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posted on June 9, 2004 09:39:32 PM new
I've heard some horror stories about using someone elses postal account. I'm not sure if it was UPS, USPS or FED X.

Here's the story:
I bought something for 305.00 plus 20.00 postage. Paid with a CC with PayPal, didn't like it & asked to return it. The seller agreed so I used the return address on the package & double checked the PayPal transaction, addresses matched, paid 21.00 postage with insurance & DC & sent it off.

About three weeks later the package came back "Return to sender, unknown.
Because it was over a month I filed for a chargeback with my credit card & was credited with 305.00. This could be reversed, but I doubt it. The CC people aked about return policy so I sent them a copy of the sellers email verifying I could return & also sent proof that I mailed.

I didn't contact the seller, I knew she would contact me when she found out about the chargeback & she did. She was annoyed with me because she was out 305.00 & the item & her explanation was she married & moved a year ago & never changed her name & address on her PayPal & UPS accounts which is why the wrong return address showed up on the package. She then gave me another last name & address & said send the package.
I told her I had no problem returning it, but I had a problem about paying the postage again since so far it cost me 41.00.
I just received an email from her telling me to use her UPS account, she sent an account number & also said to insure for 500.00
So, should I do it? And what happens if this another wrong address. If I do send it I will insure for 300.00, not 500.00

I would like to add that she is really ticked off at me over this because she spent two days getting her accounts straightened out. PayPal even required that she fax her marriage licence because of the name & address change.
Like I caused the problem!!!

Another reason to ALWAYS use a CC when making an expensive purchase, you never know.

posted on June 9, 2004 09:54:49 PM new
I wouldn't do it. Something doesn't sound right. Tell her to PayPal the postage to you and you will ship her package anyway she wants you to.

posted on June 9, 2004 09:56:29 PM new
Let her get ticked off. Tell her to refund you the $21.00 postage via money order and you will send it to her new address. It was her mistake, not yours that caused the package to come back. Under no circumstances should you use her UPS account number to ship that package. It's basically worthless if she's mad, because she will refuse to pay the charges and you will likely get billed by UPS in about 30 days for the charges. Net result, you will be out $61.00 and she will have the item +$20.00.

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on June 9, 2004 10:24:26 PM new
Thanks for the advice Libra & sparkz. I knew there could be a problem using someone elses postal account, but thought it just might be fed x. Glad I asked.

Here is a copy of the email I reeived from her awhile ago refusing to take blame for the mix up.
I will tell her to send a MO. Kinda neat having the seller over a barrel for a change.

The last person I spoke to at the bank concerning the chargeback said they could not make her pay return postage & since I did return the package & have proof it was up to me if I wanted to return it again. This is because I was given a wrong address & it was the same address on her PayPal account. I sent them a copy of the transaction.

It is NOT me that chose to use that return address. UPS requires a 'pick up' address even if one does not have a daily pick up. The customer service person spoken with a year ago failed to correct that address and there was no way I could edit it or even know of it's existence until a label is printed out, and I know I saw it, but in my haste to get out your order and juggle the fires one puts out on a daily basis in business, that one fell thru the cracks. I just spent 50+ minutes and three switches to different depts. in UPS to get it handled. So - anyway, use my UPS account number, xxxxxx and insure for $500.00.

posted on June 9, 2004 10:44:16 PM new
McJane...It makes no diff if she was in a hurry to provide excellent customer service or if it fell through the cracks, it's still her problem for not transmitting to you the correct name and mailing address. When Pacific Bell changed our area code, I became in violation of Ebay's contact info policy because I had a wrong phone number on file with them. It was my responsibility to notify them of the change, not Pac Bell's. In theory, they had every right to suspend both of my accounts. She eats the postage, not you. And again, don't use her UPS account # to send it.

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on June 9, 2004 11:16:31 PM new
hi mcjane:
saw your thread. here is another who claims to be so busy making a living on ebay; then using it as a crutch, to minimize their own responsibility. i cant fathom why any seller wouldnt give you the correct shipping address-in this instance a physical address to return the package.
as spark put it..."let her get ticked"....seller should be praying you send the package back to the correct address. further, this seller should be thanking her lucky stars...that she is dealing with someone who is willing to be honest.

i think if she gave me attitude; i would let her sweat bullets...as you cc told you, it is up to you to return...
the half truths that so many sling at us is evident in what seller said: "It is NOT me that chose to use that return address. UPS requires a 'pick up' address "

now maybe i missed something in the translation, but you could have affixed the "correct" address on the package just as easily as the incorrect one-IF OF COURSE YOU HAD KNOWN IT...AND, why should ups care??

