posted on July 14, 2004 02:41:06 PM new
Hey guys I was just wondering if this was legaL in the Ebay World?
Are you allowed to direct users toward your ME Page, and then have a URl as this seller does which promotes sales through Anadale?
posted on July 14, 2004 03:39:15 PM new
Here is what they have to say about it:
"The eBay About Me page may be used to describe the seller's business, and may contain Web addresses or links to the seller's individual Web site. It may not specifically promote off eBay sales or sales of items prohibited on eBay, nor may it contain links to commercial Web sites where goods from multiple sellers are aggregated by a common search engine." from off of their "About Me Guidelines" page.
I am really glad that you asked that! I was sitting here trying to figure out how to stear people to other places that I am thinking of selling things. GREAT!