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posted on August 16, 2011 01:55:55 PM new
not to worry ,sales will be great when rick rides into town,if you like deregulation its coming .
(let the free market run )
being in texas i can tell you dereg. means more pollution and fracing when drilling ,this means your water can also be used for natural gas....

let me say that i am no fan of obama ,he is a failure...

posted on August 16, 2011 02:50:24 PM new
This has always been a politics free chat please keep it that way.
posted on August 16, 2011 03:19:38 PM new
well not always ,but if thats what sails your boat

posted on August 16, 2011 07:13:04 PM new
A fellow Texan!!
How are your water melons?
There is no 'Global savings glut',only wild horses and loose bankers.
posted on August 16, 2011 07:15:02 PM new
[ edited by hwahwa on Aug 16, 2011 07:34 PM ]
posted on August 17, 2011 07:02:42 AM new
Might as well talk politics on here. Only a few people posting here anyway. Looks like as an eBay board you can stick a fork in this one.

If Rick Perry can get the job market booming and get us out of this horrible mess we are in then I will be voting for him. We can fix all the rest later right now we need people to be able to work and put food on the table.

People that are homeless or will be soon and can not feed their families are not worried about pollution or healthcare.

posted on August 17, 2011 08:20:00 AM new
(A fellow Texan!!
How are your water melons?)

even the best farmers are having trouble this year with crops,

we did get 2 inches of rain just the other day,prior to that our last rainfall in stephenville was in may......

posted on August 17, 2011 10:18:40 AM new
remember, it's rick pArry

god help us all, they made another one.
posted on August 17, 2011 11:13:29 AM new
Houston mayor is now asking folks to conserve water.
I am outside Houston,we get 100 degrees temperature every day !
There is no 'Global savings glut',only wild horses and loose bankers.
posted on August 18, 2011 02:29:49 AM new
remember, it's rick pArry ?????? Maybe I am missing something but what does this mean?

I live outside of Tampa,fl and we have had water restrictions for 10 years and he have had a lot of rain.

posted on August 18, 2011 06:30:13 AM new
toolhound ;remember, it's rick pArry ?????? Maybe I am missing something but what does this mean

its the texas drawl thing ,parry , not perry

i agree we need to get the economy going ,
but there not making any more water,they need to stop the (fracing)... fracing until they learn to do this safely.
Last time i checked EXXON PROFITS looked good.

posted on August 18, 2011 02:40:27 PM new
I moved to Texas last year and I quickly learned that our Governor is another in the "all hat, no cattle" school of Texas governors. If the jobs he adds are of the same quality he "added" here, I hope you are satisfied with minimum wage, no benefits.

“The illiterate of the future will be the person ignorant of the use of the camera as well as of the pen.”
Maholy-Nagy, Vision in Motion, 1947
posted on August 18, 2011 06:05:11 PM new
At least there are jobs in TX.
Try NYC garment district-back in the 80s when I lived in NYC,elderly Chinese immigrants will work for 8 cents per garment-they will stand there and pull a plastic bag over a piece of garment.
It aint that easy if you stand there all day with your arms raised!
They get senior discount riding the subway,bring their own tea bags and lunch and there is lunch break and there is gossips and romance.
A woman I know worked all week and netted 35 dollars a month and used it to buy some deli roast duck,talk about bringing home the bacon !
There is no 'Global savings glut',only wild horses and loose bankers.
posted on August 19, 2011 04:28:21 AM new
I enjoy political discussions. A bit of research suggests Perry has gone from lower middle class to millionaire while in politics.
His money being made by a series of land deals, which I'm sure are being closely investigated by many. It looks like he may have close ties to the Bush family. Depending on one's political views that could be a good or bad thing.
Congress really controls the country and can make a president look good or bad. In Obama's case the legislative body lead by the republicans has voted down nearly all his suggestions. The idea being if they can make him look bad enough, Voters will forget what a bumbling dodo Bush Jr was and anyone the Republican party decides to run for Pres is a sure winner.
In the long run no matter which party you favor the country is being seriously hurt by the silly school boy pizzin contest going on in Washington.
posted on August 19, 2011 12:30:52 PM new
The only politicians I see that don't get rich while in office are the ones that hid it untill they are out of office.

If Congress really controls the country then why blame Gearge Bush for anything he did in his last 2 years and what was the matter with Obama for the first 2 years? I don't think it was the legislative body lead by the republicans that made Obama look bad he did it himself with 2 years of not looking at the job market and wasting time with healthcare that is going to be shot down.

posted on August 19, 2011 01:00:20 PM new
Obama has the backing of the unions,some of them borrowed to back his last campaign.
Obama has to pay his debts,how much tax payer money is spent saving GM?
Talk about millions,Mitt Romney spent 35 millions of his own money in his last campaign!and his party decided he is not their favorite son !
There is no 'Global savings glut',only wild horses and loose bankers.
posted on August 20, 2011 09:08:11 AM new
Oh yeah, Rick Perry... the guy who claims he is the chosen one from Texas.

