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posted on July 8, 2004 01:12:34 PM new
I am dis-pleased with eBay, and the evidence of incompetence and greed it manifests. Thus, I am not unhappy at being NARU. It is somewhat like a badge of honor, with mixed emotions. But the following is a copy of an irate eBayers about me page before eBay removed it. It is kind of choppy, but what you see is vouched for. I won't run spell check on it. Actually, I thought about posting this on the RT thread, but it IS eBay related.


I Can No Longer in Good Faith, Support the Enemy! This is True, I have been Treated Unfairly as a Seller, and My Auctions have been "SABOTAGED" by the Many Paid Trolls of eBay. Trolls that were given Preferential Treatment, and the Permission by eBay, to Bash Me and My Auctions! Simply because I told the "TRUTH!" eBay's Allowing this Kind of Behavior, has been the Final Blow to My Sales. I have been Wiped Out, by the Hand of eBay! The only good thing that has come out of this is "Community Awareness!" The Sellers have become aware that the Deck is Stacked, and that the Boards are Seeded with Posters who Intentionally Batter the Community, when Praises of eBay are Not Sung!

If you do not accept paypal, eBay Accuses You, "The Seller" of being a Thief, and Warns Your Customers Against Using Any Payment Option besides Paypal at Your Auctions. Blatant Discrimination by eBay, to Grow their Own Business, while Destroying Yours.

Many Sellers have been destroyed by eBay this past year, due to what eBay describes as "Your Inability to Adjust!" I feel that we have been destroyed purposely by eBay, by eBay's inability to work for the success of "ALL THEIR SELLERS", who pay fee's in this venue.

I have been keeping up with the threads on all boards! There is much anger that is racing through this community over the changes implemented. Which have not progressed sales, but is ultimately destroying them.

The Next Statement Proves without a Doubt, that the Power of the Board Moderators, Exceeds the Opinions of the Community and it's Honest Sellers!

imcollectordan (2) (view author's auctions) 06/02/04 05:13 AM(#742 of 744) Well done Mutt !!!!

That's the way I got rid of XPPMAM and now, obviously, Billboardbob and Sundance. Actually - the topic should have gone the same way as Sundancedramaqueen and BillboardImapaininthebutt - I.E. DELETED.

Sundance: My Auctions Took a Plunge into the Land of No Sales and Low Sales, especially after I was sanctioned from the boards, and the trolls were allowed to continue to insult me and my auctions, without my ability to post, and counteract the damage! I have kept every single remark made against me, and will be more than happy to use them, in the future.

The Above Statement by imcollectordan is an Admission of Guilt, to have removed my ability to post on eBay's Boards. Yes, and Now I am in Violation for the Last Time. Naru Me, which is what you've wanted to do all along, eBay. I have Proved My Statements to be Truth, this Final Decision of Yours to Naru Me, will Prove My Statements to be Right!

Due to the Purposeful Degradation of My Honesty and Integrity, with eBays Blessing, I hold eBay Purposely Responsible for My Failure on Their Site. I DID NOT GET, WHAT MY FEE'S WERE SUPPOSE TO PAY FOR! My Auctions and My Integrity Were Tainted Deliberately with eBay's Approval. My Auctions were Harmed by eBay's Paid Trolls, (Board Moderators) without a shadow of a doubt. My Business was destroyed by eBay's category changes, and Blatant Discrimination of Policy's Regarding their Paypal Venue. A Combination of All the Above Ruined My Business! YOU EBAY, ARE RESPONSIBLE! Yes, I do have Proof!

Member Profile: Sundancereal: 1830 (Feedbacks, not including Feedbacks by repeat buyers) FEEDBACK SCORE: 1830 POSITIVE FEEDBACK: 99.9% Members who Left a Positive: 1831 Members who Left a Negative: 1 All Positive Feedback Received: 2708

The above is the Seller you will be Naruing from Your System eBay. A Seller who has made you money since 1999. A Seller who remembers when eBay was a Great Place to Shop and Sell. A Seller who has seen you change in the worst possible ways, destroying the very sellers, who helped you climb the ladder of success.

Sellers like myself who have watched our businesses collapse under the weight of eBay, have been eBay's Bread and Butter. We have been the foundation of your Success. We are also Ear Marked for "DESTRUCTION!" While Seller after Seller Implodes on eBay, because we no longer fit into your Grand Aspirations of Power and Wealth! Sad thing is, that although new sellers are being brought into this site daily, they will become disillusioned very quickly. Unlike Us, who remember the Hay Days of eBay, with the Success that we once had, your New Members will find it a struggle to list here, and even bigger struggle to make sales. Their patience will not be as long suffering as ours has been.

