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posted on February 10, 2007 01:00:58 AM new
1c Listing Weekend 10-11th Feb 07

Just a reminder that on 10th and 11th February 2007 (GMT), sellers located in Ireland can list items using Auctions, Auction w/Buy It Now or Fixed Price formats in any category and only pay 1¢ (€0.01) Insertion Fee. Some exclusions apply. May contain traces of nuts.

Ireland 1c Listing details

(What? You didn't think eBay.com would give USA sellers a break! Did you?)
posted on February 10, 2007 05:47:18 AM new
No, I don't believe eBay cares one flying fig about anything the US sellers would like...

All of their expansion is paid for by US....

I believe a "Thank You" card is in order. (And I don't mean half off some useless additional crap I don't use anyway...)

posted on February 10, 2007 01:34:30 PM new
Why don't they just make it a free listing day...

posted on February 10, 2007 09:54:28 PM new
Why don't they just make it a free listing day...

Ah, cause it's eBay.

posted on February 11, 2007 06:59:13 AM new
Ebay is obviously trying to drum up more business in Ireland. They are not doing this out of generousity or to be kind hearted to people who wish to sell in that country. They already have enough sellers in the US so they do not see the need to offer any concessions of any worth.
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