posted on May 2, 2004 09:17:08 AM new
1. Why would anyone would do a keyword search based on high$ to low$?
2. Does anyone know if the time shown for number of hits is my own local time (Pacific Daylight)? Or is it a standard time "somewhere out there"?
3. It looks as though there are clumped times of day when people are more likely to be searching--around 6 a.m., between 12 and 2 p.m., around dinnertime, and then late at night, 11 p.m. or so.
4. I listed a humorous, true story about remodeling a house--no hits. Then I remembered the author's dogs were pugs, put that in the title, and voila--lots of hits. Keyword searches are showing "pug dogs," "pug," "pugs," etc. By far the largest number of keyword searches this weekend. I know there are dog collectors out there, and I'm not sure why I didn't think of putting pugs in the title to begin with.
5. We click on the "H" to get detailed information. What does the "H" stand for?
[ edited by Roadsmith on May 2, 2004 09:40 AM ]
posted on May 2, 2004 09:20:07 AM new
I think that those that are using the High to Low search are sellers looking to see what similar items are going for.
posted on May 2, 2004 12:22:12 PM new
roadsmith? ...
<<< 3. It looks as though there are clumped times of day when people are more likely to be searching--around 6 a.m., between 12 and 2 p.m., around dinnertime, and then late at night, 11 p.m. or so. >>>
so your saying around 6 am, twixt 12 and 2, dinnertime, then late at night... and that is PST pacific, yes??? [just trying adjust my bearings on the Eastern zone here
posted on May 2, 2004 12:29:49 PM new
Now that eBay is including traffic statistics with Stores, there is no need to use ViewTracker if you do have an eBay store. The data provided by eBay is far superior to VT or AM. You access the data from the Seller Manage Store link.
posted on May 2, 2004 02:58:51 PM new
Aintrich: Yes, the times I was mentioning are Pacific Daylight times. Hmmm. So that means that I should bump all my "observations" back 3 hours for Eastern time folks. . . .
posted on May 2, 2004 04:04:05 PM new
LOL ... I know. I'm EST and I have to remember to bump FORWARD. So most of my listings are now at 6:00 PST. It seems to be the best time for me to list.
posted on May 2, 2004 04:11:08 PM new
bizzy - are you using AuctionWorks for UK transactions yet? That one about drove me over the edge. I am on PST, Works is on EST but I needed it to list according according to UK time and then readjust for time changes which are at different times of the year. I'm still not positive I have the right closing time.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on May 2, 2004 04:15:54 PM new
Fenix -- I did start to list in the UK. I am almost positive that the time difference EST is 5 or 6 hours, so that would make PST 8-9 hours from EST. Confusing? Yep!!! When I started my listings, I simply listed in the afternoon because I knew it would show up in the evenings. I only listed 3 and all 3 have bids. Right now I'm in the adjustment phase to figure out what time, keywords, as well as starting price to figure out.
posted on May 3, 2004 05:08:48 AM new
Marcn- thanks for the info on the Ebay store tracker. It doesn't show all that View Tracker shows (times of day for instance)but I am not sure View Tracker is worth the $ for the additional information. Tracking all my active and store auctions amounts to a lot of $.
It's a neat toy and I would love to study the statistical data for a year so I can see seasonal trends etc but I don't think I can afford the cost to track all of my auctions. I am finding that the data doesn't change much as the weeks in my free trial progress (probably because I only sell postcards). I guess I won't renew my subscription in the final analysis.
Sig files are too much trouble!
posted on May 3, 2004 08:12:00 AM new
I started using “View Tracker” last week, and have discovered some unique key words that I had been dubious about using in the past. So far, I have learned some things, and may sign up for it for a time, since we handle many and widely varied items, and I don’t list that many at a time since we are quite busy with our web sites. To learn all of the top key words which relate to a given item will take a bit of time, and changing titles from time to time to see what combination ganders more hits.
I use “Keyword” programs for all my meta tags on our web pages, but to actually see what the buyer is using, is quite unique, and I see it as profitable for me to use for a time. Meta tags done right on one’s web pages make all the difference in the world. Some of our items are #1 on Google simply because my husband has an on going study of meta tags, keywords, and search engines and what the engines are currently looking for. Search Engines change their prerequisites for position from time to time, and one has to stay right on top of what which engine is searching for, what they reject, and so on.
