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posted on June 18, 2004 03:31:32 PM new
Ok, enough already about spoof e-mails!

How's the weather down your way?

Here in British Columbia we have had four accelerating days of heat -- today is apparently setting some records around here, with temperature currently about 80 degrees, which is quite hot for here this time of year.

Almost too hot to work in my computer room (and I can't imagine working under the hot lights of my photography table tonight!) and bids are just dribbling in it seems in 50 cent increments, so I guess no one out there in the wider world can get much enthusiasm going either.

Looking forward to Sunday, I'll be getting out to unload unsold eBay items and other scrounged stuff at a local flea market, which I'm enjoying doing a heck of a lot more than holding yard sales at home.

How is it with you?

posted on June 18, 2004 03:46:43 PM new
Warm here in Texas, but not as bad a couple of weeks ago. It hit 100 here then. I keep my house pretty cool (73), but need the fans when cooking or sewing under the lamp. Computer is near patio door, so have to keep the blinds closed or it's 10 degrees hotter. Luckily, there's a celing fan overhead.

Yeah, summer is a bummer as a seller (does that expression date me?), but as a buyer it beckons me to shop on Ebay, looking for "steals". But now I've overspent, so have to take it easy...

Is it time for my second nap yet?
posted on June 18, 2004 03:51:38 PM new
Cool here today (Minnesota)..but actually it's PERFECT for almost everything but swimming!
Sig files are too much trouble!
posted on June 18, 2004 04:16:05 PM new
Not bad here today in Central California. It's about 90 right now. It should start warming up starting tomorrow. We've already been above the century mark three or four times and according to the forecast, we're headed that way again.

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on June 18, 2004 04:18:16 PM new
Hi all,

It's simply gorgeous here on the California coast! Blue sky, white clouds, all in all, a beautiful day. No wind where I am and no need for the A/C which is a window unit in the eBay room. SW corner of the house so it DOES get warm in here sometimes.

Temperature: 70°F 21°C
Conditions: Fair
Winds: SW 9 MPH SW 14 KPH
Relative Humidity: 57%
Barometer: 30.03 Steady
Visibility: 10.00 Miles 16.09 Kilometers
Feels Like: 70°F

Kinda hard to stay inside but I DO need to get at the pictures for late summer auctions. Also need to stay with the buying. Now's the time...


posted on June 18, 2004 04:41:58 PM new
Weather report says 90 degrees here in Portland Oregon. I have all of our windows open at our store, with the garage bay door wide open on the front, 3 heavy duty fans going and the thermometer inside the store reads a whopping 86 degrees. No AC here.

I can't wait to jump in the Volvo and crank the AC up on my way home to my AC. There I will go in the cool and comfy basement and take some photos for this coming weeks listings while sipping on an ice cold long island ice tea.

posted on June 18, 2004 05:02:27 PM new
Lucy, you are in God's portion of california. Up here near san francisco, we are about 70 in the shade with the cool ocean breeze
posted on June 18, 2004 05:47:28 PM new
Lucy is right! Calif. weather this week has been too gorgeous for words. We're in the mountains of So. Calif. Low 70s, cool breeze, humidity about 10%, 50s at night. Toooo wonderful. What's the point of going to heaven?!
As I've matured, I've learned . .

#2. . . that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away. And the real pains in the butt are permanent.
posted on June 18, 2004 05:54:37 PM new
High of 95 today with a heat index of 110 eeekkk lol we were melting. It's now 8:52 and the temps down to 84 with a heat index of 93.

posted on June 18, 2004 06:05:55 PM new
Hi all,

Paloma, You're having good weather too! Are you missing the fog rolling in or are you maybe not right in the city...

Adele, I didn't realize it was so dry where you are.