First, he loves to tout his job creation. If you enjoy slinging burgers or helping customers at WalMart without any benefits including health insurance this guy is for you. In 2007, 221,000 people made minimum wage, in 2010 it is up to 550,000.

To prepare Texans for the work force, Perry leads the 43rd ranked state for highest high school dropouts... paving a direct road to minimum wage heaven.

Perry claims that they teach both Creationism and Evolution in Texas schools. A bold face lie and he knows it. The fact that he wants Creationism in schools is enough to make most Americans shudder.

In 10 years, Texas government spending doubled from 49 billion to 90 billion. Much of that spending is government subsidies to the oil industry... aka corporate welfare.

Texas debt is over $10,645 per citizen, while California which everyone says is out of control is $9932. So, how can he claim everything is great in Texas?

Perry has toted the line of Texas secession from the United States for the hard right in Texas. He got them wound up, but in front of a camera he won't come clean on his own opinion on the matter, instead he says things like, "Texans are fed up with Washington and may support secession."

Perry is obviously in the pocket of big oil and has no intention of environmental quality standards. In fact, he has dismissed what the overwhelming majority of scientists say is causing global climate change.

Perry has also started his anti-american rants against other Americans who serve in our government. The last thing we need is another "shoot at the hip" divider that George W brought America.

Texas is nothing more than the toilet bowl of America. It sits on the bottom of the US for a reason. Flushing goes downstream... right through the Governors mansion.

[ edited by shagmidmod on Aug 20, 2011 09:17 AM ]
posted on August 20, 2011 10:49:54 AM new
dear shagmidmod,
pretty nasty thing to say about tx.
I live in Texas it is not the toilet bowl of the country,
and what state do you hail from ?

Or as we say in texas,don't ask a man where he is from ,if he not from texas it will just embarrass him.........

posted on August 20, 2011 11:12:53 AM new
Your quote pretty much sums it up.

Texas is filled with arrogant people who think Texas is the only way of life. So, if Texas wants secession, I say, don't let the door hit your @ss on the way out of the USA.

Texan politicians talk a lot, they tell a simple story for simple people. That is why so many Texans tout the "Don't mess with Texas" mentality. It is easy for them to remember.

You have a governor who allows 70% of illegal immigrants to have welfare. One third of Texas' budget comes from Federal Subsidies. So, if you want to make a difference, get your state off welfare.

I stick by my statement that Texas is the toilet bowl of the USA. If Texans think they can do better on their own, LEAVE.
That way, Texas can solve their own problems. They can figure out how to keep the air clean enough to breathe, they can figure out how to keep their horrible drinking water clean, and most importantly they can get off the federal governments nipple with all of the subsidies they get.

It is easy to say how great your state is, but it is another thing to tell the truth.

And I am from Oregon where we believe in paying for a quality of life.

posted on August 20, 2011 12:05:05 PM new
Perry is obviously in the pocket of big oil and has no intention of environmental quality standards. In fact, he has dismissed what the overwhelming majority of scientists say is causing global climate change.

Back in the 70s when Americans complained about high food prices,American farmers get together and rented billboards along major highways-Please do not talk with your mouth full.
Next time you take your car on your trips to thrift shops and come back and gloated what a great deal you have found,just remember what the American farmers said-PLEASE DO MOT TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL.
There is no 'Global savings glut',only wild horses and loose bankers.
posted on August 20, 2011 12:06:58 PM new
I have lived in Texas since 2000,I dont recall any one talking about secession?
Where did you hear that?
Texans do have their own culture,but for the last 35 years there has been so many out of state 'yankees',the distinct Texan culture has been diluted,especially in big cities like Houston,Austin,Dallas.
May be in some smaller towns like Midland,Amarillo you shall find the real authentic Texans,the cowboys and the wildcatters ! or the Texas chainsaw massacre gangs !
There is no 'Global savings glut',only wild horses and loose bankers.
[ edited by hwahwa on Aug 20, 2011 12:11 PM ]
posted on August 20, 2011 12:11:52 PM new

posted on August 20, 2011 12:54:13 PM new
wow shaggy,all i can say is when rick is elected president, you will really be unhappy

posted on August 20, 2011 12:58:01 PM new
If Rick wins, we'll show him how we treat traitors to America here in Oregon.

posted on August 20, 2011 01:03:08 PM new

18 reasons portland sucks,i really like no.2,we have no man purses in tx.

