posted on July 15, 2004 11:44:07 AM new
Dose anybody know what this team is??
I suspect it's college, not pro. I am pretty well versed in the area of sports but this has me stumped. Probably from the Pacific NW somewhere??
posted on July 15, 2004 02:04:56 PM new
are you sure it is even college? it may be a high school. are there any indications it is college? at first I thought it might be the Central Michigan Chippewa's (spelling), but their Indian logo is looking straight forward rather than to the side, though they this could perhaps be a much older logo.
posted on July 15, 2004 02:31:22 PM new
Good thaught Gumbo....I will list it and put both College and Highschool in the title as they both do quite well...
posted on July 15, 2004 03:14:59 PM new
Dos it say the name of the helmet manufacture? It might be a high school or a junior college. It doesn't look to old because of the shape. Older helmets are shorter in the back and it does have a face guard so I doubt a old one.
posted on July 15, 2004 04:36:28 PM new
Boy, that logo is close. Now that I think about it this must be a High School lid. I got the helmet for a few bucks in the Binghamton NY Salvation Army. Our team here is the Patriots. I guess I will go ahead and list it and see what it does.