I have Saved so Many Threads and Many Posts Made by The Following Posters:

imcollectordan (This One was highly responsible for having me banned from the boards, for telling the Truth) texas skeeter (Biggest Lier on eBay) Muttdog (Nasty & Rude) Sandypurins (Big eBay Brown Noser) Amberkitty (Thread Dismantler & eBay Flag Waver) Diva (One of the Cruelest Posters on eBay! I saved the remarks that you made about my dead husband Diva!) Clinic (Insulting and Rude to Anyone who is Anti Paypal)

These posters and many others not on the above list, have not lost their rights to post on eBay's Boards. They insult, belittle, use name calling, and fuel the fires of the anger of the eBay Community. Take texas skeeter for instance, who has no viable feedback of an actual seller. He has Never Proved that he or she even sells on eBay. No Credible Proof what so ever. These Posters Insult, degrade every single seller on the boards, who disagree with eBay and Paypal. Yet These Posters Have Not Lost the Rights to Post? I, who have proved without a doubt that I cared for my customers, have Great Feedback, have been Banished, and will be indefinitely Narued Permanently, any day now!


eBay is on a Mission, and unfortunately the Success of All of the Members is Not on their Agenda. The Boards are Controlled and Your Auctions are Controlled. The Sellers have Lost their Ability to be Successful on eBay!

I may be Finished with eBay and they may be through with me, but My Fight with eBay is Far from Over! When you see the Naru next to My ID, Consider the Feedback from a Seller, who Cared for Her Customers with Honesty and Integrity. See a Seller who also Cared enough about the eBay Community to Sacrifice All, so that the Truth would Come Into the Light! eBay as a Company who is in Need of Reform and Intervention through Legal Channels. It is clearly the only way, they will know the Error of Their Ways.

I Bid All of My Friends, Repeat Customers, and the eBay Community a "Fond Farewell!" I Wish All the Sellers who have decided to stay on eBay Loads of Luck! eBay, when your venue turns into an empty parking lot, and the sellers and buyers find other friendly and wonderful auction sites to move to, you'll finally discover what a Great Many Sellers are experiencing right now on eBay:

Total Devastation! Ruined Businesses! Broken Dreams!


Wow, It is a conspiracy.

Added: look for your self http://members.ebay.com/ws2/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=sundancereal

You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
[ edited by parklane64 on Jul 8, 2004 01:23 PM ]
posted on July 8, 2004 01:40:46 PM new
yep, it is quite frustrating. i just received an email from a potential bidder asking me why I don't accept Paypal from International Bidders. They also mentioned that eBay is now posting warnings to bidders "not to use Western Union" because of fraud. Ironically, eBay owns Paypal. Paypal offers major loopholes to fraudulent bidders from overseas and unconfirmed US address orders. I was burned for close to $300 2 years ago, and won't let it happen again. So, I accept Paypal for US Confirmed only, I only ship to this address, no matter if they have 0 feedbacks or 10,000. I accept Western Union Auction Payments for International payments, and now eBay is telling people not to use that system because "we're scammers". Hello??? I've been doing this for 5 years, with very close to 4000 positives and a 99.3% rating.

I hope that Western Union sues eBay for these claims. Yes, it is true that many people in foreign countries are duping bidders to send payment via the WU wire service. I imagine they could do the same with the WUAP system, but guess what??? Criminals do it every single day using Paypal, and here is the kicker... Paypal lets them get away with it by protecting the bidder, not the seller. Paypal is full of loopholes, and it is up to every seller out there to close those loopholes so that Paypal cannot profit from fraud. Every chargeback costs a seller $10. Paypal stands to make more money on a chargeback than their fees, so it is in their interest to do so. They hide behind a wall of "mediation" using their mediators who will 99.9% of the time rule in Paypal's favor. This is no different than Insurance companies paying an "Independent" medical examiner to examine you after an injury claim. These IME's job is to claim you are in perfect health and can return to work so that the Insurance company can stop paying claims. Dirty practices, by dirty people.

posted on July 8, 2004 03:15:27 PM new
Yup,,,,,,I just found out about the $10.00 thing this morning. Buyer remorser does charge back.

No protection for the sellers. -'d my account and THEN sent me notice of same.

Yup, there is definately something wrong about e bay posting that do not use Western Union statement.

They took a SIMPLE and EASY system and turned it into a maze of mirrors and smoke. Over complicated this to the hilt. Do they REALLY beleive most of the people either BUYING or SELLING are all Harvard Graduates? The way they address anything that they REALLY don't want you to understand they reply just that way.

Ah, whatever....

posted on July 8, 2004 07:34:15 PM new
Parklane -- Why is it that you must post such negativity? Although Ebay isn't "THE PERFECT COMPANY", it sure is better than working that old 9-to-5 J-O-B (just over broke) and giving one a chance to advance in life. You don't have anything positive to say about Ebay because you have been NARU'D, and you expect all of us to take up your cause. There will ALWAYS be naysayers out there for anything. Could you please put a sock in it and abstain from posting your crap for a while? I, for one, am sick of reading it.


posted on July 8, 2004 07:35:43 PM new
Oh and one other thing ... There is NO PERFECT COMPANY out there. If there is, please do let us know so that we can knock on its doors for a job.

posted on July 8, 2004 07:56:36 PM new
In the words of the Imfamous Rodney king,,,,Why can't we all just get along?

posted on July 8, 2004 08:11:16 PM new
posted on July 9, 2004 09:22:37 PM new
Although most of the statements are true about ebay here, that doesn't change the fact that parklane has been suspended many times from ebay and even from Vendio only to come back as a different ID.

posted on July 10, 2004 10:20:49 AM new
amen! time for a new auction...trade place...it's just time and i don't see anyone selling on yahoo or would have used them...?? Thanks

posted on July 10, 2004 10:43:04 AM new
LOL, just the messenger, albeit one just as biased as Dan Blather. I'd put a sock in it, bizzy, but then we'd have to listen to you complain about being uncomfortable sitting down. You sound like one of those grumpy old women that complain all the time, anyway. If someone yelled 'fire!' in the middle of the night would you whine that they were disturbing your sleep?

Stone, you are amusing in a Mr. Magoo sort of way. Just a recap, I've been NARUed, once, from eBay and won't go back. Paypal is very happy with me, go figure.

You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
posted on July 10, 2004 11:03:31 AM new
How does one get suspended from Vendio anyway? Or more importantly WHY?? I thought we could say just about anything here as long as we aren't spammin???

Sig files are too much trouble!
posted on July 10, 2004 11:06:14 AM new
When moderators were around one could get suspended for using foul language, attacking other posters, etc. It still happens once in a blue moon now if one behaves egregiously.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on July 10, 2004 01:10:23 PM new

Don't ya go blind from egregiously...

posted on July 10, 2004 05:57:12 PM new
Parklane -- Obviously you haven't seen my picture and don't know crap about me! It is YOU that is the grumpy old woman. Why else would you consistently come into this forum complaining about ebay and how YOU HAVE BEEN SO BADLY WRONGED BY THEM!!! Oh you poor dear. We all just feel SOOOOOO badly for you. What a LOSER!!! LOL .... Hang it up!!!

And by the way, my name is Diane, and I don't hide behind numerous names and smokescreens. I don't need to, unlike you Parklane ... errrrrrrr ... That is your name, isn't it???


Edited for punctuation.
[ edited by bizzycrocheting on Jul 10, 2004 05:59 PM ]
posted on July 10, 2004 06:59:55 PM new

BRAVO! i saw your pix...

may i interject a WOWWWW on your behalf.


[edited to add: or maybe a wowww on MY behalf!!!]]]]
[ edited by myoldtoy on Jul 10, 2004 07:00 PM ]
posted on July 10, 2004 07:10:39 PM new
Oh gosh! Thank YOU, Toy!

posted on July 10, 2004 08:12:01 PM new
<<They took a SIMPLE and EASY system and turned it into a maze of mirrors and smoke. Over complicated this to the hilt.>>

Jack...AMEN. I couldn't have stated it better myself. You just revealed the biggest problem facing Ebay today.

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on July 13, 2004 12:07:02 PM new
Bizzy, you are right I know as little about you as you know about me. I don't give a rat's ass about how gorgeous you consider yourself, it's only skin deep. Your personality goes clear to the bone. I made no comments about your looks, I SAID, "You sound like one of those grumpy old women that complain all the time." What on God's green Earth does that, in any way, have to do with physical appearance? Just as the word marriage can have different definitions, so can the word ugly. Without referring to appearance, IMHO, you are an ugly person.


Hebrews 13:8
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