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posted on March 8, 2004 03:47:20 PM new
i am not getting much response on the other forum.so i will post it here.
i need to have my bridge removed so they can fill a cavity.
now,once the bridge comes off,they will replace it with a new one,right??
how do they make a new bridge??
by making an impression of my old bridge to come up with a temporary bridge??
or first remove the old bridge and then make an impression of the 3 molar underneath to come up with a temp bridge??
the dentist instructed the girl to make an impression,and she left the room.the girl just made an impression of my old bridge and the lab said no good.so i have to go back and have the bridge removed ,then make an impression?
how can they make a mistake like that?
the dentist has time to chat about how she lost weight and look good but no time to make sure her staff did the right task??
should i ditch my dentist and go see someone else??

-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on March 8, 2004 03:54:02 PM new
Email me at [email protected]; I can probably answer some of your questions.

posted on March 8, 2004 04:38:12 PM new
why cant you answer here?hopelessdawn??
why ?are you a mexican dentist??
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on March 8, 2004 06:59:49 PM new
I went out with a girl that had so much bridge work,that everytime I kissed her,I had to pay toll

posted on March 8, 2004 07:04:57 PM new
Here's some info on bridges:


posted on March 8, 2004 07:29:18 PM new
Old school dentists often use the covered bridge while the modern approach is the suspension bridge.
posted on March 8, 2004 07:37:48 PM new
Why would they have to replace a bridge just to fill a cavity? Unless the Dentist has a payment coming due on her new Mercedes.

The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on March 8, 2004 07:44:16 PM new
I don't see why they just can't put the bridge back in. The dentist should have enough skill to fill the tooth and then make it so the old bridge will fit. I have had a permanent bridge of four lower front teeth for 36 years. My dentist has tried to talk me into replacing it a couple of times because it is 'old'. He finally had to admit it was fine but 'might break sometime'. I told him if and when it did he would be the first to know! I would question seriously the need to replace the bridge. There may be a legitimate reason, and there may not.

posted on March 8, 2004 07:52:40 PM new
Now is your bridge a permanent Marilyn bridge or a removable one? It's to bad I didn't see this question when my daughter was here. She is a dental assistant and knows a lot. If it is permanent the impression should have been taken before removal. I am only speculating but I think the impression, if even the bridge was removable, should have been taken with the bridge in. If there is room on your plate the dental lab needs the impression taken in your mouth so it would include an impression of your gums. I think it is almost impossible to make a good impression if it is not in your mouth. Maybe you need a second opinion and soon. Good Luck

posted on March 8, 2004 08:03:27 PM new
i know you guys will come thru.
the bridge is gold over something and it is old,bone and gum receded and the food scrap caused the cavity at the seam where bridge and gum should meet.it should meet if the gum does not recede .
xray shows cavity but cant tell how much damage it has done as the metal blocks the view.
why cant they put the old bridge back after filling my cavity?
well i think it is old and it is gold and so it is soft and is not in good condition,so once taken out,it may just collapse.
plus there may be need for root canal work so it could alter the shape of the teeth covered by the bridge.
if i seek a second opinion with another dentist,i think he may tell me the same thing and charge me more.

if you have your bridge put back in,do you have porcelain bridge??
what ticks me off is how the senior dentist can waltz in and out of the room showing her new wardrobe and figure and not make sure the girl knows what she is doing??

-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on March 8, 2004 08:09:29 PM new
mine is permanent,and it covers the 3 molars at the back of my mouth,some of that gold is gone,but it is done very well and fitted nicely.
well,the girl did take the impression without removing my old bridge but the lab now wants it done without the old bridge.
i will find out more tomorrow.
it is cemented in,so if it is removed,wont it be damaged??
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on March 8, 2004 08:14:18 PM new
The first thing I would do is find yourself a professional. Someone who will explain everything that can happen to what he can do. After all dentists don't come cheap and should act professional when they are working. No, bridges aren't procelain, as porcelain will break very easy. It is made with metal rods surrounded by a very hard gum color material that surrounds the gum with the teeth placed in the top. You will need teeth to clamp it on to. Sell the gold replace it with a new one.

posted on March 8, 2004 08:16:59 PM new
My bridge is gold backed with, I think, porcelain in front. He did not want to reglue it (10 years ago now) because he said bridges don't last that long. I guess my old dentist back in the 60's knew what he was doing. I lost my lower front teeth in an auto accident so thankfully the insurance covered the cost of the bridge. My current dentist said the bridge is weird in that there are 5 little pins on the back of the gold pieces that fit into little holes in the good teeth on each side of the bridge. It seems to work just fine. My gums have receeded some underneath but I don't smile wide enough for it to be noticed.

posted on March 8, 2004 08:21:59 PM new
I would think it would ruin it but since it is so old maybe it should be replaced. Depending on where you live the permanent marilyn bridge is very expensive. $1400.00 in Wisconsin and with a discount because my daughter worked for the dentist. If you trust your dentist I would do what they suggest. Good Luck and come back tomorrow and tell us what happened...

posted on March 8, 2004 09:29:40 PM new
Hi all,

Stop, you may want to get a second opinion. But, whatever they end up doing, if they make a new bridge for you, ask them for the old one. You said it's gold. So you can sell it on eBay! LOL!

Okay, that does sound kind of flippant but I sold a couple of molars that were pulled. They had gold crowns on them.

It was kinda weird. One potential bidder wrote me asking if I would send him a picture of the molars while they were still in my mouth.

Geeze... I replied that I preferred not to and put him on my blocked bidder list.

