posted on May 2, 2004 10:23:34 AM new
After several years of selling equestrian equipment on eBay and other sites I have discovered some interesting things about screen names and the correlation to getting paid in a timely manner:
If the screen name is some variant of "cowgirlsrule" you are not likely to get paid.
If the screen name is some variant of "party naked" you will get paid, but will be asked to ship the item "discreetly" (Like a riding crop would normally raise eyebrows?)
If the screen name is from anyone in my home state, I'm not getting paid.
If the screen name is some variant of "(insert horse name here)'s mom" she has been trampled recently by said loving horse and you aren't going to get paid.
If the screen name is some variant of "ride a rodeo horse" the person involved is on the circuit and not reading their e-mail. You are not going to get paid.
If the screen name is someone's stable name, that person has been trampled recently by one of the boarders horses - you aren't getting paid.
If the screen name is a variant of "live to ride" they recently fell off their horse and broke every bone in their body. You aren't getting paid.
posted on May 2, 2004 12:43:52 PM new
Interesting...I've never had anyone rip off a months' old post of mine before.
Answers to Questions Nobody Asked, #36:
During the filming of "The Imposters" (1998), director Stanley Tucci bestowed the Golden Ham award on the actor who had gone farthest over the top in that week's filming.
Considering that hanging out on the Vendio board is not something I do on a regular basis anymore, and considering that I've never seen your post on this subject, and considering that it arose out of my having to send out a about a dozen reminder e-mails today to buyers who "forgot" to send their payments, I really doubt I "ripped off" your "months old post." If you want to start a flame war, have at it but your "months old" post had nothing to do with anything I posted here today.
posted on May 2, 2004 06:55:34 PM new
Since you posted part of it nearly verbatim, I think I will reserve the right to have private doubts about your veracity.
Perhaps that was one of the postings that have been quoted elsewhere by well-meaning folks and you picked it up there. Don't know. Don't care. Doesn't matter. Just think it's interesting that it eventually found its way home.
Answers to Questions Nobody Asked, #36:
During the filming of "The Imposters" (1998), director Stanley Tucci bestowed the Golden Ham award on the actor who had gone farthest over the top in that week's filming.
posted on May 2, 2004 06:59:47 PM new
Well, Fluffy, "if you don't know, don't care, doesn't matter" ... then why did you say something?
Personally, I'm tired (and so are others who have personally e-mailed me) of your bashing people who post to this board. Perhaps you have something of SUBSTANCE to contribute instead of bashing everybody????
[ edited by bizzycrocheting on May 2, 2004 07:01 PM ]
posted on May 2, 2004 07:04:56 PM new
Yeah, I gotta take that "contribute something" thing under advisement. I'm sure it would make me a better person.
All: I learned something today. As of two months ago, Google started archiving Vendio pages. I didn't find anything before March. You might not care, and I don't think I've said anything I'll be ashamed of twenty years from now, but at least now you know that what you write could be for posterity.
Answers to Questions Nobody Asked, #36:
During the filming of "The Imposters" (1998), director Stanley Tucci bestowed the Golden Ham award on the actor who had gone farthest over the top in that week's filming.
posted on May 2, 2004 07:10:44 PM new
Hey Fluff, I discovered that awhile ago too! What a surprize...entered my name in google search and it linked to a thread here!! hahaha
posted on May 3, 2004 10:48:11 AM new
Yep... you got me Fluffy. I've got reams of paper here filled with nothing but your posts so I can plagiarize them later. I find them so insightful. In fact, I think I will have them bound and indexed for easier reference.
As to your "private doubts" about my veracity, I think you just called me a liar and a plagiarist pretty publicly.
posted on May 3, 2004 11:14:53 AM new
Why, no, dear gk. I don't indulge in namecalling; I let people expose themselves. In the course of a long and evil life, I've figured out that they always do, eventually.
Answers to Questions Nobody Asked, #36:
During the filming of "The Imposters" (1998), director Stanley Tucci bestowed the Golden Ham award on the actor who had gone farthest over the top in that week's filming.
You post whatever you want to, whenever you want to!!
The people who post here do not own this board.
There is no such thing as copyright violation on a post.
Almost all of the people who post here are very helpful individuals whose main goal is to educate and be educated. However, there are a few who just have a need for attention and edification.
posted on May 4, 2004 08:26:32 AM newCute but it can be a serious subject When orders come through our web sites, IF the address and zip doesn’t exactly match that which is on file with their billing company, I have the option to accept the payment and ship, or reject the payment. This is to me an “experience” call. Sometimes I ship, sometimes I don’t.
I base my decision on what item they are purchasing, how fast they want it, and whether they are using a Yahoo type address or a standard ISP.
For instance, if you are ordering an expensive knife, you want it 3Day Select, neither your address or zip match that on file for you, and you are using either a Hotmail, or Yahoo address – guess what – you aren’t getting the knife from me.
Last week, I had one of these type, and it was a rush order, but neither the address or zip matched that which the billing company had on file (this isn’t highly unusual), I made my decision based on their ID. Their ID was: [email protected]
On these type of buyers, I just do a full refund, and have a form letter telling them why, and telling them how to have their credit card info updated and to please visit our sites again when they have it updated.
On the other hand, If you are ordering a Caftan, via standard mail, normally even if your address/zip don’t match, I’ll ship anyway, and have never had a problem with such.
Since I personally handle (that is apart from our employees) so many original orders, I often see ID’s which are tacky, but occasionally some which really repulse me, and make me very much not want to sell to the customer. One I got recently was: [email protected] that really offended me.
posted on May 4, 2004 09:55:34 PM new
Thumbs up to you gk. But, he as he said already exposed himself....."fluffy" Gosh I hope I didn't copy one of his posts ROTFLMAO
posted on May 5, 2004 11:26:21 AM new
Proves my point, exactly, Fluffy. First off I don't see where your post was copied "verbatim" in my post. Secondly during the time frame you posted that post I could not have seen it. It may surprise you, but catching up on Vendio posts is *never* a priority with me, so your rather amusing post was quite buried and unnoticed by the time I got home.
[ edited by gk4495 on May 5, 2004 11:55 AM ]
[ edited by gk4495 on May 5, 2004 12:10 PM ]