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posted on November 29, 2004 12:41:58 PM new
I was about to pack a Couroc bowl, older, as couroc is, and I lightly washed it, on the back is a stamp about couroc and to wash it 'gently with mild soap'. Well I did, and it FADED, I mean it was shiny and had 'luster' now it looks like cr*p.

What would you do, the buyer paid this morning. Am I looking at a neg here?

(and dang, it gets that bad with just a little dishsoap and water?????)

posted on November 29, 2004 12:46:23 PM new

I'd take a picture of the way it looks now and send it in an e-mail to the buyer. Tell them you were trying to be helpful (nice - whatever) and wash it before you packed it. Tell them you would glady refund the money if they no longer want the bowl. Apologize at least twice during the e-mail and see what they say.


posted on November 29, 2004 12:50:21 PM new
LOL, yep I think I will be begging!

I mean this luster was gone in about 2 seconds! Strange!

posted on November 29, 2004 01:56:56 PM new
That's a shame. Please tell us what type of soap you used, and I'll make sure I don't wash anything of value with it just in case. I have found that some of the detergents are way too harsh for certain items. I often use something called Basic H made by Shaklee and it is very gentle and can be used to wash anything from dishes to laundry, and you can even bathe in it. Sorry to hear about the bowl and I hope you still have a sale.
posted on November 29, 2004 05:17:35 PM new
I would guess it had some polish on it NearTheSea and when you washed it ,it washed the polish off. I've washed 10 or more piece of Couroc with Dawn dish washing liquid and it's never been a problem. Someone ...I think it was Jasper said there a good polish for plastics...maybe he'll come along a share the name of the polish again. Novus makes a plastic polish if you can find it local ...like maybe in walmarts

posted on November 29, 2004 08:48:40 PM new
OH MY GOSH!!! TAKE ME BACK!! BASIC H! My dad sold that when I was a kid. I love that company.


posted on November 29, 2004 09:08:46 PM new
Unless someone can come up with the name of a good plastic polish soon that's readily available (I knew once and can't think of the name of it now), I'd suggest going to a motorcycle dealership and getting some of the stuff they use on windshields.

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on November 30, 2004 12:24:56 PM new
I honestly don't think it can be polished

I used Joy (I think thats what we have!) but even just the water pouring on it, I saw something happening, like it was going to be dull, can't explain that, but then when I went to dry it the cloth had dark brown all over it! The bottom is still shiny though.

I haven't heard back, I wrote her, and told her exactly what I did, and that I would refund her, that was yesterday, still haven't heard. It was the weirdest thing though! I guess it was one of those one in a million freak things?

I remember Shaklee! I dated a guy in the 70's who was really into it I mean he wouldn't use anything else, and he sold it too
posted on November 30, 2004 12:42:56 PM new
I know I have done stuff like this too. It's ok for the picture but you just want to clean it up as pretty as you can for the winner and something like this happens.
I would offer to let them have it at a discount or pay for shipping. Maybe that would help if they still want the bowl.

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