posted on June 25, 2009 06:04:04 PM new
What a talent that has left us today. I know he had many flaws but he was a great talent. I don't think there will ever be another like him.
posted on June 25, 2009 06:16:49 PM new
Farrah Fawcett died today also after a long fight with cancer.
posted on June 26, 2009 11:09:31 AM new
Sorry RIP Michael, we all loved him, but perhaps www.tmz.com might be a better place for the discussion....
posted on June 26, 2009 11:29:03 AM new
Sorry, but no, we didn't all love him.
I keep hearing people say that today. Fine if that helps you with your grief but it's not true.
Anyone check the number of new MJ listings on eBay today?

Hey, JCEarrings made the big time! Come see our site announcement!
posted on June 26, 2009 01:07:21 PM new
I'm with Fluffy on this one. My only sorrow over M. Jackson is that his life was a very sad one, notwithstanding his talent. Had I grown up about 15 years later, I might have come to worship his talent. . . . as do others. Here in Southern California the story about MJ was on every channel, including cable channels, for several hours (but not the shopping channels). I assumed it was because of the show business angle that's so important to our economy, but perhaps it was that way all over? Today I hear of fans traveling from other countries to be here for MJ.
"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who ***dared to dissent*** from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, ***may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."*** --Eisenhower
posted on June 26, 2009 06:07:47 PM new
That way all over.
I live in PA
posted on June 26, 2009 06:08:29 PM new
While I recognize his talent, I also was not a fan.
posted on June 26, 2009 09:15:49 PM new
this thread officially has...

posted on June 27, 2009 06:48:47 AM new
Farrah didn't get her last 15 minutes due to the timing of both of their deaths.
RIP to both.
posted on June 27, 2009 06:56:03 AM new
True, they dropped coverage of Farrah almost as soon as Michael died. It is a shame she is gone also. And Ed McMahon is gone also, these things come in threes.
posted on June 27, 2009 08:56:28 AM new
Not one of us knows what really happened since none of us were there (unless there's something I don't know) and how is it Michael Jackson's fault that the media did what it always does . . . beat a horse to death? I hope more people remember the music and less the accusations. Keep in mind how much money those families walked away with. That in and of itself, makes me suspicious. If my child were molested, money would be the last thing I'd be looking for.
Michael Jackson was a great talent who inspired a great many musicians. Like him or not, he'll be a large part of the history of 1980's entertainment. I hope he has finally found peace. It saddens me that he left us without having had his great comeback.
Farrah was an icon of the 1970's and we're losing them rapidly. My brother had the infamous poster hanging on his wall. She was a very brave woman who endeared great pain before she died. I hope that she, too, has found peace.
Now you can buy Avon from me from anywhere in the world.
posted on June 27, 2009 07:01:33 PM new
I'm just the right age (48) to have been a big MJ fan in the first wave - had many years of enjoying his music before any of the rumors of about his personal life started to surface.
I was shocked and saddened by his death. I suspect if you were never a fan it would be easier to assume the worst about the allegations and if you were a fan it's harder to believe them. JMHO
Either way, I can't do anything about it - so when I do think of him I prefer to remember all the joy I got and can still get from listening to his music.
posted on June 27, 2009 08:17:24 PM new
What a lovely and appropriate tribute, Cherishedclutter.
posted on June 28, 2009 05:10:47 AM new
He had talent.
It is not a stretch to "assume" that he indeed, had serious socially unacceptable personal issues. Talent is not enough to condone or accept such personal behavior.
Had he not been "Michael", I am fairly certain folks would not doubt his guilt.
I know he was not convicted by the California courts. Neither were OJ or Robert Blake.
I was not a fan of Michael.
"His" poor children, I do feel sad for them.
[ edited by deur1 on Jun 28, 2009 05:16 AM ]
posted on June 28, 2009 06:24:10 AM new
Now some one will find a way to 'milk' his poor children!
MJ is 500 million dollars in debt.
Economic Reform act of Chairman Obama of the socialist States of America :
10 ounces of meat per month,half a yard of cotton per year per adult.
posted on June 28, 2009 07:56:11 AM new
It is not a stretch to "assume" that he indeed, had serious socially unacceptable personal issues. Talent is not enough to condone or accept such personal behavior.
Had he not been "Michael", I am fairly certain folks would not doubt his guilt.
I know he was not convicted by the California courts. Neither were OJ or Robert Blake.
I agree completely. Certainly socially unaccceptable if not "deviant" behaviors.
[ edited by deichen on Jun 28, 2009 07:57 AM ]
[ edited by deichen on Jun 28, 2009 07:58 AM ]