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posted on January 9, 2004 04:32:39 PM new
does anyone have a problem with UPS deliveries?

this happens almost EVERYTIME I have something being delivered to me by UPS.

so I bought a toaster on ebay and the tracking says it'll be delivered today. I'm like okay great.

I've been home the entire day and I'm wondering why UPS hasn't come yet. So I checked the status and it says delivery exception, blah blah.. I'm not home.

now I wasn't in the shower or bathroom or anything. Its just they dont make an effort to ring the door bell or at least knock more than once.

this has happens about everytime. the delivery guy would just knock on my door ONCE, and lightly at that! They refuse to ring the doorbell!

the only times I get my packages ontime is when I know the package is coming, and I leave a note outside letting them know I'm expecting the package and telling them to RING THE DOORBELL.

yeah I'm whinning about something small. But I really feel like they dont make an effort to wait a little bit. I forgot to leave a note outside today and now I'll have to wait till monday to get that toaster (a gift, a late one at that and even a bit more later now)

Another time, I was upstair cleaning my room, and i heard the slight knock. I looked out my window and by the time I head downstair (less than a minute), the guy was getting in his truck and ready to leave already! I had to tell him hey wait!

Why wont they ring the doorbell? Is this some UPS policy?

I'm guessing its just my local UPS delivery guy. Maybe this isn't the case anywhere.

or maybe its some weird policy where they dont want to disturbe people. I dont know, but USPS and Fedex always rings the doorbell and stick around a little bit.

man. I want my toaster.

posted on January 9, 2004 04:40:50 PM new
I think it happens to everyone. It is very annoying and I don't blame you for being peeved. With me, it's doubly trying since I both ship and receive UPS all the time.

Like you, I have a note on the door explicitly telling them to ring the doorbell several times. I made it clear on previous knock-and-run delivery attempts that I would complain if this continued. Now they ring the doorbell.

It doesn't make sense to us consumers: If they would just WAIT the 30 seconds it takes us to get to the door, their delivery would be accomplished. But they won't, so don't they have to come back the next day anyway? Why don't they want to avoid that?

Anyone know?

"What does the 'O' stand for?"
posted on January 9, 2004 04:47:36 PM new
I'm thinking its a driver thing but if it happens a lot..

maybe they have a time frame to delivery packages. ie: always on a rush to deliver as much as they can before the day ends. *shrug*

or they're just lazy and dont want to stick around waiting.. so they can waste more time later on.

*shrug* they're losing money running it this way. but i dont suppose the management would know about their drivers knocking and running till we complain about it.

I can't ever get through the UPS customer service too. I've had better experiences with Fedex where they call the truck driver and turn around and delivery the item (perishable flowers)

posted on January 9, 2004 05:23:36 PM new
I used to have horrible problems with UPS until one day I fiunally lost it. I ended up on the phone with a supervisor and made enough of a pain of myself that they got someone from the local office to call me. I explained the repeated problems I had had and my frustration with their service. They spoke with my local driver about it and *poof* my problems were solved. The problem with the main CS number is that they just send an easy to ignore email to the local office. You have to get them to have the local office contact you or nothing really ever gets accomplished.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on January 9, 2004 07:54:21 PM new
I use UPS Daily pick up and thats been a problem for me because like you say they give a light knock on the door and then they start walking back to the truck.........like what should we be doing? sitting by the door waiting just for them?..........Well, also some new drivers know I have daily pick up but just pass the house up, so when its important for my packages to go out I call and they send a special driver to make the pick up and they speak to the driver who should have stopped.
So, I try not to call because I don't like to give my driver any problems, but dam. it took months till we got it down to a scinece.

Then my driver leaves UPS, and now I have to start all over again with the new driver. lol.............I have to say in my area I noticed that when they are making a delivery they knock so hard on the door that it sounds like the door is falling off, guess my guys dont like coming back for drop off, but when it comes to pick up you thought they were knocking with a feather........lmao... its just so funny but I pay for this daily pick up service, they aren't doing me a favor......

posted on January 9, 2004 08:00:55 PM new
I have great service from UPS,but I can't say that for Fed-Ex, they lost my package for the third time in less than two months. I hope I get it by next week. I wish the guy I buy from would use UPS.

posted on January 9, 2004 08:40:52 PM new
I was UPS driver for many years.