again, i may have missed something here. but i have used ups almost exclusively for 5 years. i have a calif customer on lighting items; and i always ship to his store and use his account. i have another customer in tenn., and i do the same. these are but 2; they are established businesses; i know them; and i cant refuse to let them save money on shipping. and i cant ship ups for the same rate as they do...[i know this was unrelated, and many disagree with me in using customer's accts.]


posted on June 9, 2004 11:42:33 PM new
Myoldtoy...You are absolutely correct in providing a high level of customer service to your accounts that you sell to on a regular basis by using their UPS account to maximize savings on shipping. I'm sure you have developed a level of trust that you are comfortable in doing this with good accounts. And I'm sure you would not extend this priviledge to a first time buyer - stranger. My point in advising Jane not to use the seller's account to ship was because the seller exhibited a degree of hostility ( which was her own fault) but will cause her to suffer a monetary loss. And it's so easy to shift that loss to McJane that I would be uncomfortable with the risk in this particular case.

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on June 10, 2004 12:16:06 AM new
I agree with sparkz M O T, I think you are doing the right thing by using a regular customers account. It's good business.
I will not risk it with this one though, she's mad because she had to update her accounts....all because of me LOL

The seller had a return policy & I emailed her before I returned the package & she said something like "sorry your not happy, return minus shipping" It never would have occured to me to ask if the address was correct & because it involved 305.00 I did double check the address on PayPal, it was exactly the same.
This her email about PayPal:

Not only was my paypal account changed, but I had to FAX them copies of my marriage certificate to get the name changed from 2 years ago. This really chaps me, took a couple of days.

I think she meams her PayPal account was CHARGED.
M O T you have it right, didn't miss anything in translation, she should have told me or remembered I was given the wrong address, none of this would have happened.

I will gladly send the package back when she sends the postage & when my CC people say that the case is closed. Even though they credited my account it is still pending.

Thanks all, for the good advice, I KNEW I would find an answer here.

posted on June 10, 2004 02:02:21 AM new
I agree with the other posters on not using the other party's shipping acount number unless you know you can fully trust them. Even then, if one number gets transposed, etc, you will be billed for the shipping later when the frieght company finds the error.

I have been through this more than once before myself when I was an employee working for an non-profit organization that sold books. You would actually owe for the shipping since YOU requested the carrier to ship it.

Another aspect is that if you owe the carrier, and you wish to delay paying the bill until the matter is settled, and you have your own account with them, they will suspend your shipping priviledges once the bill is past due. All they know is that you asked for an item to be shipped, yet you gave them a bad account number, and you are not paying for it in a timely manner.

I would not put it past this unprofessional seller to give you a bogus account number. The carrier ( at least FedEx) does not check to see if it's a valid number before picking up the item.
posted on June 10, 2004 03:38:47 AM new
hi m'lark:
i typed the thread at 2:31am[est]; i should have waited til daylight!

while accusing one of half truths, i stated one...i addressed the using customer's acct. number-how successful its been.. b4 i go further, everything you said is true and 'written in stone.' a seller can really 'get it in a crack' if they not very careful!

what i should have stated: i ship on my customer's account as follows: customer calls ups and orders pickup on the item. customer sends me email alerting me that pickup tag ordered; i c/paste address; create and affix label...ups comes by, picks up; leaves me t/nbr for my records. it is over...i have no out pocket expense; no liability...
another reason i am glad to do the above for the customer's benefit; is that it represent a direct monetary savings to me. if anyone has ever been paid via paypal, or c/c; the 3% charge is levied against the shipping as well as the commodity. as ex., i shipped punchbowl set to calif., ups was $75.00; paypal got +3%...i realize some gonna say i am splitting hairs; it all part of the cost of doing business, etc., etc., etc.

[ edited by myoldtoy on Jun 10, 2004 03:39 AM ]
[ edited by myoldtoy on Jun 10, 2004 03:41 AM ]
posted on June 10, 2004 05:42:20 AM new
WOW,stay away from this seller!
got married over a year ago and have no time to update her paypal address?
Fight fire on daily basis and this is one case which fell thru the crack!
Insured item for 500 when it is only 305.
I would not accept any money from her thru paypal,how do you know it is her account?
and what if she files complaint with paypal??
If she has an UPS account,she could issue a call tag and ask UPS to come and pick up the item.
BTW,you have caused her 10 dollars chargeback fee when you filed chargeback with your credit card.
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on June 10, 2004 06:01:58 AM new

Please understand I wasn't taking issue with your using the customer's account number, whether in an atmosphere of mutual trust, or otherwise. I was posting in the middle of the night as well (woke up, couldn't sleep for an hour). I was intending to apply my statements to the concept in general.