1.Aerial Tram: No ski hill at the top. Not a good use of public funds. OHSU bullying the city once again.

2.Man-Purses: An abnormally high concentration of this metrosexual accoutrement. Never really figured this one out.

3.Bad Musicians That Can't Play Their Instruments: The Decemberists
4.Fanbois of Wilco: and all "alt-country" musica horrible
5.The "Smug" Factor: "I'm so much more open-minded than you are, which is why I don't listen to a thing you say." (contributed by ledge). e.g. "Everywhere in the South sucks."
6.Vera Katz: She juuust won't go away.
7.Eric Sten's Administration of the Water Bureau: Eric puts us Erics everywhere to shame. He has always had this ridiculous notion he knows what he's doing in both government and politics.
8.The Pearl District's Urban Wetland: No comment; you really have to see it to believe it.

9.Overpriced Southern Food: Bernie's Backyard BBQ
10.Potholes Galore: Reason: see Aerial Tram
11.Twice the Traffic on the Same Roads:
12.Apple Fanbois: Tons of webmonkeys running around with iPhones and programming Ruby on Rails
13.The Extremely Polluted Willamette River
14.The OLCC: A State entity that has to approve all liquors sold in Oregon
15. Can't Pump Your Own Gas: This one's a little unfair, since it's an Oregon-wide thing, like the OLCC above, but it just adds to the misery.

16.Rye and ragweed allergens: Rye produced up in the valley hangs ominously over Portland. I never had allergies before or since living in Portland.
17.Most importantly: Native Americans referred to the Willamette Valley as the "Valley of Sickness", and wouldn't live there.
18.For all the reasons listed at: a better "why Portland sucks" page than mine

*Nothing against the Northwest, and Seattle is an amazing city.

posted on August 20, 2011 01:56:34 PM new
LOL. Those comments were obviously written by someone who has little knowledge of Portland or Oregon for that matter. I can come up with at least 20 things much more appropriate to hate on Portland than those lame ones you provided.

Vera Katz??? Last I checked she retired almost 4 years ago. Eric Sten... resigned over 3 years ago.

Man Purses for metrosexuals? I've seen a few, but were all worn by gay men. Not sure I would say Man Purses are a trend, however Courier bags are a hot commodity... especially those made in the USA.

Fanbois of Wilco/Mac??? Um, the term "bois" is often used more by the gay or Asian community... or a combination of both. I've never run across a gay Asian fan of Wilco, though I would guess that they do exist.
As for Mac, I was a Windows person until 2 years ago. If you want to use a POS Windows computer, then use it. I just won't give my money to a company that refuses to put out quality products. I have made this known for years now.

Singling out the Decemberists is like singling out ZZ Top. They both suck with the exception of Jennifer Conley who can outplay most pianists.

Overpriced Southern Food? I wouldn't simply focus on one type of food that is overpriced as many places are overpriced here. With that said, most non-chain restaurants in Portland buy their food locally instead of importing crappy veggies from Texas or Florida. I've never heard of Bernies Backyard BBQ, and as a southern native, I can fully attest that I have yet to find any BBQ that matches the quality I found down south.

Pumping your own gas, well yes that is somewhat unique to Oregon and it creates minimum wage jobs much like Perry created all over the state of Texas. Personally, I'd prefer to listen to Wilco while someone else pumps my own gas.

Every place has something bad about it, but when you have a Governor who goes around the country talking as if his poop don't smell, he talks smack about other Americans, and everything is great about Texas... I'll be the first in line to give him a good old honest smack down.

If you want to relive the Bush years, vote Perry.

posted on August 20, 2011 02:06:15 PM new
"If you want to relive the Bush years, vote Perry."
If it comes to that, I guess I'll have to. Sure as H--- can't afford 4 more years of the Chosen One.

PS I am on the Round Table, right?

posted on August 20, 2011 03:10:37 PM new
Mitt Romney is still in!
There is no 'Global savings glut',only wild horses and loose bankers.
posted on August 20, 2011 03:32:30 PM new
Wish Paul Ryan would jump in.

posted on August 20, 2011 03:56:42 PM new

How about this one... How Perry would change the US Constitution if he had his way:


I find it funny how many wing-nuts claim that Obama isn't following the Constitution, but they are ready to fall in line like cattle for Perry who wants to make some significant changes to the Constitution.

It isn't the Constitution that is broken, it is the fact that our representatives in Washington DC have no incentive to vote on significant campaign finance reform and all of the lobbying money that is funneled through back room pay-offs.

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