posted on November 1, 2005 06:37:11 AM new
Just saw this at the top of a seller's click to enlarge image page : "Page
Try Dealio, Vendio's Comparison Shopping Toolbar today!"
Here's the link -
Did I miss an announcement?
posted on November 1, 2005 07:00:47 AM new
I did not see an announcement either, but I thought that was because I was gone for 3 months.
Personally, I think DEALIO sounds CHEAPIO. The first time I saw it on a Vendio hosted image screen I was SOOOOOOO turned OFF! I had the same reaction I get when someone loads a soundtrack into their auction. I closed the screen and did not look back.
You have to wonder what other buyers are thinking when they see it.
For that matter, what the heck is VENDIO thinking???
posted on November 1, 2005 07:28:23 AM new
Wasn't he "Cornholio's" brother on "Beavis & Butthead?"
[ edited by tOMWiii on Nov 1, 2005 07:28 AM ]
posted on November 1, 2005 08:27:22 AM new
I still don't like Vendio - I think they need some name changes - soon!!!
posted on November 4, 2005 07:49:14 AM new
Anyone notice that it is not such a big "DEALIO" anymore??
Seems to me that the DEaLIO tag line is much smaller than it was yesterday.
Sum-Body must be reading the boards
Now can Sum-Body tell me why Vendio sellers would want a reference to a "Comparison Shopping Toolbar" on any of their pictures?
AND while I am in the question mode...
whatz up with this???
posted on November 4, 2005 09:18:45 AM new
oh jeez ltray ... that is WEIRD ... how did you find them???
posted on November 4, 2005 10:07:31 AM new
Hmm LtRay, that's got me scratching my head.
posted on November 4, 2005 10:26:27 PM new
I did an eBay search for "vendio" and they popped up. Can not imagine what the seller was thinking!
posted on November 5, 2005 03:22:46 AM new
check out the wedding dress measurements they want! Udder bust and nipple to nipple, what does that have to do with dress sizes?
posted on November 18, 2005 08:05:14 PM new
Looks like DEALIO is finally a hot topic in the "Vendio Servies" "Merchandising Edition" board - I don't use "click to enlarge" but some of you who do might want to take a look at your listings 
posted on November 18, 2005 10:31:37 PM new
Once again, we were ahead of the curve. You think more people would listen to us , lol.
posted on November 19, 2005 01:51:09 AM new
I got this reply from vendio several days ago in answer to a question i asked them.
Hello. i am looking at your new product called DEALIO. I have a
question. in my auctions i sell sliced and rough opal.usually parcels .
price cannot be compared to someone elses product because of quality.
how will dealio help me sell by comparing to other material.
it is the quality that counts . thank
you for your answer. regards agate18
At the moment, only consumer electronics are included in Dealio
searches. We intend to add other categories in the future.
The Dealio service is designed to help Vendio supported sellers sell
more, so we take your concerns very seriously. We are now including
eBay results in Dealio search results, with Vendio supported sellers items placed above others as Featured Items. This enhanced visibility
will ultimately lead to more sales for Vendio supported sellers (and
will be a huge benefit to you when we are supporting other categories).
We look forward to helping you grow your sales by featuring your items
in Dealio.
[ edited by agate18 on Nov 19, 2005 01:53 AM ]
[ edited by agate18 on Nov 19, 2005 01:56 AM ]
posted on November 19, 2005 10:45:56 AM new
LtRay, if you look through that seller's other items for sale, there are several different watermarks on the photos for them. I bet they were copying and pasting image hosting info into their own auctions to steal the pictures, and accidently pasted it into their title. Looks shady to me....