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posted on February 12, 2007 07:16:52 AM new
slowly losing my mind on a Monday morning....
woodpecker having a party outside...
pecking incessently on my chiimney....
there must be a metal trap out there that keeps things from coming in (is that the flume?)
afraid to open it from the fireplace because he might fall in...
cannot find a way to get his attention...
(tried shouting 'you must be a doodoo bird ~ that ain't wood your pecking!' ~ didn't work!)
if he isn't getting any food/bugs from his pecking, why doesn't he stop???
going on for over two hours...
any suggestions?????
(yes, I know that only idiots have fireplaces in Florida)

posted on February 12, 2007 07:24:46 AM new
Maybe he sees his reflection in the metal. I guess I am an idiot too as I love my fireplace.
Had it going yesterday afternoon and evening in fact.

posted on February 12, 2007 07:41:10 AM new
I love the smell or the burning wood, you too?
went to Salt Lake City with the kids in January, rented a place with a fireplace.
gas burning!
no wood!
can you imagine???

I don't think there can be much of a reflection as the metal is pretty far down into the chimney to reflect any light from the sun. Any shine it may have once has would probably be gone from being exposed to the elements for 20 years.
dumb bird doesn't care.
ratatatatat has slowed to about every 5-7 minutes.
I feel like I'm timing labor contractions!!!

posted on February 12, 2007 08:06:51 AM new

Do a search on Google for "woodpecker chimney".


There's all sorts of helpful ideas!

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posted on February 12, 2007 08:15:37 AM new
Sounds like Woody must be courting. I know that if he persists you can put a fake owl nearby to scare him off..in the meanwhile, hope he finds a mate and stops with the drumming already!

posted on February 12, 2007 08:20:43 AM new
thanks for the google search ~
must be losing it to not have looked it up
lots of good suggestions but I can't get to the chimney ~ super steep two story roof!

just spoke to my neighbor ~ woody was at her house yesterday! She told me that he comes back to her house every year and taps out his mating call ~ so nice of her to share him with me!
What respectable she-pecker would respond to a call tapped out on metal instead of wood???
Talk about being attracted to the wrong type of guy!

posted on February 12, 2007 08:59:36 AM new
Zoomin, I'm in Florida too. Had Woody over hear a few years ago. He decided the gutter outside my bedroom was a good place to do his morse code. Since I am usually a day sleeper, I did not appreciate his courting either.

a few raps on the other end of the gutter helped him to decide to go elsewhere.

You might also check you flue to be sure that you do not have termites. You can also start a small fire in the fireplace. Don't worry about hurting him. At the first sign of smoke he should leave.
posted on February 12, 2007 09:15:49 AM new
thanks, LtRay, now on top of the ratatat my skin is crawling at the thought of termites!

I'm afraid to open the flue and start a fire in case he is standong on it ~ not sure how those that contraption gets positioned up in there!
If there are g-d f-o-r-b-i-d termites, would opening the flue let them into the house?

We're about 10-12 minutes apart now ~ the roof is so steep I can't tell if he hangs out there in between songs or if he flies away!
Glad you were able to taptap him back to get him off your gutter ~ wish I could, too!

[ edited by zoomin on Feb 12, 2007 09:16 AM ]
posted on February 12, 2007 09:17:10 AM new
Zoomin, Is this metal trap on the outside of the chimney? Is it a cap on the top?

I ask because we finally put a cap (a box with screen sides and a solid top) on our chimney after we offered hospitality to a bat and several squirrels. Especially one of the squirrels drove the dog crazy in a tour of the house including the ceiling fan. I could not believe it when we found bloody footprints on the ceiling. Seems he cut his foot climbing the metal blinds.

While on the subject of dealing with bird pests.... Right now my war is with a bird (some kind of fat sparrow I think) who seems to love the berries on our holly bush by the front door. I am happy for him to have them BUT am not so happy with the processed berries that he leaves on the mail box. I clean it off and come back in the house. In the time it takes me to put away the cleaner he has paid a return visit. GURRRR!

Does any one know a non-harmful way to change this bird's fondness for my mail box?

“The illiterate of the future will be the person ignorant of the use of the camera as well as of the pen.”
Maholy-Nagy, Vision in Motion, 1947
posted on February 12, 2007 09:24:37 AM new
zoomin - I just get the packaged logs from Publix. Easy to light and burns for about 6 hours. works good for me

posted on February 12, 2007 09:27:10 AM new
Photo - get a plastic owl and put there. That should scare him. Or how about putting oil or vaseline on the mailbox so he will slide off

posted on February 12, 2007 09:30:53 AM new
Photo, buy some cinnamon or peppermint essential oil at the health food store. Dilute it with water in a spray bottle and use it to wipe down your mail box. Birds and insects do not like the spicy smell. Works great for ants too.

