalist system, obligations to stockholders, etc., etc., but this is just naked greed.

posted on January 5, 2004 01:53:45 PM new
Well, eBay's going to continue to push the envelope until they find out precisely how little we will work for.

"What does the 'O' stand for?"
posted on January 5, 2004 02:11:09 PM new
Fluffy, you said alot there!

Tell you what though, as a buyer I am already discouraged with the prices and/or shipping tack on's -- even though I realize that is what the seller has to do to make some money 'off'a' this thang.

I just hope ebay doesnt bust it so bad, that it begins a very steady decline in buyers that wont come back. (Still say majority of sellers on here are or were the buyers to start with!)

posted on January 5, 2004 03:34:52 PM new
About the fee increase...Ebay's Durzy said he expected a mixed reaction from sellers. "Some are going to be more pleased about it than others. It's probably a little too early to tell," he said.


posted on January 5, 2004 03:56:31 PM new
I must have missed something. What prices were reduced?

They are there but few and far between
Well expect IRS to hit my mail box tomorrow

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