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posted on June 2, 2005 04:25:37 AM new
I have a buyer who won about a half dozen auctions day before yesterday, and before I could get to "invoicing" her, she went into 'checkout', (in random groupings), and marked that she was going to be paying by check ....... well I would LIKE to send her a 'combined items' invoice now, and I canNOT find a way where ebay will let me do that!!! ... it used to be in 'my ebay/sold items' where i could pull down the menu next to their name/items, and one of the options would be to 'send invoice' ..... but the ONLY thing half-applicable that's showing is 'send reminder invoice', and if i click on that, ebay just sends 'em an invoice (I can't go in and adjust it) ..... any of you have a problem doing combined invoices if the buyer goes in and 'checks out' before you get a chance to send them their invoice???

posted on June 2, 2005 05:19:07 AM new
Yes, this has happened to me too. I know of no way to then send a correct EBay invoice.

You can't send one via Paypal either.

You can create one of your own using VD here and then attach as a document and email it or put it in an email as some people are not going to open attachments unless they know you.

You might use eBay live chat to see if they can do something.
posted on June 2, 2005 06:27:58 AM new
Is there anyway to uncheck her sending payment?
I was able to uncheck one as paid and combine for invoicing but I don't know if they marked it, if you can unmark it.

posted on June 2, 2005 06:51:54 AM new
thanks, you two ... hmmm ladyjewels, i'll try that .... in the meantime, I just sent her a normal human to human email as an invoice (how novel is THAT!? lol)

posted on June 2, 2005 07:33:16 AM new
no go .... the gal simply had gone into 'checkout' and marked that she was going to be mailing a personal check. ... now, no matter what I do, I cannot get ebay to give me a way to do a combined invoice for her ... I even marked it as 'payment received' to see if the pull down menu items would change, and the only thing that changed was that I could 'unmark' it as pmt. rec'd. ............ so then I tried again the "send a reminder invoice" and if you click that button, the next screen says, "a reminder invoice has been emailed to your buyer" ............ argh.

posted on June 2, 2005 07:46:58 AM new
I have had this happen to me too - a real PITA to fix!
I do what Vintageads does - combine in vendio and then copy and paste an invoice in an email - that's about the best you can do.

I know one time I sent a Vendio generated invoice and that worked out pretty well - I don't use VD checkout so I told the buyer to ignore any directions to checkout through VD.

posted on June 2, 2005 07:54:16 AM new
Well, like I said, I just sent her a normal 'email' as an invoice. Then I sent her a "please be patient; I'm going to fiddle around with 'my ebay' invoicing on her purchases, and that she MIGHT get some invoices that look wrong, that she could ignore" ....

I finally just now sent this saga glitch information TO ebay's 'help', and I'll let you all know what their reply is.

posted on June 2, 2005 10:49:58 AM new
stupidbay replied:

"Hello ... ,

Thank you for taking the time to write to us with your concerns. I am
happy to assist you further.

At this point the only option in order to combine an invoice for her is
to send one via PayPal. Once a buyer completes checkout in the eBay
system the function to combine invoices is no longer available.

We thank you, and wish you luck with your future eBay transactions.


eBay PowerSeller Support"

To which *I* replied:

"Well, we hope ebay can work on fixing that glitch ... it is sort of dumb to send an
invoice thru "Paypal", when the customer just got done stating they were sending
a personal check as payment. (yeah, i know i can "word it" in paypal that, "hey, you don't have to pay me through paypal (you can send a check), but here's an invoice through them anyway) ...
thanks anyway, --- "


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