If I remember, their methods would have them honk when they stop the truck in front of the house, knock three times on the door, and ring the doorbell if available.

Problem is, guess who is usually home.

Yes. Dear Mom.

Guess who is sleeping.

Yes. The Baby.

Can't tell you how many times I got yelled at for knocking too hard and waking the baby, or ringing the bell and waking the baby. "What are you trying to do? Knock down my door?!!!

There are a lot of different factors that can affect a drivers aggressiveness with your door.

All people are different with varied temperaments.

I suggest putting a sign on your door that says, "Resident is hard of hearing. Please knock loud and ring doorbell."

Contacting the local UPS center is good advice to get behaviors of the drivers to change.

A good thing might be to tell UPS Central telephone number you wish to file a complaint.

Say your driver is so thoughtful and considerate, that he does not knock loud enough for you to hear him. Tell them your complaint is that your driver is too nice and should not be as nice or considerate when he pounds your door. That should make your driver remember you. Getting a complaint for being too nice would probably get you special treatment, I would think. Make sure they get the message to your drivers Center Manager.

Complaining the driver does not spend enough time at your door will not usually be addressed as they do not want drivers spending much time doing anything. Drivers many times must get a stop delivered about every 2 to 3 minutes in residential neighborhoods, or risk discipline. This includes driving, picking out the packages, recording the delivery information, making a delivery attempt or releasing the package, and leaving delivery notices.

Not likely a supervisor would tell a driver to spend more time anywhere.

One of my favorite notes was at a signature required delivery.

I left a note the first day saying I needed a signature.

Resident left a note for me the next day that said. "I will be home at 7:00 PM"

I resisted the urge to write a note back to the resident.

"I will be home at 7:00 PM too."

[ edited by gousainc on Jan 9, 2004 08:46 PM ]
posted on January 9, 2004 08:42:37 PM new
We are on a lonely road on the edge of our mountain town. The driver is extremely friendly--even chased me down once, in town, honking (scared me sillY) to say he had a package for me and this would save him some time! Hollers at me across the street when I'm running errands in town, etc.

But here's how he delivers things: As he's rounding the curve into our driveway at the front of the house, he honks loudly. If we don't come to the door in the time it takes him to get to the door, he leaves the package. Frequently he's been backing down the driveway before I could get to the door! and it's only a 30 second hike downstairs. I'll ask him sometime if I can trap him just what kind of time contraints they're under.

I must add that we're in a remote and very safe neighborhood, so we don't worry about packages getting left at the door. Once we were even gone for several days and there were two packages there when we returned.
"I have resolved to allow my friends their peculiarities." -- Samuel Johnson
posted on January 9, 2004 08:43:16 PM new
I got one once that came BACK to my address,it looked like it it had been in a destuction derby,,,,,then I knew,,,,,what it was like for the reciever,,,,

MY Powersellers logo.

Annnnnnd,,,,,,The beat goes on...yeah the beat goes on,,,,,
posted on January 9, 2004 08:44:34 PM new
I have ...interesting... UPS service.

I'm in a town of about 26,000. UPS has one truck in town all day doing deliveries, and another that hits the next town down the road, then spends the remainder of the day here, and the drivers are booking it all day (and I'm amazed that this hell-hole generates that much business for UPS).

One of the drivers honks as he pulls up, brings the stuff to the door, leaves it if no one answers and a signature isn't required. The other one uses the knock'n run method. 'Course, my dogs start barking as soon as they hear the truck, so I usually meet the driver at the door anyway.

If a signature is required, they leave the call-slip. They'll both be at the far end of McDonald's parking lot at approximately 5:30. Bring the slip and you can get your package; yes, there's often a small crowd

posted on January 9, 2004 08:47:00 PM new
Great Post gousainc!!.......and so true .........thanks for all the information you gave............toni

posted on January 9, 2004 08:48:44 PM new
I have a sign on my side door to please go to the front door. My side door is broken and will not open. The day before yesterday I happened to notice a UPS delivery attempt post. I signed it and stuck it to my front door. Yesterday, I'm sitting in my livingroom and hear knocking at the side door. It was UPS attemping a re-deliver. I guess walking up the three steps to my front door is too much. Either that or they can't read.