I meant to mention, and thanks for doing it, that a buyer or seller can use their account to have the carrier issue a pick-up order for an item in a remote location.

Certainly, if this is what your customers are doing, it is as safe as can be for you as a seller.

[ edited by meadowlark on Jun 10, 2004 06:02 AM ]
posted on June 10, 2004 08:20:56 AM new
Money order would be the only way to go as far as I am concerned. First the business about having to send a copy of her marriage license to Paypal is garbage. As long as she uses a c.c. or bank account with her married name on it Paypal does not require name change documentation in the form of a license. As far as confirming a new address, nothing could be easier. She's blowing smoke up your dress or slacks as the case may be.

I would just sit happily with the merchandise until the seller sent me a money order for the return shipping including the 21.00 you're already out for the bad address.

Just my opinion.
posted on June 10, 2004 08:30:23 AM new
Hi jane,always good to see you. I thought if one has an account with UPS, they can request a pick-up for the merchandise, the request goes out from their end. I recently received a wrong shipment from a supplier I called them, within 2 days UPS was at my door, saying they had a pick-up from me, and they gave me the name of the company the merchandise was to go back to. I would write her back and ask that she initiate the return parcel from her end through UPS.
I don't get even....I get even better Jimmy Hoffa
posted on June 10, 2004 08:40:27 AM new
I would tell them the only way they will get it back is to issue a UPS call tag. The UPS driver will bring the label with him when he picks it up. Totally safe for you.
Tell her that if she doesn't then you will throw the item away.

posted on June 10, 2004 09:12:27 AM new
wanna ask you another..."since so far it cost me 41.00." i guess when cc credited your account; they did so for the total amount + the $21.00..

and, capolady referenced it too:
"the return shipping including the 21.00 you're already out for the bad address."

if you out $41.00, seller should send you that amount before you return. right?

again, i may have missed something here.


[ edited by myoldtoy on Jun 10, 2004 09:13 AM ]
[ edited by myoldtoy on Jun 10, 2004 09:13 AM ]
posted on June 10, 2004 09:36:12 AM new
most credit card issuer will credit the charge amount,not charge amount plus extra incurred.
if cardholder proves she has attempted to return the item ,she could get to keep the item as well.

-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on June 10, 2004 09:56:37 AM new
If she has a UPS account, then she can have UPS pick up the package with no charges to you. I would not let the pkg go until you had been reimbursed for your shipping charges.

posted on June 10, 2004 07:35:05 PM new
M O T I have to make a correction here, the 305.00 included the postage. I was thinking I paid 305.00 + 20.00 postage. My CC refunded the 305.00 so I did get the postage back.
Sorry I made that mistake.

When I returned the package the postage with ins & DC was 21.00 so I am out 21.00 for the wrong address.

If she thinks making up PayPal & UPS demand stories will get her sympathy from me she's wrong. I would have appreciated an apology though.
Seems you can't even trust a "verified" PayPal account. She was married & moved two years ago & has been tooooo busy to update her accounts. Tsk Tsk.

I am going to ask her to refund the postage & send the return postage if she wants her stuff back.
I'm also not returning anything until the case is closed.

stop, your right, I can keep the package if I want. The only thing the CC people are interested in is her return policy & proof of mailing. I had proof of both. Just waiting for a case closed notice & the seller to send 42.00 for postage.

posted on June 10, 2004 07:49:05 PM new
{cough cough} uh...mcjane? I've been married almost 2 years and I haven't changed my CC's out yet to my married name? I keep meaning to do that but hate doing without my CC for a week or so however long. So I guess it is possible.

how's the house coming? The meds worked great on my allergies except I'm only sleeping 4 hours a night. I guess it's the meds, I'm one of those people who if the box says "will make you drowsy" it is guarenteed to make me wired and vice versa. I think there's a name for that, I just know I have trouble finding an antihistimine that doesn't keep me up for 20 hours at a time.

I'm still unpacking boxes and getting everything transferred to new services, emails etc.

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