posted on February 4, 2005 05:50:43 AM new
Hi EO'ers, and Good morning Glassgrl ... how is your new computer doing? ...
I had had problems with (immense) eBay site slowness and Feedback Forum page with a jumping/jerking scrollbar for a couple months. Marcn posted about a week or so ago, here, about the site slowness 'fix' that he had found at ebay Tech Issues forum (this fix can be found on the ME page of ebay user rockboss2000) ... I had implemented that 'fix' about a week before marcn suggested it, and it speeded up my ebay navigation incredibly (but did not fix my jumping FB Forum page at all) ... my ebay navigating was real fast for most of that week, but did slow down a little bit near the end of last week.
On the weekend, I took my puter to local pc repair shop to have a new fan put in the power supply box ... upon the technician's rebooting, my hard drive crashed (that can happen) ... he had my WinXP Home Edition reinstalled from the Microsoft website, and I brought the computer home on Monday nite of this week, needing to reinstall my extra programs that I use ... of course the first thing was installing my online isp's (roadrunner cable connection and AOL Broadband), then my McAfee Virus-scan and Firewall ... (only took me half a day to realize I needed to get that panicware popup stopper and adawareSE up and going too LOL) ... ... you mentioned the 'revenge' that your new Dell came with SP2 already installed ... so I went and checked my 'about' for my Windows and it only referred to SP1, so I guess he only installed the very basic OS for winXP ...
Over this week, ebay especially, and aol news site have gone from smooth seamless velocity, to slowwww and jerky freezing-ups again! .... no good reason for it! ... I have plenty of RAM and very little running the background in the startup tray ...
Of course windows is nagging me to install some updates, and I haven't decided if or when to do to that. ...
Also, when my FB Forum page was 'jumping', (with SP2 installed) ebay tech troubleshooter had finally found a machine that she replicated that 'jumping' on, and said 'gee, it *is* a problem on ebay's end; i will submit a bug ticket to try to have that fixed' ... ... I had to let her know this week, that 'hey, i now have SP1 only, and it is still jumping' ... she *did* respond to my email that she would add that info to the ticket, because she was thinking along the lines that sp2 had something to do with it. ......
I was also wondering why more people in this forum didn't jump in, to marcn's post, regarding ebay site slowness ... do most of you actually not even HAVE this problem?! ...
I am bummed out ... I *will* go through rockboss2000's fix again today (which is something I did not do this week with my 'new' machine), just to speed up my ebay a bit, but gosh I shouldn't have to do that.
Any thoughts or help anybody? ... this just does not make sense!
posted on February 4, 2005 06:13:41 AM new
Try using an alternative to Microsoft and your troubles will go away. Other than that maybe if you can switch to XP Pro you may have better luck. Also, is the roadrunner software neccasary? You can probably set up your connection manually. Try running hijackthis, adaware and spybot s&d. Also try spywareblaster:
I don't know if your problems are spyware related but it can't hurt.
In a world without walls or fences who needs Windows and Gates?
posted on February 4, 2005 07:01:07 AM new
As soon as I installed "Spy Sweeper" I no longer have the Ebay site slowness problem, nor do I have the "strobe light" feedback page scrollbar. We have Windows NT installed.
However, I have to re-sign in several times a day to My Ebay.
posted on February 4, 2005 08:25:22 AM new
Thanks for ALL the info ltray!!! ... I also really appreciate your input about you experiencing the 'slowness' and your working with that rockboss fix ... (me too, was super speedy for a few days when i did it, then started slowing down to not-exactly-speedy-anymore.
and scyclone, thanx for your input, but that is not really practical for this situation i think.
AND minniestuff, thank you for YOUR report, of which I find interesting and useful for comparison purposes, (and I can use that sort of input, too). I wonder if spysweeper would fix my jumpin' FB Forum scrollbar! ... it wouldn't hurt to try. (I usually use just adawareSE and spybot S+D) ...
Hope GG's husband gets through his ordeal okay ... makes mine quite insignificant
posted on February 4, 2005 08:35:47 AM new
ltray, do you have the constant-jumpy scrollbar on the Feedback Forum page? ... that's the one where you pull up all auctions/listings that you have not left feedback for in the past 90 days.