Then there was the time I checked the tracking number and stayed home all day the day it was slated to be delivered. The site said the package was out for delivery. The UPS delivery person never showed. I saw him drive past my house. I checked the site again around 5:00 p.m. and this time it was changed to the next day. I called the local office. Turns out the delivery would have been one day early so the delivery person took it back to the station. They were on my street that day. Delivering ahead of schedule is a bad thing? I let them have it all over the place that day. I wasted an entire day.

posted on January 9, 2004 09:01:58 PM new
I just had an issue with UPS tonight. Not with them delivering to me, but to one of my customers. I had a customer that ordered something but it was on backorder. I finally received it and sent it to her 2nd day Air because it was a birthday present. She needed it tomorrow. It was supposed to arrive today but they rescheduled it for Monday (which comes to 5 day shipping) because they couldn't find the bleepin address of this business. So now she won't get it for this persons birthday. I have shipped items to her at this address before using DHL. No problems. So why does UPS have problems with it? Maybe driver laziness??? Just had to vent a little.
posted on January 9, 2004 09:45:42 PM new
A little over a year ago, UPS left a $1000 (what I paid for it on eBay, worth much more) diamond ring on a patio table in my front yard. Fortunately I found it before someone else. Rediculous.

posted on January 9, 2004 09:51:38 PM new
I had two incidents with FedEx Ground this holiday season that really surprised me. The first was with a customer in N.J. Her package was going to be a belated Crhistmas gift because the timing was such that it was scheduled to deliver Dec. 26th. Someplace along the line someone got into overdrive and they delivered it on Christmas Eve, two days early. The other was with a lady in Tennessee that was scheduled to receive her package on the 2nd of January. She and I were both shocked when the driver showed up at her front door on New Years day to deliver.

We all have horror stories to share about botched deliveries by carriers, but in all fairness, I wanted to share the above two incidents to remind us that there are a few of these drivers that go beyond the call of duty.

The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on January 9, 2004 09:59:38 PM new
I have to say get to know your UPS Guy/Gal..Ask them how there day is and so on..My UPS guy delivers at my job which is about 2 miles away from my home and if I am not home he automatically comes in the building at work-takes a little bit of a walk to my office so I can sign for the package-without even asking for the delivery address to be changed. It's great-no complaints-Its usually fed ex that Peeves me off...

posted on January 10, 2004 02:53:35 AM new
we lived in an apartment complex of 8 buildings, 4 apartments each building. my dear hubby is retired so he became the UPS drop off center for the entire complex.

the UPS guy would go to the address apt first and if they weren't home he would leave a note telling them to pick up the package at our apt.

he brought the package to hubby and he signed for it, then checked every half hour until the owner got home. drove me crazy but gave him something to worry about. LOL!

posted on January 10, 2004 04:13:52 AM new
Our UPS guy is WONDERFUL!!! I love him! He is always cheerful and if a delivery is heavy (we are elders), he will ask where in the house we want it. We do live in a rural area, so I suppose his route is not as busy and stressful as an urban one would be. Repeat - I love him!!

posted on January 10, 2004 01:31:15 PM new
Fed-Ex goes ahead of schedule sometimes, but I do not think it is typically at the whim of the driver. The package actually makes it through the system to the destination a day early, and when there, they deliver it.

UPS on the other hand, typically hits their planned days enroute schedule.

They have a program that has been going on for years, where they can delay residential shipments by a day or two, typically in rural areas.

As drivers, we were not happy to be told people were not going to get their packages on a portion of our delivery route because UPS decided to hold the packages for a day, and hold over a different section of our route the next day.

If you can have it shipped to a genuine business address, UPS typically will not delay the delivery on purpose.

posted on January 10, 2004 01:48:18 PM new
looks like there's reasonable reasons why they would knock and run.

I duno I just wish the 10 second be changed to at least a minute.

maybe I'll give the calling a try again and try to contact the local office.

