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posted on October 22, 2001 07:12:43 AM new
The FBI is narrowing the source of all of the current anthrax, and it may not be related to bin laden at all.

Thomas J Ridge, the Bush administration's new director of
homeland security, confirmed the FBI "has been able to
identify the site where the letters were mailed". At first, given
the proximity of the anthrax mailshots to 11 September, the
authorities thought they had to be linked to extreme Muslim
fundamentalists, probably Osama bin Laden and his Al Qa'ida
organisation. But in the last few days that view has changed,
with the "crank" theory gaining ground.

Investigators are increasingly convinced that a lone individual or
group of people living in the US are behind the mailings of the
white powder, which have claimed the life of a British-born
picture editor and brought parts of the US media, political and
economic infrastructure to a standstill".

"Despite the letters sent to Mr Brokaw in New York and to Tom
Daschle, the Senate majority leader in Washington, calling for
"death to America" and praising Allah, agents are quick to
point out the messages do not mean anything. The letters
could have been sent by a right-winger, trying to stir up racial
tension in the wake of 11 September and using the hijackings
as cover".

Somebody, somewhere has now got hold of a lethal variety and
is putting it in the mail. They may be supportive of the
hijackers or they could, just as easily, be fulfilling a
long-threatened ambition.


posted on October 22, 2001 07:30:27 AM new
The mailings always did seem domestic to me. after the trade center the anthrax threat was way to pale to be a second wave attack. The only explanation I could see was a diversion by the enemy but according to the reports the weapon quality wasn't there. The notes they showed on the news sounded like domestic internal hatred to me. Who knows? p.s.I was born in Newark and that place was as dangerous than anthrax.

posted on October 22, 2001 07:43:28 AM new
My thoughts keep going back to the terrorists trying to get information and air time in crop dusters...I don't think the plan was to mail the stuff (sophisticated or not) had it been airborn it would have caused much more damage more quickly and on top of the WTC would have wrought havoc.

Now how about the middle eastern employee of the Sun who left the email that there would be a surprise....perhaps this mailing is the best they could do with all the tightened security. Too soon to say, but I would not rule out bin Laden's boys. We know the women would never do that!

breinhold Newark more dangerous than anthrax!

posted on October 22, 2001 07:50:18 AM new
The letters could have been sent by a right-winger

Only a conservative is capable of this?

In any case, I hope they find whoever it is, whether from the Right, Left, or Inbetween.

edited for UBB
[ edited by Meya on Oct 22, 2001 07:50 AM ]
posted on October 22, 2001 07:52:02 AM new
zilvy: if you ever take a train to n.y. and see the backside of Newark as you pass through....well it kinda looks like Dresden did. by the way I am trying to find a pic of me with my wife and daughter for the roll call (felt lonely being up there alone) I keep looking at photos and it seems I am always behind the camera taking photos of them. and no I am not ruling out anyone on the anthrax but I smell a rat here in the states.

posted on October 22, 2001 07:57:12 AM new
By the way , are you following me? (imagine a smiley thing here) I am not good at computer stuff...before I had the computer I typed on a 1918 corona. It felt and sounded much cooler than my key board. I miss it

posted on October 22, 2001 08:01:13 AM new
Inquirer article

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on October 22, 2001 08:05:02 AM new
Life is stranger than fiction. - It could easily be BOTH domestic and foreign agents acting at the same time without conspiracy.

posted on October 22, 2001 08:07:17 AM new
The word radical is always replaced with conservative. It makes no sense. Thinking a conservative would do something radical? The person who does something radical may think themselves a conservative and others may call them conservative but there isn't anything conservative about it.

posted on October 22, 2001 08:27:54 AM new
It's not at all moderate, either.

posted on October 22, 2001 08:34:09 AM new

"We know that women would never do that."

If you know some women who would bomb innocent people then you know some women who "would do that." I don't think that gender is a factor. Bin Laden has no scruples against using boys or women.

I have lived outside Newark, New Jersey and I would feel just as safe in Afghanistan. Newark is much like a battle zone.

I doubt that Saddam Hussein is behind these amateurish anthrax attacks. And he knows that Iraq will catch fire if biological weapons are unleashed here.

