posted on July 15, 2004 06:33:50 AM new
Some cops just don't use discretion! I found this amusing.
posted on July 15, 2004 06:48:06 AM new
Our government at work!!
Doesn't it give you a warm, comfy feeling that paid government employees spend their time in truly responsible ways?
posted on July 15, 2004 07:27:42 AM new
LOL, is the sand worth so much he local govt doesn't want it out of the county...
Silly just plain silly...
posted on July 15, 2004 08:21:28 AM new
I think they opened up a whole can of worms, anyone living near a beach area that reads this can go get sand and then list on ebay.
I don't get even....I get even better Jimmy Hoffa
posted on July 15, 2004 09:13:00 AM new
My first though was, "Here's a seller, being successful, making something out of nothing!"
Meaning he took something as valueless and common as dirt (pun intended), and turned a profit on it.
My second thought was, "Gee. I wonder if anyone would pay for Central Texas rocks?"
posted on July 15, 2004 09:46:13 AM new
OMG!! Here in Santa Barbara County, the county is selling sand by the cubic yard. out of the Guadalupe Dunes. I don't know how much sand is there, but some of the dunes are 200 feet high. The prevailing wind is from the west & continually closes the road to the beach. So its necessary to remove it.
Life Is Too Short To Drink Bad Wine
posted on July 15, 2004 09:59:49 AM new
Sand-mar (sorry, couldn't help myself!)
..and doesn't "mar" mean "sea" in Latin???
So you would be "Sand-Sea"?
You should offer to take a SMALL portion of that pesky sand off their hands for free! Wow, free eBay merchandise...
posted on July 15, 2004 03:35:23 PM new
Meadowlark -
My first thought was ... what about sand from the famous Coney Island?
Minus the ... errrr ... equally famous Coney Island whitefish, of course.
posted on July 15, 2004 04:26:22 PM new
I guess I've never heard of
"equally famous Coney Island whitefish"!
Is that a dead fish in the sand, or something offered for comsumption in the area? LOL!
posted on July 15, 2004 05:07:03 PM new
Meadow -
See, it's like this: A "Coney Island whitefish" is not ... errr ... a fish at all.
They're ..uh ...a certain kind of...errr ..preventive device ...used and discarded by young couples in love.
They're found with some regularity on NYC beaches. But wherever they float up - the Rockaways, Brighton - they're known locally as "Coney Island whitefish."
posted on July 15, 2004 08:26:16 PM new
OH! okay, neverrrrminddd...
posted on July 15, 2004 08:34:12 PM new
Sounds like they need to trade jobs. That innovative Ebay seller needs to be at city hall handling the taxpayers money and the Parks and Recreation director needs to be on the beach pounding sand.
A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on July 15, 2004 08:48:51 PM new
Maybe I should suggest to Mayor Bloomberg that he try selling sand from Coney Island on eBay to try to close the deficit
Would beat closing centers for senior citizens and pre-school programs.