posted on July 14, 2004 10:23:17 AM new
Received an email from eBay this AM. Now going back to the old categories in Pottery, Glass & China. Daxn, I wish they would quit trying to fix something that aint broke.
Life Is Too Short To Drink Bad Wine
posted on July 14, 2004 04:49:09 PM new
What I hate is when you have to keep going back and re-editing auctions, I am now at the point I don't know which ones I've done and which ones I haven't.
posted on July 15, 2004 01:00:36 PM new
Sanmar...I just went to schedule an auction in the P&G category thinking the transition was already completed. There were still no sub-categories so I had to put it in the pottery & china category #94. When I went to finish the listing, I discovered there were no longer any item specifics for the category. It looks like they are half way through the switch. The way it is now, this will launch into a single catch all category with thousands of other pieces from every manufacturer on earth. By clicking on the link on the Vendio category page, I did find the category number for the manufacturer I wanted, but Vendio would not accept that number, only category 94. How are you handleing your china listings during this mess? Is it possible to revise into the correct category after launch? This is one big mess.
A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law