Of course, that's just a guess. When the Health and Human Services Secretary, Thompson tells us not to worry, while others keep telling Congress that an attack is a matter of when, not if...who knows???



posted on October 22, 2001 08:49:31 AM new
Why Helen, I'd say you are beside yourself except you are one up on yourself! <just a joke don't call>

Just to stay with bin Ladens terrorists, what does anyone think the plan was involving crop dusters that never came to fruition? Couldn't the mailing be just a means of using the anthrax rather than having it sitting around doing nothing?
[ edited by Zilvy on Oct 22, 2001 08:52 AM ]
posted on October 22, 2001 09:13:55 AM new
i met springsteen in 1976 but i think he's clean. crossed him off the list

posted on October 22, 2001 09:24:22 AM new
Wouldn't you think that a professional group of terrorists could come up with a more creative way to infect people then sending a bogus love letter to J. Lopez in care of some gossip rag?

There's so many ways that a person could get maximum exposure with a fine powdery substance. If they were planning to use a crop duster, they must have had a lot of it. Only a few letters were sent. What happened to the rest?

posted on October 22, 2001 09:26:16 AM new
They're praising Allah and hoping for a Cropduster for the realllly big surprise!!

posted on October 22, 2001 09:28:10 AM new
Zilvy - In our morning paper, taken from an Assoc. Press writer, the article says, "Crop Duster Sprays Boats". Happened in Jackson, Mississippi. Federal officials have asked the state health dept. to analyze samples from the Miss. river. It was a Miss. river boat that was sprayed, then the article says the crop duster circled back and sprayed a pleasure craft. Kent Buckley of the Bolivar Co. Emerg. Management Agency said, "this was no accident.

posted on October 22, 2001 09:30:24 AM new
I'm really starting to get very suspicious of my Newark cousin... he always was into white powdery substances

*There is no conclusive evidence that life is serious*
posted on October 22, 2001 09:34:49 AM new

They could have gone into a crowded multi-level shopping mall went to the upper level and sprinkled it on the crowds below. Surprise, hundreds of people are infected. The could have put it in the ventilation systems of any number of buildings. Suprise, hundreds of people are infected. They don't need a crop duster! Many methods of delivery would be just as effective although less dramatic.

The person or persons who sent these letters are just trying to stir things up a little.

posted on October 22, 2001 09:35:51 AM new

Trenton News:

Crop Duster Sprays Boats:

And here's another interesting article from Lawrence Township, just a hop, skip and a jump away from Trenton:

Thanks Linda

[ edited by AuctionPulse on Oct 22, 2001 09:45 AM ]
posted on October 22, 2001 09:39:30 AM new
to do the links...just click on your edit button and add:

[URL] in front of your http and
[/URL] at the end of your link. No spaces...and it will become linkable.

posted on October 22, 2001 09:41:57 AM new
You know what is really bugging me about this? We know that government agencies will lie to us. From what I have read they really haven't got a rat's behind of an idea who sent these letters and yet..
The FBI keeps putting out this little news bites that they are leaning toward domestic terrorism yet Dick Cheyney is telling us it is Bin Ladens group.
Now neither scenario is calming any fears as far as I see. (I'd rather believe we were only being attacked from one group right now
if I had a choice)
So do they know a lot more than they let on or are they spinning the story that will suit thier personal agendas?
Anthrax from Bin Laden= more support for this war
Anthrax from home = The FBI didn't let THAT many terrorists get past thier watch.
I'm so cynical lately that before the report is done telling me what it has to tell me I'm already trying to work out in my head WHY they are telling me this.
[ edited by tegan on Oct 22, 2001 09:45 AM ]
posted on October 22, 2001 09:45:14 AM new
I still think that these are all acts of individual nut cases who want to spread fear. God knows there's enough of them living in this country. Think of the riots that happened in Seattle recently.

There are thousands of these idiots and they live in every city in the US. Some of them may work in a chemical lab near you.

[ edited by outoftheblue on Oct 22, 2001 09:48 AM ]
posted on October 22, 2001 10:09:11 AM new
tegan - I can understand why you're feeling the way you do, but I truly believe this administration is between a rock and a hard place. They need to warn the country so everyone will be watching what's going on around them. While at the same time, not making the panic we're already experiencing any worse.

I believe that's why I've been reading lately that state agencies are taking some heat from the federal agencies about reporting (to the media) all the incidents of all anthrax cases that are being investigated.

For me, I lean towards the belief that it is the supporters of bin Laden, as individuals or small groups. The WTC attack was planned for a couple of years. I believe this could have been 'plan B'. Part of what makes me lean this way is because bin Laden called on all Muslims in America to kill Americans.

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