Yes, I have an eBay Store, but I am interested in what folks are using on the auctions, with constantly changing titles, something I don’t intend to do with my titles in my eBay Store.
To me the discovery of one highly profitable keyword, is easily worth $50, and the continual sales such a word will bring, both on eBay and on our web sites.
posted on May 4, 2004 05:23:18 AM new
It would be great if eBay would include the plural of keywords in the searches, e.g. postcard postcards, sweater sweaters. I find that even with the increased space on the title, there isn't room to get all the words in, and some people search using the singular, and some the plural.
posted on May 4, 2004 08:06:33 AM newMarcn You said:
"When someone searches using the singular, it will display the plurals and vice versa."
THAT was my assumption also, but I just went to eBay and tested the words:
Book - after ten pages I never got a plural
Pen - after 6 pages, no plurals except one which the seller put in
Earring - no plurals after 10 pages
Pens - after 10 pages no singular
Books - after 10 pages no singular
I did notice some sellers putting in both the singular and the plural of the word.
I would really like to think what you said was true, and I believe at one time it was, but someone go and prove me wrong, as any singular I put in, never came up with the plural of the word and vice versa.
posted on May 4, 2004 08:15:07 AM new
You're right, JWPC. I've known this and try to put singular and plurals on as many of the stronger keywords as I can in my titles. Viewtracker also helped me to see which ones are the most often used and I focus on those particular keywords as much as I can.
posted on May 4, 2004 08:23:15 AM new
From that font of all information...eBay.
General Search Tips
Try different search words
There are many words to describe any item. Imagine which words a seller might use to describe the item you're looking for. Try several different options and combinations -- but use just two or three words at a time to be sure you get a variety of results.
Use specific words instead of general ones For example, a search for Beatles poster will return fewer, more-targeted listings than a search for Beatles.
For a closer match, specify a date, color, or brand
For example, to find a particular Barbie item, don't just type Barbie in the search box. If you're looking for a Barbie dress made in the 1960s, enter: Barbie dress 196*. If you want only red dresses, type: Barbie red dress. Remember: be specific and narrowly define your search!
Search titles and descriptions to get more matches
Search always looks for your keywords in the title of the items for sale. Click on search titles and descriptions under the search box to also search item descriptions. You'll get many more results.
Add or remove the letter "s" for more results
For example, you'll get two different lists of items when you search for diamond rings and diamond ring. Try your search with and without the final "s"
Be careful when using and, or, and the
eBay's search engine searches for and, or, and the just like it would any other word. Use and, or, and the only if you're searching for items containing these words, such as Diana Ross and the Supremes or Truth or Dare.
Don't use extra punctuation
Only use punctuation in your search if you expect it to be in the item title or description for which you're searching. Examples include t-shirt, N-Sync and Dr. Watson.
Consider browsing
If you're not searching for something specific, try browsing through the category listing pages for surprising discoveries.
posted on May 4, 2004 08:53:57 AM new
Thanks for the information. I signed up for view tracker BUT in the mean time we are getting ready to move. Didn't know I was moving until after I signed up. It seems like I am listing okay because I do get bids at 6 am and I think that is people bidding for work or just checking to see what the bid is. I always try listing between 7 - 10 pm Pacific time. I have luck with any day, even Friday and Saturday. If I end earlier my bids are very few.
posted on May 4, 2004 10:12:50 AM new
Yes, I tried the singular plural thing yesterday, and it didn't work. It sure is hard to get everything in the title. From ViewTracker I find that 83% search my titles only, and some are very specific searches, you can't possible get all the words in, and in the right order. We can be really thankful for the longer titles. I have completely changed the way I write them now.
posted on May 4, 2004 11:30:37 AM new
Amber - Don't worry too about the order of the words. Most don't do an exact wording search. The default is "include all words" so order doesn't matter.
Libra -- Remember that 10:00 p.m. PST is 1:00 a.m. EST. Are you getting alot of hits at 10:00 p.m. pst?
It may be weird but I get a ton of hits 24 hours a day. I think only one time was slightly higher and that was 6:00 p.m. pst or 9:00 p.m. est. So I started to consistently list all of my items at that time. Since starting to do that, now that time is higher than the rest. I guess that my customers now know that is when I list my new items and they are online then.
It's interesting that the type of item you sell will effect what time you will need to list to get the most hits.