posted on January 11, 2005 07:26:16 AM new
Hi everyone, first of all I would like to wish everyone a happy New Year. I have also learned so far there is no calm after the storm. Little by little we are regrouping, after Hurricane Jeanne, Frances was hard on us but Jeanne hit hard. We are still negotiating with our Ins. company and FEMA.This will be the first time I have attempted to list since last August and can not believe all the changes in such a short time span. I really missed this board and I am so looking forward to getting back into the swing of things with everyone.
I don't get even....I get even better Jimmy Hoffa
posted on January 11, 2005 08:48:39 AM new
Welcome back!
With all this rain and accompanying headaches, I try to keep Florida and its hurricane damage in mind as I complain about our California weather. I know it could be worse. Instead of leaks, we could lose our home. You've been through 'way more than most of us can even imagine!
Is it true that the only difference between a yard sale and a trash pickup is how close to the road the stuff is placed?
posted on January 11, 2005 09:42:54 AM new
F-5 Tornados in Oklahoma-record heatwaves in Europe kill 10,000.Huge hurricanes in Florida,record snowfalls in the mid-west and northern california.Killer Tidal Wave from a 9.0 earthquake in the Indian ocean,which cause a tilt in the earths axis and rotation.Huge mudslides in S.California-another earthquake in the Phillipines this morning.
posted on January 11, 2005 10:10:46 AM new
LOL, Classic! Just think of it as the dog shaking off its fleas. After good ole Mother Earth stops the offending creatures, she will settle back down for a nap.
We (Florida) have always had hurricanes, California has always had mudslides, etc, etc. It is just that we have decided to live in places that earlier generations had enough sense to not settle in.
I'm glad to see you are back Latte. I know Pensacola and the middle of the state are still looking at years of rebuilding and I am sorry you have had to deal with the aftermath. I did it during Opal. It took me more than 2 years to recover and my health barely survived the stress.
As for me and mine, we are slowing selling off everything and will be moving North within the next few years. Mother Earth can have her hurricanes. I'm ready for the those Tennessee mountains!
posted on January 11, 2005 01:59:16 PM newrecord snowfalls in the mid-west
Now that's a good one. Here in the midwest, we are still waiting to get our first inch of snow. Yes, a record, but for the least amount of snowfall to date.
Alive in 2005
posted on January 11, 2005 03:02:21 PM new
Welcome back!
It's been pretty strange this winter. One day has below zero wind chills and two days later it's 50. Today was freezing rain, about 4" of snow and ice tonight. Tomorrow, rain and 50 again. No wonder everyone is sick around here!
posted on January 11, 2005 09:47:58 PM new
Oh my gosh, I was thinking about you just yesterday & wondering where you were...I was about to email you.
I had no idea you were hit with two hurricanes.
Good luck with your insurance company, our's took over a year, but when they settled we were very happy with the amount.
I guess patience is the word, so hang in & get all that's coming to you.
posted on January 11, 2005 11:55:14 PM new
Welcome back Reenie !! Glad to hear you are back. Hope the New Year brings better things for you this year and the insurance company doesn't take to long to settle so you can get your whole life back on track.
posted on January 12, 2005 05:54:42 AM new
"For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines, and pestilence's and earthquakes. "But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs." Matthew 24:3-8
"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth the distress of nations, with great perplexity, over the sea and the roaring of the waves." Luke 21:25