posted on April 28, 2004 01:02:47 PM new
[earlier i posted "paypal overseas," and problem with overseas buyer.] which i got a lotta goooood advice..tanx
after a week, and ebay reminders to pay, bidder adhered to my terms and paid per my original terms as follows:
[[c/paste of bidpay email::::]]]
A $173.81 money order for payment of eBay item #3716093288,3716094113,3716097531,3716099511 has been approved. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX has chosen to use Western Union® Auction Payments for the speed of an online payment service from a name you can trust.
Should you decide to send the item while your money order is on its way to you, the buyer's shipping information is provided below. Your money order will be sent by the close of the next business day after you receive this email. First Class mail is typically delivered within 7-10 business days.
the buyer has requested that the item be sent to any address other than the one provided above, please do not ship the item and notify us immediately. Please use the "Contact Us" link below and our Service Assistant will help you notify us of the change requested. Be sure to include the Western Union Auction Payments order number and the change of address the buyer has requested.
Thank you for using Western Union® Auction Payments. We look forward to serving your online auction payment needs in the future.
Western Union Auction Payments
end c/paste
NOOOOOOOOOOOW... bidder contacted me and wants her mdse. PRONTO.. says she should not have wait any longer, since she paid me per my instructions[she didnt even add the word "finally"]...
i replied to her she would have to wait the money order's arrival at my address...DO YOU FOLKS HAVE THIS PROBLEM???
posted on April 28, 2004 01:10:03 PM new
I have a lot of Bidpay users, and I always ship as soon as the second confirmation email arrives. I figure that if the money order does not show up, it is an issue between me and Bidpay, and not the buyer. I have never had one not show up, but I would contact Bidpay if that were the case, and not the buyer.
posted on April 28, 2004 01:10:57 PM new
No, but then I don't wait until the money order arrives tomail out the merchandise. I have used their service since they started up and have never had amoney order fail to appear. I wrap the item up as soon as I receive the second confirming email from them, and ship it out the next day. The money order arrives at my house in anywhere between 3 & 7 days.
Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce
posted on April 28, 2004 01:20:52 PM new
it depends on how much money is involved.with small item i may ship as soon as i receive this email from western union.
lately our mail has been SLOW,7 days from western union!!
if the money order gets lost,how long does it take for you to get a replacement mo??
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on April 28, 2004 07:12:11 PM new
Hi, I have what appears to be a legit buyer from Hong Kong requesting his item be sent to a different HK address than will appear on the Bidpay check. The item is an exoctic lens that cannot be readily sold for cash.(little demand for the item). Bidpay requests you contact them if the mailing address is to be different from the address given on the Bidpay check. Has anyone had any experience with this different address thing? Thanks. Sy
posted on April 28, 2004 07:28:43 PM new
I've had this happen several times. In every single case Bidpay authorized the alternate address in a very short period of time. If it involves delivering to a different country than what is shown, it may be a problem, or a little longer for them to investigate. This is especially true if one of the countries is a "problem" country, such as Indonesia or certain Eastern European or Baltic countries.
A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on April 28, 2004 08:11:23 PM new
if it were a fraudulent charge ,you are off the hook no matter where you ship,as you got your money order.
it is bidpay which has to pay.
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin