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posted on January 26, 2002 03:19:11 AM new

[Second of 3 Parts, see Part 1 and Part 3.]

by Tina Staik

Is it a coincidence that bin
Laden's threats to destroy the
U.S. economy appear to be
aligned with the goals of oil
and war industries? First,
didn't oil and war puppet
Bush and their media machine
talk up recession and war
from day one, effectively lowering consumer confidence? Then,
how about the failed attempt (thank you Governor Davis!) of
energy companies to destroy California's economy, which would
have also seriously harmed our national economy? Next, what
about the outrageous tax cut for the rich that ate up our surplus,
which, combined with war and missile defense spending, brought
radical conservatives closer than ever to their goal of dismantling
social security? Then, what about the radical conservatives who
are still hotly pursuing to do more damage to our economy (and
the middle class) by passing tax cuts for the rich that did not go
through in the first round? In short, Is it a coincidence that oil
and war radicals and bin Laden are on the same page? [Ref. Bin
Laden Calls Anew for Attacks ]

Is it a coincidence that 9/11, which created additional damage
to our economy and middle class American citizens, has also
been tremendously "beneficial" to Bush, radical conservatives, oil
and war industries? Is it a coincidence that current
administration, CIA, Bush, and Texas oil companies have had
warm relations with the Taliban? Is it a coincidence that, upon
taking office, Bush asked FBI to stop probes and close file on
bin Laden? Is it a coincidence that oil negotiations occurred
between oil and war administration and the Taliban between
February and August of this year, and that by July 2001, plans
were allegedly under way to invade Afghanistan by October
2001 (apparently due to U.S. dissatisfaction with "negotiations"?
Is it a coincidence that the major media have all failed to
investigate reports that the number of transactions in financial
markets indicate criminal foreknowledge of the September 11
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?
[Ref. 1. Page Not Found
3. US efforts to make peace summed up by 'oil'
4. US 'planned attack on Taleban'
5. Mystery of terror 'insider dealers'
6. Suppressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading lead directly
into the CIA`s Highest Ranks ]

Is it a coincidence that one industry after another justifies
getting rid of their employees (perhaps cooking their books?),
which results in sudden rises in unemployment, and, in turn, is
also damaging to our economy and middle class America? [Ref.
Layoffs nearly triple in 2001 ]

Is it a coincidence that oil and war puppets in Congress just
passed a so-called "leave no child behind" education bill that
does more damage than good by bringing radical conservatives
closer to their goal of dismantling public education? While the bill
promises more funds, though not nearly enough, it also gives local
control, which has been one of the problems allowing money to
be diverted to anywhere but education, and threatens to test and
privatize failing schools. The bill does nothing but give
undeserved credit to Congress and administration, and, like many
other bills in the last ten years that have chipped away at our civil
rights, voting rights, affirmative action, this bill begins chipping
away at poorly funded public schools that are "set up" to fail
"testing." [Ref. President Bush Plays Scrooge to Our Nation's
Schoolchildren ]

Is it a coincidence that, following the footsteps of Congress, a
Republican governor arrogantly ignored the people's will, taking
over their "failing" school system with plans to privatize? [Ref. In
Largest Schools Takeover, State Will Run Philadelphia's ]

Is it a coincidence that citizens fear privatization of social
security and public schools, considering that corporations, who
have bought the lie of derugulation, are spinning out of control in
a "screw the American public" mode?

Is it a coincidence that higher levels of unemployment and
lower levels of education will increase poverty, homelessness,
despair, and violent crimes (with disproportionate incarcerations
of blacks and hispanics), and that this will effectively demoralize
more citizens into being the type of "silent" and "obedient" citizens
that DICTATORS can better control and RELIGIOUS
fundamentalists can more effectively appeal to?

Is it a coincidence that domestic right wing terrorist groups
have received "special" treatment by this administration and
media (and that other reports indicate international cooperation
between right wing groups, regardless of their differences)?
(Also, Is it a coincidence that right wing members of Congress
and media have been zealously creating "associations" between
environmental activists and dangerous domestic "terrorists"? If
there are ANY violent environmentalists, at this point, the first
thing to do is question whether they have been "planted" by right
wingers, before drawing any conclusions...)
[Ref. Are right-wing hate groups behind anthrax terror?
The Terrorists Here At Home ]

Is it a coincidence that, up until recently, Muslim countries were
outspokenly unified in their "hatred" of America for "supporting
Israel," "killing Palestinians," etc., yet are suddenly SILENT in
response to the recent U.S. backed conquer-and-divide attempts
of Sharon to stir civil war among Palestinians and overthrow their
leader Arafat? Is it a coincidence that the Muslim oil and war
profiteers are warmly involved with Christian and Jewish oil and
war profiteers, and likely have a "unified" own hidden agenda?

Is it a coincidence that bin Laden and Taliban leaders escaped

Is it a coincidence that the media blame the Northern Alliance
for their escape to safety, disregarding the totality of evidence?
Looking back over events since 9/11, didn't the U.S. military first
appear to be working against the efforts of the National Alliance,
and then, after being pressured to coordinate their "bombings,"
didn't they seem both surprised AND DISAPPOINTED that the
National Alliance ended the war so fast? And, what about all the
"careful" bombing from the start? What about the fact that bin
Laden and the Taliban are products of U.S. training and covert
intelligence operations? What about evidence of a profuse
number of fighters who are "double" agents, switching from one
side to another?

Is it a coincidence that oil and war industries, and those who
love war for war's sake, benefit most from "prolonged" war? (Is
this what the war in Vietnam really was, intentionally a prolonged

Is it a coincidence that fundamentalist religious interpretations
are also being used as conquer-and-divide tools to stir animosity
and hatred among Christians, Muslims and Jews, while oil and
war profiteers, who are increasingly SAYING they are faithful
Christians, Muslims and Jews, are essentially unified in their
worship of oil and war gods and intentions of duping the
"masses" with religion?

Is it a coincidence that the media is marketing Bush as the new
leader of American "Christians," since the "fall" of Pat
Robertson? Isn't it time faithful Christians set him straight that
Jesus was anything BUT a fundamentalist religious oppressor?
Isn't it time real believers ask Bush why he doesn't daily ask the
Christian question "What would Jesus do?" with regard to the
treatment of the poor, children, widows, women? Is it because
Jesus was a liberal, an outspoken peace activist who specifically
preached that weapons were NOT God's way, and referred to
leaders who were outwardly pious, and inwardly heartless, as
HYPOCRITES? [Ref. The Choice of Christmas Future ]

Is it a coincidence that religious fundamentalist interpretations of
Christianity have been growing in the U.S., following the
footsteps of mounting fundamentalist Muslim interpretations
within the countries that U.S. oil and war industries have the
"warmest" relations with?

Is it a coincidence that domestic right wing terrorist groups
predominantly use Christian Identity ideology and the Bible as the
source of their ideology (instead of Mein Kampf, and that, in
1999, the FBI completed a report entitled "Project Megiddo"
that described Christian Identity as "a belief system that provides
its members with a religious basis for racism and an ideology that
condones violence against non-Aryans"? [Ref. Should
Homegrown Terrorism Be Targeted? ]

Is it a coincidence that right wing terrorist groups have grown
exponentially in the last two decades, and that such expansion
requires financial backing? One wonders WHO has given
financial backing to right-wing terrorist groups to spew hate
propaganda against women, blacks, Jews, Indians, immigrants,
and so on? [Ref. U.S. MAP OF HATE GROUPS IN 2000 ]

Is it a coincidence that government programs, like
COINTELPRO, have been used to infiltrate and dismantle the
civil rights movement and that organizations like the ACLU and
NOW, which were once at the center of effective civil rights and
pro-woman and pro-child reforms in the early 1970s, no longer
represent mainstream civil rights and women's rights values, and
haven’t since the 80s?

Is it a coincidence, that, instead, the ACLU has increasingly
focused on a narrow agenda--predominantly attacking school
prayer and any public mention of "God," or fighting for protection
of violent/sex/pornography entertainers as "free speech"? That
the ACLU, simultaneously, barely advocates for "free speech"
rights to protest government policies, neglects to address the
attacks on civil rights of government programs like
COINTELPRO, and is totally SILENT regarding civil rights of
women and children to live free from harms caused by hate
propaganda spewed by violent/pornography entertainment? It is
a coincidence that this opens the doors wide for the right wing to
strengthen their movement, considering many Americans want
ecumenical prayers and most women find
violent/sex/pornography entertainment unwarranted at best? Is it
a coincidence that the right wing now effectively uses the
ACLU's discredited "liberal" reputation in well-timed pushes of
their agenda?

Is it a coincidence that feminist organizations, such as NOW,
have been "persuaded” to more narrowly focus on issues,
predominantly abortion and gay and lesbian rights? That, as a
result, NOW has dropped other issues vital to women, such as
domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, pay equity, paid
maternity leave and child care? That this has permitted the right
wing to easily discredit feminism to the point that most men--and
women--shudder at its mention? Is it a coincidence that most
women's groups have achieved gains for women by not referring
to themselves as feminists?

Is it a coincidence that radical conservatives and right wing
groups, having effectively "discredited" once-major symbols of
civil rights and the women's movement, now have easy weapons
to throw at democracy-loving progressives, discrediting them as
"immoral," "godless," "liberals," "feminists," and so on? Isnt it time
our non-profits examined themselves against their missions for
possible conflicting “influences”?

Is it a coincidence that those who expose abuses--and thus are
VITAL to the preservation of democratic checks and
balances--find themselves in danger? That the so-called “terrorist
bill” passed by Congress poses greater threats to civil and human
rights and peace activists than to terrorists? That the U.S.
government has "assisted" countless of governments in the last
few decades with research-based methodology, training and
financial support in CRUSHING civil and human rights and
peace activist and environmental groups--in short--the VOICES
OF DEMOCRACY? [Ref. 1. Russia: Rights Defender Reported
Killed in Chechnya
2. Homeland Security, Homeland Profits ]

Is it a coincidence that Bush tells the world he is fighting
terrorism, yet the U.S. is increasingly the easiest place to buy
guns at bazaars, and still refuses to ratify international treaties
curbing the proliferation of small arms?
[Ref. 1. Leftover arms fuel continent's ruinous wars
2. Gun markets for terrorists
3. Time to shut down the gun bazaar ]

Is it a coincidence that the oil puppet Bush administration is not
moving to protect Afghanistan from civil unrest with
peacekeeping forces and nation-building initiatives, in spite of the
fact that the U.S. has acknowledged its shameful abandonment of
Afghanistan to the very terrorists, bin Laden and Al Qaeda,
which it trained? That oil and war profiteers know that civil war
and lawlessness is what "justifies" installment of another
oppressive-to-people/pandering-to-business regime? [Ref. Tribal
leader warns Karzai of war over US raids ]

Is it a coincidence that the oil and war puppet Bush
administration refuses to consider investing in earth-friendly
solutions to our energy problems, proven viable in other
countries? [Ref. Iceland launches energy revolution ]

Is it a coincidence that the Reagan administration in the 80s
dismantled government offices such the National Center for
Prevention of Rape, and the National Clearinghouse on Rape,
and the current administration plans to eliminate ten offices
dealing with women's labor issues and civil rights in the U.S.
Department of Labor? That the U.S., compared to other
industrial democracies, has a far higher incidence of rape of
women and sexual abuse of children, to the point of being a
national crisis? That these "issues" have never been election
issues for fear of appearing "soft on war," which eliminates the
possibility for campaign financing by war and oil industries? That
those who are greedy for war and dominance, as a way of life,
zealously pursue means of silencing and subjugating women
because, historically, women are faithfully outspoken advocates
for peace and social justice? [Ref. 1. CHECK IT OUT! Tips,
Leads and Links
2. Bush Bashes Women Again ]

Is it a coincidence that the Bush administration has its warmest
relations with the regimes, such as Saudi Arabia and theTaliban,
that are the MOST oppressive to women? That hatred toward
women is historically known, among Christian, Muslim and
Jewish war lords, to be instrumental in training "ruthless"
warriors? Is it a coincidence that the Taliban sexually and
physically abuses male children as means of shaping them into
warriors? [Ref. Saudi Arabia's Apartheid ]

Is it a coincidence that news coverage appears to be more
fashioned to SHAPE our thinking (social conditioning) rather than
inform, investigate and report the truth, or otherwise treat us as
intelligent beings?

Is it a coincidence that a media hoarding frenzy has taken place
in the last decade, resulting in a handful of media giants owning all
major media worldwide? That the ideology of "deregulation"
duped (or bought...) the U.S. Congress into passing legislation
that made this possible? That those greedy for wealth and world
dominance would gravitate toward monopolizing the media as a
means of having the POWER to dominate the world, by shaping
world events, AND covering wrongdoings by disseminating false
reports, books, research, etc., to create mass confusion with
regard to what is true? (From the beginning of recorded history,
religious and secular scholars have known and described the
"power of the pen" to be mightier than the sword...in control the
behavior of the "masses." [Ref. The Big Ten Media
Conglomerates ]

Is it a coincidence that news reports attempt to convince us that
Al Qaeda terrorists were the masterminds responsible for taking
over one country after another in the Middle East? That this
distracts our attention away from oil and war industries that have
made these groups possible through their FINANCIAL
SUPPORT? That this prevents us from asking: Who were the
major stakeholders in supporting oppressive regimes and fueling
radical religious fundamentalist movements? Who has conducted
research on controlling human behavior? Who has developed
programs like CAMELOT, designed to subvert protesting
citizens? Who BOTH trained and funded terrorists, provided
weapons and incentive for civil wars, perhaps funding both sides?
Who has profited most from terrorism, civil wars, oppression of
human rights? Doesn't this point to OIL and WAR profiteers, as
well as BANKERS? Isn't this HIGH-level "organized crime"?
[Ref. Holy War Lured Saudis as Rulers Looked Away ]

Is it a coincidence that there is so much media confusion over
the shoe terrorist, regarding whether he acted on his own, as oil
puppet Bush and the FBI claim, or whether there are connections
to Al Qaeda? [Ref. 1. Analyst: 'Shoe Bomber' Probably Not
Acting Alone
2. Identity of Shoe Bomb Suspect Probed ]

Is it a coincidence that the FBI's reluctance to share information
hampered the US intelligence community's attempts to grapple
with the network? [Ref. FBI failed to share al-Qaeda leads:
report ]

Is it a coincidence that terrorism, following the war in
Afghanistan, seems to be characterized by double agents and
terrorists who move from one side to the other? (Is it a
coincidence that this seems analogous to shifting party alliances
and allegiances of Republicans and Democrats in the last few
decades?) [Ref. Sergeant served U.S. and bin Laden ]

Is it a coincidence that bully puppet Bush has a record of
hindering investigations since he served as governor, yet the
major media have failed to cover the story? That the same funeral
corporation is currently the target of a class-action lawsuit in
Florida, again accused "of desecrating remains--breaking open
burial vaults and dumping the contents in the woods, crushing
vaults to make room for others, mixing body parts from different
individuals and digging up and reburying remains in locations
other than the plots purchased"? [Ref. 1. Funeralgate
2. Ex-funeral agency chief settles suit
3. Funeral Company Accused of Desecration ]

Is it a coincidence that Funeralgate and Enrongate are FAR
BIGGER stories than Condit's affair with a missing intern, or
Clinton's oral sex lie, which, in contrast, were repeatedly covered
in great detail 24/7 for months, and years?

Is it a coincidence that the media-owned entertainment industry
has served as a political force for decades, particularly promoting
military interests and the status quo? That, following the Vietnam
War era, there has been a dramatic increase in
violence/sex/pornography entertainment? That this has resulted in
desensitizing young people, particularly boys, to violence, and
significantly damaging their ability to empathize? That, since the
Vietnam era, Hollywood and TV programming has increasingly
glorified violence, sex, decadence, drugs, alcohol, consumerism,
and otherwise warred against the development of healthy,
meaningful lives and relationships between men and women,
particularly among our young people? That our government has
KNOWN from research that this increases the risks for violence
and rape? That this turns out to be ideal "pre-military training" of
our young men and women, ensuring military readiness (and no
repeat of Vietnam)? [Ref. Media Violence in 2001: Some Good
News, Some Bad ]

Is it a coincidence that we have become a society desensitized
to the outrageous content in TV/movies, to the point to where it
seems "normal" to most? That many, particularly our young
people, have been socially conditioned to think of this "let it all
hang out" programming as evidence of their "freedoms" thanks to
"godless liberals"? That we have been socially conditioned to be
passionate about preserving the "free speech" of artists and
pornographers, while simultaneously SILENT about the
preservation of our "free speech" to protest against government
policies? That the images of women and children in the last two
decades have been particularly damaging, that women have been
glorified as victims sacrificing themselves to rape and violence,
that career women have been depicted as selfish, cold,
calculating, and overall, despicable, that children have been
depicted as unruly, wild, disrespectful--in short, shamelessly
disobedient and disorderly?

Is it a coincidence that there have been exponential increases in
violent crimes committed by women and children in the last two
decades, yet individuals or groups who attempt to curtail this
form of "entertainment," i.e.,Tipper Gore, are ridiculed into

Is it a coincidence that women are increasingly depicted as
foul-mouthed, trigger-happy, violence-prone, sex mongering
characters "asserting" themselves, often debasing men? That
there has been an explosion of talk shows that PAY people to
come on stage to reinforce images of women and children as
sexually out of control, wild, violent, promoting the idea of
military boot camp as the "only" viable solution to "dominate"
them like animals? That right-wingers have used these images of
decadence to BLAME "feminists" and "liberals," AND effectively
draw more women to the Republican, or "conservative" party?
That, unlike the U.S., most other industrial democracies balance
"free speech" with "civil rights" of citizens so they are able to live
free from fear and harm?

Is it a coincidence that the Taliban also stepped in to justify
"virtue and vices" controls, particularly over women, with similar
attacks of "decadence" of the West?

Is it a coincidence that we cannot believe a thing we are being
told about this war against terrorism, and this is a repeat of
fabrications, schemes, hoaxes and lies we have experienced in
every other war escapade since WWII? [Ref. Headlines From
the Cutting Room Floor ]

Is it a coincidence that media giant AOL Time Warner justifies
cutting out Goodwill Games, originally founded to promote
international peace and brotherhood? [Ref. The US: Rogue
Nation ]

Is it a coincidence that media coverage about John Walker
emphasizes his upbringing in a "Democratic community in
California" and his experimentation with non-Christian religions,
as responsible for turning him into a Taliban terrorist? (Is it a
coincidence that the media for decades have neglected to
connect the dots between violent domestic terrorists and a
Christian religious fundamentalist upbringing?) [Ref. Page Not
Found ]

Is it a coincidence that reporters seem to know where to find
bin Laden for interviews, yet U.S. intelligence does not? Is the
U.S. really "looking for bin Laden," or is this more like a
media-created game show thriller engaging American citizens in a
"Where in the World is bin Laden" distraction, while covert
operations proceed with "conquer and divide" tactics that lead to
civil wars, destruction of nations’ economies--all in the name of
hoarding wealth and maintaining world dominance?

Is it a coincidence that the "careful bombing" ended up killing
so many civilians, bombing Red Cross warehouses several times,
bombing elderly tribal leaders supportive of the new Aghan
government, yet sparing of bin Laden and top Taliban officials?
[Ref. Another Deadly, Errant US Attack is Alleged ]

Is it a coincidence that the U.S. has refused to support
nation-building efforts in Afghanistan? Is it because oil and war
industry profiteers and the heads of states they have bought do
not want democracy in Afghanistan? According to the India
Times, "unless the economy (in Afghanistan) begins to move and
jobs are created, young men will use weapons they find or
already have to increase their standard of living through violence.
That will only undermine the potential for reconstruction." [Ref.
'Afghan warlords pillaging humanitarian aid' ]

Continue to Part 3

posted on January 26, 2002 10:55:51 PM new
are you suggesting it's all a conspiracy. I can't imagine any group smart enough to manipulate all this to happen, can anyone really determine which way a domino affect will go. I think certain groups are benefiting or taking advantage of the situation only because the American people have allowed them to have the control and ability to do so for so long. Certainly all those with the most to lose will be the first to react after a crisis. Unfortunately, they are usually the ones with the power to cause the most suffering on the masses.

But, conspiracy? Naw

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