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posted on July 19, 2004 05:57:30 AM new
Good morning! We did a street fair this weekend and were across from a power seller who sells beanie babies.(and lot of them 4000+ f/b.) She was telling me how she gets non paying bidders to pay.

She looks up their address on Yahoo and gets any phone number she can. In one instance after 30 days of waiting, she repeately called the guys sister. He finally contacted her and told her to stop calling the sister. She told him, pay me and I will stop. Your Mom is next and then your neighbors. She got her check.

Not something I could or would do but interesting on how other people do their business. Oh course if I had a high $$ end bid and 1 of a kind and no other bidders, I might consider it too. LOL

posted on July 19, 2004 06:04:34 AM new
can you say HARRASSMENT??

posted on July 19, 2004 06:07:10 AM new
Yep, sure can. That is her way - not mine.

posted on July 19, 2004 06:39:31 AM new
What a horrible thing to do. File the appropriate alerts and reports and move on. One day one of her bidders is going to show up at her door with an unpleasant surprise, I'm afraid. She'll come across a real nut case one day. Seems this seller is one.

Sellers like that really do make it difficult for the rest of us. People are still buying Beanie Babies?

[ edited by CBlev65252 on Jul 19, 2004 06:40 AM ]
posted on July 19, 2004 07:23:56 AM new
Yes they are buying them left and right. But she is selling alot of the speciality ones and not just the ones everyone collected years back. We were where we could watch her and some bought 3-4 at a time! She sold over $1500 worth this weekend. Who knew!!!

The newest ones (to me) are the real soft ones that are larger and are called Pluffies. The other gimic is that almost any popular brand name has a beanie now including Mr. Apple and Compuer Meg (named after you know who).

Way back when, I suscribed to the eBay magazine and got a bb with the eBay logo. She has those too.

I am not a beanie person, but learned alot this w/e. I was really happy to meet her.

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