If you have an ant problem, you can wipe your counters and door thresholds and the ants won;t come back.

You might also be able to use dried cinnamon mixed with water. Don't know if the dried will work as well. I have never tried that since I keep the oils on hand.

Zoomin, you could slam the damper open and closed a few times. That should ring in his ears for a bit. I think if you create some noise each time he starts, it will cause him to go to a quieter place.

Of course, depending upon how dirty your flue is, you might have a mess to clean up afterwards.

Beating a metal pot with a metal spoon close to the fireplace opening could have the same effect.
. When your ship comes in.... make sure you are willing to unload it. .
posted on February 12, 2007 09:36:22 AM new
it seems to be recessed maybe a foot or too from the top of the chimney ~ maybe more ~ trying to decipher it's placement from how far down the sound is travelling (very scientific of me, eh?)
You heard the squirrels running around inside the house? My dogs would thibk I got them a new toy! Glad you found a solution for that one before one of the squirrels got really injured up there ~ can't imagine what effect it would have on a dog to smell that, much less the human effect!
I think you need to get an owl near your mailbox for a few days to keep away your chubby friend!

woody (or shall I just be blunt and called him pecker???) has taken a break.
Quiet for about 15 minutes.
Maybe he gave himself a headache.
Hopefully he found a gal pal.
Any clue if he could be resting on that metal thing or if it is safe to open it up and start a fire?
I'm going to run to publix and get a log!

posted on February 12, 2007 09:40:53 AM new
Bang the damper!
Thanks LtRay!
Should've thought of it ~ so glad you did!
since you're in Florida...
Do you know if the peppermint/water spray works on the black ants that seems to hang out near water (bathroom, etc)?
I'd love to find a remedy for them! Every time I get rid of the pests they seems to come right back with the next rainfall!

posted on February 12, 2007 10:00:48 AM new
yes Zoomin, the peppermint oil works where ever you have ants. It even works on the black sugar ants that are almost impossible to run off.
posted on February 12, 2007 10:07:49 AM new
LtRay, I'll try the cinnamon or peppermint oil. Wonder if it would be OK to use on my husband's car side mirror. There is a little bird who loves to sit on it and look down at himself. Makes an awful mess of the side of his car. Would the oil be OK on the plastic mirror housing?

Zoom, we where not at home when the squirrel paid us a visit. The dog chased it all round the house and they made quite a mess. My husband came home and he chased it for awhile until it hid behind a huge antique bookcase. He unloaded the books and moved it, breaking one of the legs in the process before he finally chased it out the front door.

He put a large sheet of cardboard over the fireplace and we woke up the next morning to banging from a squirrel trying to get out of the fireplace. Not sure if it was a return from our earlier visitor or a friend checking out our hospitality. We called animal control and they sent us Trapper Bob whose full time job is to trap urban critters. He assured us that he releases them in the wild since my husband is a big softy about any animals. He is also the one who told us to put the cap on the chimney.

edited to add: Where does one buy cinnamon or peppermint oil?

“The illiterate of the future will be the person ignorant of the use of the camera as well as of the pen.”
Maholy-Nagy, Vision in Motion, 1947
[ edited by photosensitive on Feb 12, 2007 10:10 AM ]
posted on February 12, 2007 10:20:10 AM new
he's back
Tappin it out a few times a minute!
guess he got some lunch and re-energized!
Doesn't care if I bang the thing all day, either!

posted on February 12, 2007 11:35:11 AM new
Gee, what an interesting discussion! We just heard from a neighbor who built a huge "vacation" home here; they live in LA and come on weekends. Some large bird, they think a woodpecker, is pecking just under the roof on the wood side of the house, and the pecking is gradually creaking a huge crater. They're looking for answers, too.
Thought for the day: Men are like fine wine . . They start out as grapes; and it's up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with. ~Dave Barry
posted on February 12, 2007 11:41:19 AM new
Hi Photo, I would not use undilute essential oils on plastic. They can pit or melt certain types of plastics. A dilution of 5 drops in 4 ounces of water will be sufficent to have the desired effect.