I'm in a housing neighborhood thats gated in southern california.. and the houses are rather closely packed with each other (to save space) I can see why they dont honk as they drive up to my house.

in the mean time I'll just leave the note telling them I'm home and to ring the doorbell and knock couple times.

posted on January 10, 2004 03:19:34 PM new
We had an ebay customer who bought a $700 shelving unit from us in November ... she was shocked to see the UPS guy left it in the middle of her driveway, near the street, while she was gone! ... 35 ft. further he could have leaned it against either of her porch doors. ...

posted on January 11, 2004 06:16:00 AM new
I have what I call a "stealth UPS driver." He is able to park his truck in my driveway, make his way to the front door to knock and leave an attempted delivery notice on my front door, get back in his truck and drive away and never once rouse either of my two dogs who will bark when the neighbor at the other end of the block drives into her own driveway. This happens on a very regular basis.

This week I got a postcard from UPS telling me that they had a package for me, but they couldn't deliver it to my house because the address was bad. Yet they sent the postcard to the address on the package. Does that make any sense?? I asked the clerk at the counter about the rationale involved in that after we had compared addresses on the card and the packing label. His response was "One of the mysteries of life, I guess."

As far as calling them goes, the number for our local terminal is not in the phone book and the only number they will give out at our terminal is the national "800" number where the operator could not possibly care less about your issues with the company.

[ edited by gk4495 on Jan 11, 2004 06:17 AM ]
posted on January 11, 2004 09:40:31 AM new
I receive an expensive ($6,000 to $12,000) UPS shipment every three or four weeks. It comes in 5-12 large cartons, which UPS will blithely leave on my porch if I am not home. Obviously I want to be there when it arrives.

So. I wait all day Friday for a delivery and now I'm getting worried, because the web page shows an exception of some sort (I don't remember). If it doesn't arrive, I'll be idle all weekend and lose mucho revenue. It's close to 7 pm and we have a regular Friday dinner group then. I'm calling UPS every half-hour to try to find this shipment. I have to forego the dinner with friends. Finally, the driver shows up at 9:30 pm (you read that right) to deliver my 10 boxes.

What I *believe* happened (but no one will tell me) is that the driver had to take the afternoon off for some reason and there is simply no provision for someone else to take up the slack.

"What does the 'O' stand for?"
posted on January 12, 2004 07:45:26 PM new
When I lived in Danville,I had a fit out of UPS,I never got my stuff. Now that I live out in the country again,I have great service. It depends on where you live. I understand your frustation.

posted on January 12, 2004 08:02:49 PM new
My UPS guy hauled a 150 cat condo up 4 flights of stairs...what a nice guy!
(I bought it on ebay!)

All the monkeys aren't in the zoo,
Every day you meet quite a few,
So you see it's all up to you.
You can be better than you are,
You could be swingin' on a star
posted on January 13, 2004 09:01:37 AM new
well I still haven't got my toaster. lol.

they rescheduled it to monday (the 12th) but never attempted delivery on the 12th. there wasn't any update on the tracking pages too.

oh well, waited enough. another day is fine. I'm just wondering will they even drop it off now.

maybe I'll go pick it up.

posted on January 13, 2004 09:54:06 AM new
Japerton: 150 cat condo up four flights of stairs?? how many cats you got up there??

I've had much better success with Fedex Ground. The prices are much better, the service is great. I print up the label, splap it on, and page the fedex driver who picks it up at the door. Fedex does charge me $11 for the week if I didn't ship $50 that week but it is still much cheaper and more convenient. I don't mind the UPS drivers but the jerks at the counters are a pain at UPS. I can get a package in UPS, not open it but simply put on a new label and drive it to UPS and the counter queens will say it is not acceptable! So I bring it home and give it to the UPS driver no problem the next day...

BTW, my Fedex driver says Christmas tips were real scarce this year, I was one of a very few....is it the economy still?

posted on January 13, 2004 10:02:12 AM new
I just received a Christmas present via UPS FINALLY last night, and they actually delivered at 8 PM! from a freind, not an ebay purchase

We looked up the tracking number on the box, and it had been held up in a couple places, INCLUDING Seattle (where I live) 'due to adverse weather' but it did get here, and in the evening too!

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