[ edited by EstateSaleStuff on Feb 4, 2005 08:36 AM ]
posted on February 4, 2005 09:18:28 AM new
love love LOVE the Dell! Only got to play with it for a day before we had to leave for Bham. Most of that was spent uninstalling the cr@pware it came loaded with....myway spyware, aol, macaffee.....all the things I requested that I didn't want on it. The myway was a surprise.
But it was a super deal and I love the LCD screen.
Pages load faster than I can blink.
Pentium 4 HyperThreading and a 17" Dell UltraSharp LCD monitor, 3.00 GHz 800 FSB, 160 GB Hard Drive, 512 MB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM for $756.
Shoulder surgery on my DH went ok. Now if I survive the trip home I have to drive and it's "slow down, speed up, don't get in that lane, pass that guy...." Oh me oh my.
posted on February 4, 2005 09:30:30 AM new
ESS, not having the scroll problem, but I use a laptop and a wireless scroll mouse. That may make a difference.
posted on February 4, 2005 09:52:53 AM new
I don't use their feedback page, so can't really comment on that. I actually try to spend as little time as possible on the ebay site, I use software to avoid it. I can speak highly of a Dell computer though, mine is 2 years old and works as well as the day it arrived. I am using my 5th computer since starting my internet business 10 years ago, and this is by far the best. The worst was HP, I only used that as my primary computer for about 18 months, and now it is my kid's computer (and works fine for that) but for doing real work, it was just plain bad. My next computer WILL be a dell
posted on February 4, 2005 10:43:55 AM new
Wow, GG ... you poor thing with a backseat driver lol ... I can talk with you more about this after you've had your dell going for a week or two ... my pages loaded in a blink too, but not after doing my regular ebay work after a few days. ...
thanks, ltray (for the 'comparison notes' )
ebayvet, how can you avoid using the ebay site ... I'm thinking that to the degree that you must use it for your 'research' of your ebay items you want to sell, you need to be 'on' ebay to pull up search listings, etc. ... this is something that has become a tedious task for a lot of people, from what I understand. ....
posted on February 4, 2005 10:52:22 AM new
I minimize my use of the site, but I can't avoid it altogether. What I find slow is when I go to My Ebay - Searching is not really a problem, I don't notice problems (I do have high speed internet though) - Feedback, listing, etc. - I use 3rd party software and don't go near ebay for that. Research, yes, I use ebay, but a lot of times I can use other sources too.
posted on February 4, 2005 01:09:35 PM new
(but did not fix my jumping FB Forum page at all)
That is an ebay problem. The cause is the counter they added for how many characters you have left when leaving feedback. It doesn't seem to matter what operating system you use either. It happens to me at home and at work. It boils right down to what we have been saying about ebay all along. Why do they keep trying to fix something that isn't broken. Once they tinker with something, then you can bet the farm, it will be broken when they are done.
Alive in 2005
posted on February 4, 2005 01:17:00 PM new
Thanks for reading all of what i wrote, stone. lol ...
Yes, ebay finally admitted last week, that it is a problem on their end, although I and others have been telling them about it for a couple months now, and they kept telling people to clear their cache, eat their cookies, upgrade their computers, etc. ... I really use (used) that page function a lot to keep things organized here, and it's hard to work on that page with hellzapoppin.
[ edited by EstateSaleStuff on Feb 4, 2005 01:23 PM ]
posted on February 4, 2005 01:53:47 PM new
I guess I missed the their.
Boils down to, if you are having a problem and you are on any ebay page, it is time to assume it is an ebay problem, because it likely is.
Alive in 2005
posted on February 4, 2005 01:57:00 PM new
Precisely .... ... but how many of you other EO posters, have any problem with other ebay site slowness, in Searching, then hitting the back button to go back to your 'search list' ... that too is a big problem for us for the past couple months.
I've been meaning to write Meg about it, but have not taken the time. Their search function is getting so slow that I am beginning to wonder how many sales it is costing us?