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posted on May 5, 2005 04:43:22 PM new
If I refund the buyer does PP keep ANY of the Money? Or is it ALL refunded?

posted on May 5, 2005 04:45:41 PM new
It's all refunded if that's what you request. Your fees are refunded back to you. I asked a buyer that question once and she said she got it all back.

posted on May 5, 2005 06:59:39 PM new

[ edited by jackswebb on May 5, 2005 07:05 PM ]
posted on May 5, 2005 07:03:34 PM new
I told the buyer I wanted a money order NOT pay paled as it's in the hundreds,,,,,,Big fees for PP. He sends a PP in Spite of what I said.......My auctions say, pp, MO, Cashiers, I suppose that leaves the CHOICE up to ME. My CHOICE is a MONEY ORDER. I am refunding and then I am sure the fireworks WILL begin. No money order,,,,,A NPB filed by me. I smell a RAT pulling a NOT as Decribed, damaged item, scenario coming.....This is an EXPENSIVE thing and it WORKS Perfect!!!!!!!!! PP will grab MY money and he WILL keep the item and I'll be ing.....Ain't gonna happen TWICE to me......

posted on May 5, 2005 07:51:32 PM new

Does the auction state that you would accept PayPal?

posted on May 5, 2005 08:09:16 PM new
Ye,,,,ah,,,,,,,,,right along with the OTHER methods too....

posted on May 5, 2005 08:11:15 PM new
And OH! he also stated that he would be willing to send a MO if I,,,,,,,,,was willing to REDUCE the total to HIM. hahahahaha,,,,,,yeah right!

posted on May 5, 2005 08:16:20 PM new
And OH yeah,,,,,,,total was $315.00 OTD. He wanted $65.00 knocked off to feel all warm and fuzzy by sending a MO instead of the PROTECTION PP offered.....Yeah, the protction to cliam NOT as described and damaged! hahahahahahahaha,,,,,,,,,,,,

posted on May 5, 2005 09:24:24 PM new
Hey Jack,

Do yourself a big favor and change your PayPal email to one different than your eBay email and unrequested payments cannot be sent to you...

posted on May 5, 2005 09:51:32 PM new
Nah,,,,,,,it's not that,,,,,I have many PP addresses,,,,,He's a RAT,,,,,,I smell it,,,,A bottom feeder,,,,,realitively NEW,,,,,,,over paid for junk Chinese tools,,$9.99, junk and paid, like $69.00!!!!!!,,I checked him out,,,Now he went for BIG money and wants to ........Sending his PP Back, And YEHAAAAAAAAA, the second place guy wants it! Oh HAPPY DAY!!!!!!!!! I e mailed him the buyer was a PITA,,,,,hahahaha.......Been at this too long I guess,,,,,I know what I know and know a cheapskate when I see one........

I am here for ONE reason,,,,,,,,MONEY!

posted on May 6, 2005 02:23:40 PM new
How can you file a NPB? If your auction says you will accept paypal and the buyer wants to pay that way, aren't you required to accept payment? Many buyers bid only on auctions that accept paypal. If I were a buyer and the seller wanted a MO instead of paypal, I wouldn't pay. I would expect ebay to stand behind me and not allow a NPB to be filed.

Is there anything on your auction page to indicate the payment choice is not that of the buyer but of the seller?

posted on May 6, 2005 03:10:50 PM new
Jack, if your auction states that you take PayPal for this item I think you may be stuck. You may want to change it to read that you'll take PayPal for items under $_____. Anything over that amount must be paid by money order.

Why don't you direct him to BidPay? It would take the hassel out of going to get a money order and may be a happy medium.

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