Toasted - your name says it all today! Is it awfully humid where you are? I ran into high humidity in Florida (ugh-y place - just too awful, awful, awful...) I'm so glad my son moved back to the United States of California!


posted on June 18, 2004 06:22:33 PM new
lol Lucy uh huh on the name saying it all....Humidity is 76% right now. Were in South Carolina so not real far from Floria.We can get to Jacksonville in about 4 hours but I'd rather be going to upper Georgia lol the weathers so much better there.

posted on June 18, 2004 06:22:51 PM new
Hi all, and greetings from Florida to Lucy! been in the 90's and yes Humid, rainy season has started, and that means afternoon thunder and lightning storms, so computer gets turned off, but you know what they say about Florida "If you do not like the weather, wait 15 minutes." Have a nice weekend everyone.Alas! there is no $2.00 buck chuck in Florida.
I don't get even....I get even better Jimmy Hoffa
posted on June 18, 2004 06:27:47 PM new
Humidity here in Vancouver is only 28%, local breeze about 10 mph.

Kids next door throwing rocks at a bee's nest.

Time to take the dog out for a swim in the Fraser River...

posted on June 18, 2004 06:40:15 PM new
Lucy...Wanna trade houses for the summer? I've got a big pool, AC, and I'll lay in a nice stock of 2 buck chuck

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on June 18, 2004 06:42:48 PM new
HOT, STICKY AND ABSOLUTELY ICKY down here in South Florida (Miami to be specific). I went for my morning run and had trouble breathing because the humidity is so HIGH!!!


posted on June 18, 2004 06:50:13 PM new
Hi Diane, I'm from Stuart, same coast if you are not familiar with it, about 20 miles north of Palm Beach.Today was especially humid.
I don't get even....I get even better Jimmy Hoffa
posted on June 18, 2004 07:03:35 PM new
I guess it gets really humid all over the Deep South. I feel for you guys who live there. Pensacola is where my son lived. The Blue Angels flying past the Navy Lodge was the best part of the whole place!

For sure no Two-Buck-Chuck there. My son and I bought California wine on base and even there it was kinda pricey compared to here. Of course it must cost quite a bit to ship across the country.

That's the only part of Florida I've been to. Is the weather different from the FL Panhandle down where you are, Diane?

Of course, Sparkz, you COULD come over HERE for a visit but, nooooo.... I don't think I want to trade houses! The San Joaquin (that's pronounced Jo-Ack-In) Valley's just too much for me! After all, look what happened to my cousins... One's a Terra Bella basket case and the other invented a walnut tree shaker!

The Fraser River? I put my toes in it once - that water was cold enough to turn them blue. Of course that didn't stop the mosquitoes... They bit my Dad right through his shirt.


posted on June 18, 2004 07:41:10 PM new
Hi Lucy ... The Panhandle is definitely a bit cooler than what we get down here. Picture a tropical rainforest just before it rains! That's what it's like. I only have trouble breathing when the humidity is very high (which, unfortunately, is from June until October). Although, on the bright side, we have a very lovely winter!

Latte -- We are both in the same boat! Sticky, icky and VERY hard to breath. I love the fresh air, but, jeez, if it doesn't move, how fresh is it? AND I'm right on the east coast, so if it didn't move for me down here, it was downright nasty by you!


posted on June 18, 2004 07:47:18 PM new
But, Lucy ... On the bright side, we have so many great things to see down in these parts. Just do it in the winter.


posted on June 18, 2004 07:57:15 PM new
Typical 'Deep South' weather here in Tennessee:

Temp 75 (10:00 pm)
Humidity 85%(now) to 93% (by 2:00 am)
No wind, No precipitation

Our A/C went out a couple of days ago and we're waiting on a part to come in!

posted on June 18, 2004 08:03:17 PM new

For sure! Winter's the time to go.

I guess I'm pretty lucky - the average year-round high here is 65 - 82, lows 42 - 53. Nobody here even owns heavy jackets.

Way different than in a lot of the country.

