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posted on February 4, 2004 08:14:47 PM new
I have been selling a long time and tonight was the first time I was asked to send an invoide. I found this rather easy. Would this be better than sending a personal WBN?
I also noticed a box where I can put in a personal memo. This would make everything a lot easier and faster. I wouldn't be sitting up half the night doing my personal ones. Any information would be helpful. Thanks

posted on February 4, 2004 08:23:34 PM new
I use Vendio auto WBN.
But after 24 hrs. with no reply I go into Ebay and send Invoice.

It seems to get more attention than the Vendio WBN.

I've been thinking about just using it without the WBN.

Wish it was auto,it could be since I use all fixed price shipping.

posted on February 4, 2004 08:28:39 PM new
I've started using it instead of the vendio wbn.

It doesn't always seem to combine auctions if they've closed several days apart.

I like it though. I seem to get paid quite fast after sending an invoice through ebay.
posted on February 4, 2004 08:51:43 PM new
I have been using the eBay invoice for a couple of months and I really like it! I try to invoice the night auctions end or early the next morning. I paste in a note in the comments section..and yes it seems I do get paid sooner. I think with the PayPal and Ebay merger this new eBay checkout is really easy for both buyers and sellers and I have found that it does combine items well!

posted on February 5, 2004 03:17:56 AM new
I've been using ebay's invoicing ever since they offered it. I really like it.. also, they recently added a feature on their invoicing page that is a shipping calculator! for heavier items i used to have to go to the usps website to figure up the s/h/i ....

Just make sure to once in awhile, check the box that says 'send copy of this invoice to self', so you can see exactly what default messages ebay throws in to the invoice message [on your behalf] ...

posted on February 5, 2004 09:27:50 AM new

..i am the laziest of all sellers...i key the email address[from the ebay confirmation of the winning bidder], then c/paste my invoice from my emailbox, fill in the auction price + handling + ups/mail fee + total and hit the send button.. then i key the link to the auction and print a copy for my records...when paid, c/paste addrss, print it and attach to my contract; am prepared to ship soon as monies clear,etc.

..having said all that, i am not a hivolume seller;; dec. was 40 contracts, and jan.was only 12...so my system may fail for large volumes of winners...but i usually find myself waiting for the printer to catch up.

...i do likewise with shipping [ups t;nbr] confirmatns, and mail confirmatns to customer...just keep copies in my drafts mailbox..

posted on February 5, 2004 10:22:48 AM new
Started using it more and more as increasing numbers of my emails are not getting through to buyers -- eBay notices do seem to reach just about everyone, while some servers were unceremoniously dumping my EOA notices.

Plus, the buyer can also go into the invoice at the listing, and get info there even when they lost it/never got it. A bit more work on my part, and not especially personal even with the note.


posted on February 5, 2004 10:34:28 AM new
I have been using for quite some time. I like it better than Vendio's. I always make a copy for myself too. It is so easy to use.

posted on February 5, 2004 11:13:51 AM new
Does the Ebay invoice include the PayPal Pay Now button? I sent one the other day and checked it to send a copy to myself, but it didn't have the button. Also, does it allow the buyer to edit the shipping and insurance amounts?

I was thinking of using those, I just wanted to make sure it had those two things.

posted on February 5, 2004 12:13:42 PM new
#1, It will show the P/P logo if you elect to have it show. You have do this in P/P. As far as the buyer editing anything on this, I don't see how that is possible. Only you have control of what is put in the invoice. The buyer doesn't see this until you send it.

posted on February 5, 2004 12:26:09 PM new

Actually, I think you select the PP option when you list an item. I re-did my template the other day, and forgot to check the PP box, and thus, the invoice did not show PayPal as an option. And I don't have anything set in PayPal but that's always an option on my invoices otherwise.

Of course you can edit -- but not the shipping amount itself. Use the "discounts or additional" line under the shipping. I added insurance which seller didn't have as an option (she just forgot I think), as well as upgraded shipping from parcel post to prority for an item I bought -- make sure you add an explanation to the "notes" box and ask for an email verifying that they will do what you asked.

And I on occasion will give buyers an option on shipping -- say parcel post, vs. UPS, which they can also adjust on those lines -- I woulnd't try either of the above with a newbie customer though!!


posted on February 5, 2004 01:15:40 PM new
I understand now! So if they click on the PayNow button in the invoice, will the PayPal payment page allow editing of the S&H and insurance?

Quote by birgittaw-
"And I on occasion will give buyers an option on shipping -- say parcel post, vs. UPS, which they can also adjust on those lines -- I woulnd't try either of the above with a newbie customer though!!"

I know, I'm trying to make it as easy as possible for buyers to pay. I don't use any type of checkout, unless they want to use Ebay's. I've read it over and over, on other boards. Buyers hate filling out forms and they don't trust 3rd party checkouts.

I have had that happen where a buyer didn't know how to pay other than from the end of auction email that Ebay sends. I told her she could go onto her PayPal account and pay that way. She said it was too difficult for her to understand and she prefers the PayNow button from the Ebay email.

[ edited by mbv2602 on Feb 5, 2004 03:54 PM ]
posted on February 5, 2004 03:39:29 PM new
Such am informative and cogent thread.

Remember, eBay is greedier than your cable company and loonier than an ex with a court order.

posted on February 5, 2004 10:57:30 PM new
As far as I know, once you plug in the s/h the buyers cant edit the s/h amount when going to PP through the Pay Now Button...they can, however, give themselves a discount!!

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