Only on eBay, folks, only on eBay.


posted on March 8, 2004 10:57:18 PM new
Okay, that does sound kind of flippant but I sold a couple of molars that were pulled. They had gold crowns on them

So is this an exception to the "no selling of body parts" rule or did eBay just not notice?

posted on March 9, 2004 05:56:54 AM new
yeah,the dentist said i can keep my gold.
they do know what they are doing but they said bridges should be replaced every 5 years?who has the time and money to go thru it??
because the gum has receded,putting the old bridge back will not cover the exposed bone and the same problem-cavity will come back in the future.
anyway,thanks for all the response,will let you know tomorrow.
sell it on eaby is a good idea,helps pay the bill.
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on March 9, 2004 08:11:09 AM new
stopwhining: maybe it's just me, but what does this have to do with e-bay? And if Fluffy was kind enough to send you an e-mail address in hopes that she could provide information, why the flippant answer back from you? Do we need to hear about your nasty mouth issues? What's next, anyone got a nasty toenail fungus they want to discuss?
posted on March 9, 2004 08:32:12 AM new
Let's talk about everybody that's got VD!!

I LOVE Endicia! You will too – Click here!
posted on March 9, 2004 08:46:38 AM new
you joked about selling the gold on ebay.....don't laugh lol I got 71.99 for the piece I found with my metal detector
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3360&item=2226848088 Yeah me !!
Edited to ad this makes this thread EBAY related [ edited by toasted36 on Mar 9, 2004 08:47 AM ]
posted on March 9, 2004 09:15:28 AM new
i posted on round table forum and i did not get much response,my appt is 2 pm today.
sorry dont mean to be flippant,but fluffy is in california and i need a quick answer as to what to do soon.
someone suggested going to mexico for dental work,thats not for me.
if you dont like to read about it,you can skip this thread-the title speaks for itself.
i am kind of disgusted with my dentist,the time she spent socialising with patient,she could have trained her staff better.
just venting.

-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on March 9, 2004 09:42:15 AM new
Maybe the reason you didn't get any response on RT is because we spent time and effort getting you information on this subject the first time you asked about how to go thru this process as cheaply as possible When you ignored all of that, went with the option you already had ,had the nerve to come back and insult the options that were given to you simply because the people that you doubted in the first place were inept I know I personally had zero desire to help you. Do us a favor, read your knick name and take your own advise. You have already shown that you will ignore everyone elses anyway.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on March 9, 2004 09:55:08 AM new
i did not ignore the advices you guys dished out on the round table forum-i read the article on the guy who had the work done in mexico,i looked into the insurance plan someone suggested and i went back and asked more question to my dentist.
i spent hours looking into various dental discount plans,but by the time i pay for the plan and play by their rules,the dollar amount comes out to be the same.
your suggestion if i recall of Tijuana two for one deal-dental work and shop till you drop dead would not work for me,i am in texas and i am not a big fan of mexican leather goods,altho i dont mind drooling over some of their famous taxco?? jewelry!
go to overstock.com and you see some nice leather goods from prada and prague.
thanks anyway.

-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on March 9, 2004 09:57:43 AM new
c'mon fenix,
just because my local dentist is inept,so i should drive to tijuana??
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on March 9, 2004 10:01:38 AM new
My husband has an excellent Dental plan with his job and goes to the dentist regularly.

He wanted to have a bridge put in so when we moved here from Alabama he found a new dentist and started going to her and told her what he wanted, how much $$ his plan allowed him to work with and started letting her do his work on his mouth. She started by trying to replace all the fillings he'd had gotten the year before........He got out of the chair and left and went and got a second opinion.

His fillings didn't need replacing, she was just soaking him and his insurance company for as much as she could.

He now drives 1 1/2 hours back to Alabama when he needs a dental appt.

Oh yeah, she was going to make him pay $2,000 on top of the insurance for his bridge.

The dentist in Alabama did it and he paid something like $100 out of pocket.

posted on March 9, 2004 10:19:53 AM new
so how much did the insurance company pay??
i dont know about other cities,but here we have so many dentists and when time is hard,people tend to postpone dental care.
i called around hoping to get a second opinion,they are all the same,come in for an appt and we will tell you.
i know what they are going to say,they have bills to pay.
have you ever read the posts on medical forum??those who have gone thru endoscopy,colonscopy,24 hours ph study,blood tests etc etc they all have insurance and they found nothing wrong??
they still suffer the same problem which could be taken care of with over the counter mylanta,pepcid etc
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
[ edited by stopwhining on Mar 9, 2004 10:21 AM ]
posted on March 9, 2004 10:22:54 AM new
No Stop - I'm stating that at all. First of all, once you stated you were in Texas you were told about other border towns closer to you where you could do it in multiple visits but what I was took issue with was that you followed up your rant about the ineptness of your local dentist with the comment "can you imagine if I had gone to Mexico..."

You flippancy was insulting to those that had gone thru the effort to try to help you on a personal matter. Why in the world did you expect those people to want try to help you again.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by Fenix03 on Mar 9, 2004 10:23 AM ]
posted on March 9, 2004 11:04:23 AM new
i appreciate your help.
so this is what is eating you-going to mexico??
in fact the girl who took my impression is mexican who said breathe in and i thought she said hold it and i almost gagged.

-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on March 9, 2004 11:37:02 AM new
Are you honestly this completely dense?

No - what's bugging me is how unbelievably rude you are and that I actually took time out of my life to help you. If you still believe that it had anything to do with Mexico I may be able to forgive some of my frustration based on ignorance.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on March 9, 2004 12:24:39 PM new
A dental school would do this for free (locally UCSF) and the supervising professors would allow nothing slipshod.

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