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posted on September 18, 2008 12:19:48 PM new

Be careful, if you are moving any of your store items to the New Fixed Item offer, subtitle is $1.50!!!

Auction subtitle is still 50 cents and store subtitles are still only 2 cents.

So, they are hoping that when store items are moved to core / fixed price, people will not notice that they are paying $1.50 for what used to cost 2 pennies. Very, very clever!!

posted on September 18, 2008 01:06:39 PM new
That's what I tried to warn everyone about with UK Visibility. For an $100 item it was $1.00 extra. I bet ebay is raking in the money this week and seller don't even realize it in some cases.

posted on September 18, 2008 01:11:26 PM new
My college roommate, from a thousand years ago, called today to chat. Her daughter just took a position with PayPal in Omaha (you know they've moved from the Bay Area?) as an account executive. I filled my friend's ear with how I and others feel about PayPal and eBay. She was shocked and said her daughter may want to call me for particulars.
posted on September 18, 2008 02:21:01 PM new
Be careful, if you are moving any of your store items to the New Fixed Item offer, subtitle is $1.50!!!

Oh, cheer up. As of Oct. 1, subtitle will be FREE when used on items with FREE shipping.

Really can't figure out why you don't move to Amazon if you're this unhappy with eBay. It's not like you sell in one of the closed categories like jewelry.

Here's a link to get you started. On the right-hand side of the page, click "Sell Yours Here."


If you're spending $7500 a month on maid service, why only $1700 on jewelry?
posted on September 18, 2008 02:43:21 PM new
Fluffy - Just wondering what you mean by "closed category like jewelry"?
Have you left ebay totally?

posted on September 18, 2008 03:28:27 PM new
"Really can't figure out why you don't move to Amazon if you're this unhappy with eBay."

Ah flufF

This thread was basically information that I noted about the differences in subtitle fees. I don't even use subtitles, but thought forewarned is forearmed for those that do.

I thought you were the one who was unhappy with Ebay, what happened to that screaming lady in your auctions??

posted on September 18, 2008 03:53:04 PM new
Fluff has a love hate relationship with ebay.

posted on September 18, 2008 03:58:40 PM new
You're wasting time trying to jab me.

That's sad.

Meanwhile there's a wonderful opportunity waiting for you over at Amazon, even though you can't see it.

That's beyond sad. It's almost tragic.

You have an opportunity to sell in the world's premier marketplace -- and you don't even care.

ladyjewels: Jewelry is a closed category on Amazon, one of a handful. Meaning, most jewelry retailers cannot sell there. Jewelry is immensely profitable. For now, Amazon keeps it to a select few sellers.


If you're spending $7500 a month on maid service, why only $1700 on jewelry?
posted on September 18, 2008 04:32:17 PM new
Oh, all right. I have been looking at some of the selling info. on Amazon. I haven't found anything about relists. Is is automatic or have a time limit? The commission includes the payment fees also, right?
[ edited by deichen on Sep 18, 2008 04:32 PM ]
posted on September 18, 2008 04:39:19 PM new
Found it:

Amazon Marketplace Relisting

For sellers who are not subscribed to the Pro Merchant Subscription, listings automatically expire after 60 days and can be relisted manually via your Seller Account. Recently closed listings will generally be available to relist for 14 days.

To relist an item, click on the "View your current inventory" link in the Manage Your Inventory section. Next, click on the link of "Your Marketplace Closed Listings" and use the "Relist" links in the far right column.

For sellers with a Pro Merchant Subscription, a listing remains available until the quantity available is sold out. Pro Merchant sellers may close a listing at any time using our volume listing tools, or through the Seller Account, using the steps outlined above.

posted on September 18, 2008 05:05:28 PM new
"Fluff has a love hate relationship with ebay."

Don't we all.

posted on September 18, 2008 05:08:32 PM new
Don't we all.

True, hate the selling, love the buying!

posted on September 18, 2008 06:17:25 PM new
There are all kinds of ways to sell on Amazon.

Amazon even has a program where you send THEM the goods, they keep the stuff in their warehouse and they fill the orders. How much easier can that get?

I'm telling you guys: Forget eBay. eBay's already forgotten you.


If you're spending $7500 a month on maid service, why only $1700 on jewelry?
posted on September 18, 2008 06:29:51 PM new
eBay's already forgotten you
I think I will use it as my new Tagline !
Gulag-a Soviet era concentration camp is now reincarnated as EBAY with 13,000 rules.
posted on September 18, 2008 06:33:19 PM new
This is nothing new,you send them the goods and they sell it for you.
Aircraft parts distributors do this as well.
But I think with AMZN,they must be talking about household suff,electronic stuff ,not grandma attic stuff!
Gulag-a Soviet era concentration camp is now reincarnated as EBAY with 13,000 rules.
posted on September 18, 2008 06:51:20 PM new
I've got to admit it, fluFf, you've got me interested. I am going to do some research.

posted on September 18, 2008 08:35:49 PM new
Fluff has a love hate relationship with ebay.

I think you have that a bit off. I think it should be that we have a love/hate relationship with ebay.

We love to hate ebay.

posted on September 18, 2008 08:57:37 PM new
Please read the article on Ebay vs Amazon posted by Sthoemke. Very informative if you sell product supported by Amazon.
posted on September 26, 2008 08:28:47 AM new
Since this thread has evolved to discussing Amazon, I have a question. Does Amazon have a vacation option??

posted on September 26, 2008 09:07:18 AM new
Merrie: Yes, Amazon has a vacation option!
posted on September 26, 2008 12:58:48 PM new
merrie...another great feature is the MULTIPLE PRICE CHANGES from ONE PAGE!!..You can actually pull up your inventry and see 200 items at a time. On this page, you see what the LOWEST price EACH item is selling for on Amazon and you can adjust(price - quantity - delete) ALL 200 items if need be with ONE CLICK...something that would take HOURS on eBay.

posted on September 26, 2008 01:02:06 PM new
Thanks roadsmith and rhpepsi, I am weighing my options for the holiday season and have done some research, but get brain dead sometimes when trying to read the details on some of these programs.

posted on September 26, 2008 01:19:59 PM new
Merrie: Start with a non-fiction book, list it on Amazon. Be sure to research first, and do that by typing on the search page the ISBN number. If there's none, do the author and/or the title.

This kind of search will show you the totality of what's available on Amazon. It'll take you a couple of minutes to find which edition of the book is what you have as well.

With this first Amazon experience, price the book really low, just to get it sold and get a feel for how it all works.

I found Amazon immensely easier to list on than the eBay process. ~Adele
posted on September 26, 2008 03:01:49 PM new
Thanks Adele, I am going to do that. We are going away for a few days that is why I asked about the vacation info. Didn't want to start a new venture and not be around to follow through.

When I get back I will dip my toes into Amazon's waters (hope there are no crocodiles there!).

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