posted on October 2, 2006 01:58:01 PM new
I thought PS had to maintain a certain sell through?
shocking Pink Poodle
I came across this seller while checking a buyers feedback. The seller had left a FB with a website addy in it. They have not sold much of anything this year, so how the PS status?
posted on October 2, 2006 02:09:49 PM new
Looks like they sold a couple high priced items which qualified them for power seller status.
posted on October 2, 2006 02:32:53 PM new
Oh! Geez! Poor Ralphie thought you were talking about his EX!
The beach! She dumped him for a Schnauzer with a Beamer & the poor kid is still carrying a torch for her!
Ah! Love strange love...
posted on October 2, 2006 03:40:24 PM new
All ya hafta do is sell an average of $1,000USD per month over a 3 month period.
And, as Tom might say:
"Yuse a PS-er"
Then maintain an average of $1,000 per month.
Never explain -- Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.
~ Elbert Hubbard
posted on October 2, 2006 04:06:47 PM new
Also, if you dip below the minimum dollar level they give you some time to pull your sales back up before they boot you so the seller may be in that time period at the moment.
I think it's three months?
posted on October 2, 2006 05:48:08 PM new
Hmm,if anyone seriously craves the PS logo, for whatever reason, wouldn't all one have to do is run a several purpose-bought, hi-test items through the 3 month selling cycle. The high powered items should at least get your money back, if not a profit and wahlah, PS status!
Whether the PS logo actually generates better selling prices/bids is another matter, and I'm sure YMMV.
posted on October 3, 2006 09:15:18 AM new
I was a power seller once LOL around Christmas 3 years ago I ran into a good selling item and my sells were great I just didn't make any money on the deal really but got to be PS for about 3-4 months. All I had to have was $1000.00 for a month for 2 months running and then maintain it to keep PS. It is easy only if you have some real good items that sell for decent money. Now if you nickle and dime it to there then you are working your butt off for sure. Sometimes I work my butt off and am still nickle and dime-ing it but sure not a PS, not even close.
Mascot for a week.
posted on October 3, 2006 12:59:46 PM new
I thought PS had to maintain a certain sell through?
Nope. Just selling one item per month worth $1000 is all it takes.
posted on October 3, 2006 02:38:20 PM new
You have to sell an average of 4 items a month over 3 months.
posted on October 4, 2006 01:38:18 PM new
I used to have 2 powerseller accounts. My ebay is a powerseller account, my was when I was actively selling on there. Then, after trying to close it twice, that market died. I stopped selling completely, but it took something like 6 months for the PS logo to go away. It is my experience they are slow to remove it.