You can find essential oils at your local health food store. I also sell essential oils. The oils I sell are therapuetic grade. Safe for household use or personal consumption. If you would like to drop me an email, I'll send you a sample to try on your mailbox. Same for you Zoomin. dwalsh knology net (fill in the blanks)

Sorry the noise did not work. I'm also surprised that he is back so soon. It took me a few days to persuade my wood pecker to find another place to do his pecking. He eventually moved to a tree in the back yard.
posted on February 12, 2007 11:46:04 AM new
I would be happy to purchase them from you on eBaY ~ I appreciate the info!
I think pecker just went out to lunch ~ must be a hot she-pecker out there that he didn't mind my noises!
I'm wondering if this is a guy that used to peck a pine tree we took out of the backyard ~ he was stunning! Can't get a look at this pecker cause he won't get out of the chimney!
edit to add: LtRay cye!thanks!
[ edited by zoomin on Feb 12, 2007 11:51 AM ]
posted on February 12, 2007 12:16:15 PM new
Maybe he is trapped in there and wanting out, time to get the ladder and have someone checkout the situation. Is there a Chimney cleaner in your area? Being Florida who knows.
I married my wife for her looks, but Not the one she gives me lately!
Check it out
And Feebay stuff at This link
posted on February 12, 2007 12:37:36 PM new
Great for getting rid of sugar ants is a product called Terro. Most hardware stores carry it. Simple to use and they swarm on the cardboard carrying the poison and next thing you know they are all gone.

posted on February 12, 2007 07:39:26 PM new
"Sounds like Woody must be courting."

yea mine does that all the time.Every time I walk up to a strange girl,they always say "do I know you or are you just happy to see me"

"Zoomin, I'm in Florida too. Had Woody over hear a few years ago."

Really? I bet that shocked the hell out of your hubby...

"Zoomin, you could slam the damper open and closed a few times."

Yes, that would definitely get rid of a woody....

"Can't get a look at his pecker cause he won't get out of the chimney! "

ya talking about Santa Claus??


If you dont want to hear the truth....dont ask the question.
[ edited by classicrock000 on Feb 12, 2007 07:40 PM ]
posted on February 12, 2007 08:32:58 PM new

Yes I do. Thanks for asking.

posted on February 12, 2007 11:16:11 PM new
LOL CLassic!

True Story - There used to be a small restaurant on the west end of Panama City Beach. They kept a parrot in a cage by the front door. The parrot was so popular that they had t-shirts printed. The T-shirt had a picture of the parrot and said "Wanna pat my pecker?".

A few years later they brought a girl friend home for Pecker. Then they had a t-shirt printed that said "Pat your own d@#$ pecker.

I still have those shirts around here some where. Never had the nerve to wear them in public.

posted on February 13, 2007 02:26:27 AM new
"Tappin it out a few times a minute!
guess he got some lunch and re-energized!
Doesn't care if I bang the thing all day, either!"

well, ya can bang my woody all day,and I wouldnt care either...


If you dont want to hear the truth....dont ask the question.
posted on February 13, 2007 03:58:57 AM new
you guys are too funny!
Figures you can relate to this pecker!
He works it for a while then sleeps for hours!
Must still be resting up for his song as all is quiet here.
my roof is VERY steep ~ had it replaced a few years ago and half the guys that came to give estimates wouldn't touch it! One company finally took the job without mentioning the incline. Great guy (even though he paarked his truck over my septic tank and crushed it ~ what fun!). When I paid him he commented how relieved he was that no one had fallen off! I'd probably need to find about 7 chimney cleaners to get one that would agree to go up there!
When my husband and son put the hurricane shutters up, they tell me they can feel certain body parts tingle
(edit:roll smiley doesn't work anymore???)
(edit:i must be out of smiley practice ~ anyone got a link t obounce marks list?)
[ edited by zoomin on Feb 13, 2007 04:00 AM ]
[ edited by zoomin on Feb 13, 2007 04:01 AM ]
posted on February 13, 2007 10:50:45 AM new
Looks like your wish was answered look at smiles thread.

My roof is fairly steep also but alas poor me no fireplace.
I married my wife for her looks, but Not the one she gives me lately!
Check it out
And Feebay stuff at This link
posted on February 13, 2007 11:36:03 AM new
you guys are too funny!
Figures you can relate to this pecker!
He works it for a while then sleeps for hours!"

yea at my age....been there,done that..


If you dont want to hear the truth....dont ask the question.
[ edited by classicrock000 on Feb 13, 2007 11:44 AM ]
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