One Christmas I went to Memphis. My son was there at the time. It was so freakin' cold I couldn't believe it. It "warmed up" to the mid-20s. Jeeze Loueeze... Still, Graceland was pretty neat!


posted on June 18, 2004 08:23:16 PM new
Yep, Lucy. It is very dry here! Best kept secret in the west is the high mountains of southern Calif.--San Jacinto mountains (ours) and San Bernardino mountains (theirs LOL). At 6,000+ feet we have pine and cedar trees, streams, cool nights and sorta cool days, deer and antelope playing, mountain lions, bobcats, squirrels, chipmunks, etc. etc. You'd think we were in Yosemite--in fact, John Muir called Idyllwild the Yosemite of the South. How's that for prestige?!! And the most-often-heard order at the table is "CLOSE the bread bag." Bread dries out in a couple of minutes if left out. 10 - 25% humidity has its plusses but our skin gets drier, too. We can drive 1 hour west and find lots of humidity, toward the coast. We even get coastal fog about 1/3 of the nights. NOW will you come visit?
As I've matured, I've learned . .

#2. . . that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away. And the real pains in the butt are permanent.
posted on June 18, 2004 08:30:45 PM new

Edited to add... Unfortunately San Luis Obispo ISN'T a well kept secret! Cal Poly graduation was last week so I think maybe we get a week of breathing room before the tourists start arriving in their yearly droves.
[ edited by OhMsLucy on Jun 18, 2004 08:32 PM ]
posted on June 18, 2004 08:31:58 PM new
Lucy...I was just trying to catch you at a week moment. Oh well, it was worth a try. As far as the basket case in Terra Bella, it's not the heat that does it. Everyone in that town is a basket case. Must be the parathion they spray on those oranges. Your other cousin is trying to kill me, I swear. He puts those machines in barns at night and they mate and breed and come looking for me. And I'm well aware of the summer climate in San Luis Obispo. I spent many a summer day at Camp SLO. The inmates at the prison across the street did all the cleanup chores there. We had two iron clad rules :1) if you open a beer, you have to drink EVERY drop. Can't leave any behind for the inmates. 2) Don't give any of them a machine gun, hand grenade, artillery piece, or even a rifle, no matter what kind of sob story they give you

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on June 18, 2004 08:52:37 PM new

I guess I owe Cuzzin Ola Mae an apology - I had no idea Uncle Herman was spraying awful stuff on his oranges!

Now as far as Cuzzin Jim, he does what he does and Diamond Walnuts, I am sure, appreciates his efforts.

The "guests" at the CMC Correctional Hotel are doing a pretty good job keeping Hwy 1 clean. They stay off to the side of the road when I drive by on my way to Morro Bay. Maybe they're checking the cans very carefully but I like to think they are just watching out for their little selves.

[ edited by OhMsLucy on Jun 19, 2004 06:14 AM ]
posted on June 18, 2004 10:00:48 PM new
Eastern PA, near Philadelphia & very near Wilmington, DE

Hot & verrry humid, thunder & lightning storms off & on for the last 5 days.
Sunday is supposed to be a perfect day, so they say.

posted on June 19, 2004 05:21:44 AM new
Here on Long Island, NY it is in the high 80's with over 75% humidity. Totally stiffling. We went on a buying trip to NYC and the breeze that whips around all the buildings, helped relieve the heat alittle. Been some thunderstorms, but they have not helped the humidity at all. And this is typical for now.

We moved here from NM 3 years ago and really miss that climate. Even tho' it got hot with very little humidity it could cool off 30 degrees over night, so no need for a/c in order to sleep.

posted on June 19, 2004 06:39:13 AM new
SW Ohio here - we have a saying in the Ohio valley: "If you don't like the weather here, stick around for a day, it will change!!" And does it ever. The last few days have been terrible with temps in the high 80's and humidity to match. It's like walking into a steam room. They say we're going to have a cool, dry weekend. I certainly hope so. I would love to be able to take a breath without my lungs filling up with fluid.

I'll just sat in my nice air conditioned ebay room and keep working.

Everyone have a great weekend!!!
posted on June 19, 2004 08:25:53 AM new
Here in Ontario it is 40 degrees. We have been out to rummage sales wearing our winter coats. Brrrrrrr!!

posted on June 19, 2004 11:13:59 AM new
Lucy & I share the good fortune of living on the Central Coast of CA. Supposed to be 70 here in Santa Maria today. Ah, life is tough. LOL

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