posted on February 9, 2005 09:25:20 AM new
Got back from Bham 2 days ago and have spent 2 days on the phone with my cable company and SMC my router company. Each blamed the other for my problems in not connecting.
Finally the cable company gave up and sent me a tech. It took him about an hour and he finally said it was my router WAN port. That and the fact that a business down the street was using my IP address? They obtained their street address and was on their way to pay a visit to them when they left.
Anyway, I have to buy a new Router if I want to use my laptop to connect to Ebay of course.
They recommended Wireless G and Linksys. I'm reading reviews and I don't find much good on Linksys yet. I do know I was unhappy with my SMC as I could only pick up a signal on my kitchen counter and outside on the porch with my computer turned just the right way and my router in the upstairs window.
Anybody know anything about Routers? I'm clueless.
posted on February 9, 2005 01:20:29 PM new
My husband and I have a linksys cable modem and a microsoft wireless router. All of the hardware is in his office and I have the wireless ethernet card on my computer.
We never have any problems with the equipment but we do have very brief outages once in a while but that is more a cox cable internet problem.
posted on February 9, 2005 01:55:59 PM new
Glassgrl: 1-800-GeeksOnTime is a national network of computer techs that will come TO your house to do anything you need ... I think they are $80 an hour, if I remember right, and you speak with them on the phone once or twice before they actually come to your home to work. ... I hired them to come to my home office to set up my router and network (between two computer work stations) and they even did the network mapping settings, so both computers could 'get into' each others hard drives to grab things we need and have the printer work from both 'puters, etc. ... when I spoke with my local geek on the phone before they came, I asked them what kind of router they recommend I buy for them to set up, and they happen to say Linksys (and had said, "or" something else I can't remember the name of now; sorry) ...
Because I'm an AOL'er, my particular geek had a little bit of extra time on the clock getting things just right, because he wasn't familiar with the precise ins and outs of aol Braodband, but all in all, he was in and outta here in an hour and 15 minutes (after an hour, they charge in only 15 min. increments) ....
Mine were/are both computer tower work stations, rather than laptop, but you would be able to ask them what all you should go buy before they get there (like your ethernet cards or something?) ...
posted on February 9, 2005 07:21:25 PM new
I've replaced my SMC router TWICE in TWO years (The second one three days after the warranty was up).
I just bought a Linksys Wireless B router Saturday (Cheaper than the G since I don'e have any G hardware). I'll definitely avoid anything SMC sells from now on.
Replay Media - The best source for board games, card games and miniatures on the web!
posted on February 10, 2005 04:43:15 AM new
I've setup several Linksys wireless g routers and 1 Netgear wireless g and both worked great, but I would recomend the Linksys because the user interface is much easier to understand. If you are experienced with routers then either would be fine but definitly Linksys for the less experienced.
In a world without walls or fences who needs Windows and Gates?
[ edited by sciclone2000 on Feb 10, 2005 04:43 AM ]
posted on February 10, 2005 09:55:35 AM new
I still don't understand how anybody else can be using the same IP address. Any explanations?
After the "techs" left yesterday, I thought hmmmm...and plugged the router back in. Had to go the the SMC website and clone the address but wahlaaa - I have internet again.
ltray suggested they were just too embaressed to admit they didn't know what they were doing. But it WAS on the cable companies end, which SMC kept insisting that it had to be.
Meanwhile, has anybody heard anything about ParkerVision routers?
"Guaranteed Performance
ParkerVision guarantees that our Wireless LAN products will provide better distance, performance, improve any wireless network connection and deliver the optimum performance permitted through your cable, DSL or ADSL modem by your Internet Service Provider. If you are not satisfied with the card's performance, simply return it within 30 days for a full refund."
posted on February 10, 2005 01:31:21 PM new
I've always had good luck with Craftsman routers, although I've only used the wired ones.
[ edited by parklane64 on Feb 10, 2005 01:31 PM ]
posted on February 10, 2005 08:52:28 PM new
I recommend Linksys. I had a wired network for years & just switched to wireless. I bought a Linksys wireless router & it is great!
posted on February 10, 2005 09:51:19 PM new
Damn! Parklane ,,,Ya beat me to it! Their the BEST! Sharp! fast! economical! and if there is ANY problem,,100% money back! Can't beat that.
I for one am gonna get out of here FAST!
And the E bay BS, goes on,,and on and on........ It's Official...I mentioned, FEE,E bay.