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posted on January 26, 2002 03:17:14 AM new
If ever there was a time to
examine what is happening in
our country and world--step
back and look at the big
picture, think, ask, question,
reflect, even consider a
conspiracy theory or
two--this is it.

Our lives and world may
depend on using our critical
thinking skills, and inviting
leaders and citizens
throughout the world to do
the same. Our well being,
regardless of position or
status or race or religion, depends on sound decision making,
and this must be based on our understanding of the cycles of
world dominance, violence, and greed that have brought us to the
resent moment.

It is time for Americans to think what has been done to our
country, its people and government--in the name of oil, war and
drug profiteering. Then we must also think what the same forces
have done to other countries, nations, governments, and peoples
of the world in the name of the same.

It is also important to know that our government, rule of law and
democracy have not failed us. (This is the illusion terrorists hope
to create.) Indeed, in democracies, "we the people" are the
government. It is the forces seeking wealth and dominance at all
costs--justifying every conquer-and-divide means possible--that
are responsible. They have prevented our participation and
involvement in our government. First, there appears to be a total
disregard for the lives of working people and our environment,
for human rights and civil rights; and this is only slightly less
shocking (immoral?) than the failure of government officials to
protect the public from a wide array of harms caused by the
natural "inclinations" of corporations to "war" against human and
civil rights, education and prosperity for all. Deregulation is a
sham. [Ref. The Scrooge Syndrome ]

Second, there appears to be a pervasive level of corruption of
our officials--indeed, infiltration--of government agencies by oil
and war industry puppets, and this is only slightly less shocking
than the observed willingness of major media to hide, minimize,
confuse the public, and otherwise protect the wrongdoers
(especially striking after eight years of smearing the Clintons over
trivial matters, which, in contrast, posed no dangers to the
public!). Free trade is a sham. [Ref. Headlines From the
Cutting Room Floor (scroll down) ]

Third, in the last two decades, one country after another in the
Middle East (and South America; in fact, every country the U.S.
has been "involved" in) has been transformed into a military
dictatorship,and U.S.-trained terrorists have fought on one or
both sides; simultaneously, the leaders of nations have been
"persuaded" with incentives to prioritize the purchasing of
weapons/arms, disregard increases in poverty, homelessness,
unemployment and human despair, and trained to brutally crush
movements opposing social injustice. Terrorism is a sham.
[Ref. Bush, Kazakh Declare Longterm Strategic Partnership ]

Finally, the "United States," once thought to be the biggest
proponent of democracy and human rights worldwide, is now
being openly led by radical conservatives who, tired of devising
schemes to subvert American citizens' will, intelligence,
independent thinking, generosity and democratic idealism, are
now unabashedly snubbing international treaties that would
effectively end terrorism, human rights abuses--and instead
blatantly embracing a military dictatorship, using
media/entertainment war drums to fervently invite (via socially
conditioning) Americans to bow down to military heroes and the
god of war. War is a sham. [Ref. Arthur Miller accuses Bush of
abusing and curbing civil rights ]

Can all this have been achieved
without strategically designed
schemes and goals, supremacist
propaganda, and a lot of money?
At this point, it may be more
foolish to discount conspiracies
than to test them for reliability and

Is it a coincidence that the three most essential tools we have in
restoring democracy and ending the corruption--a Congress that
president, and a FREE press--have been stolen from U.S.
citizens, one by one, in this last decade?

Is it a coincidence that every conservative administration since
Reagan has brought us wars, recession, increases in
unemployment, poverty, crimes, Jim and Jane Crow attacks on
civil and voting liberties, bigger and fuller prisons, and attempts to
dismantle public education and social security? Is it a
coincidence that the oil puppet Bush administration has talked
war and recession and silencing of liberals from day one? [Ref.
Once Again, War Is Good for Business ]

Is it a coincidence that American corporate executives, who
have reaped millions from oil and arms deals with Saudis, now
serve at the highest level of U.S. government, that oil and war
industries, like Enron and Carlyle Group, have offices on
Pennsylvania Avenue, and are among the most visible lobbyists?
[Ref. USA Means "Under Saudi Arabia"...Thanks to the Bush
Family ]

Is it a coincidence that both Enron and the Carlyle Group grew
exponentially since the Reagan and Bush I administrations, and
have come to be known as "ex-presidents" clubs, with many
Bush I people playing key roles in Bush II's administration? Is it
a coincidence that the Enron "investigations" and "discussions"
have thus far not probed into their motives--that is, the extent to
which top decision-makers knew the tragic outcome of what
they were doing, that this bubble would eventually "burst," that
the lives of many, many individuals and families would be
devastated, that our economy would suffer and be harmed,
perhaps utterly ruined...YET...they proceeded with their lies,
hoaxes and schemes? [Ref. The ex-presidents' club ]

Is it a coincidence that a new ideology of "deregulation" and
"free trade" has spread like a cancer nationwide, then worldwide,
since the Reagan administration, following a "familiar" pattern in
which "watchmen are tamed, bedazzled, or bribed, while a
pitchman who claims to have invented something brand new in
the history of capitalism takes everyone to the cleaners." Is it a
coincidence that Bush I first spoke of a "new world order" and
Bush II, appealing to the "sensibilities" of the religious right,
reframed it as a "crusade" of the "good" against the "evildoers"?
Is it a coincidence that, unlike "multilateral globalization," which
describes nations of the world as equals, the term "new world
order" is a supremacist, hierarchical vision of human
relationships? [Ref. The Enron Economy ]

Is it a coincidence that "deregulation" turns out to be not only a
lie, but also one that permits the gap between the rich and poor
to grow through vicious means of ruining people's lives and
fortunes? Is it a coincidence that it has already been proven that
governments cannot serve the public interests, acting to protect
and defend citizens and nation, when corporations are not
regulated and audited by citizens? [Ref. Who fiddled what? -
"Errors of judgment" are piling up at Andersen ]

Is it a coincidence that
Americans have been socially
conditioned to accept the LIE
that "what's good for the
super-rich is good for the
economy"? It's a "bankrupt
philosophy, as witness the
Enron debacle. For an even
more ominous example, look
no further than the current total
collapse of the dramatically
deregulated economy of
Argentina. Food riots in a once
prosperous society are not a
pretty sight." [Ref. Is Bush Still
an Enron Fan? ]

Is it a coincidence that radical
conservatives followed a similar
path in bringing down the
progressive democracy
coalition in Montana (and who
knows how many other states)?
[Ref. 1. Ochenski: Energy
karma - For Enron and dereg,
what goes around comes
2. Bad moon rising - The waning of Montana's once-mighty
progressive coalition ]

Is it just a coincidence that U.S. and IMF played a role in the
fall of Argentina's economy, using the power of controlling a
system of "rewards" for obedience and "punishments" for
disobedience? (And who knows how many other South
American countries are similarly at risk, for the same reasons?)
[Ref. Consequences for the United States in Argentina's Collapse

Is it a coincidence that, "during the 1990s, Russian energy
companies were notorious for cooking their books, defrauding
their shareholders and using political connections to cover
shadowy deals," and this "justified" a shift to "dictatorship" rule of
Putin? Is it a coincidence that one after another oppressive
regime, including the Taliban, has been "sold" to citizens
throughout the world as for their "protection"? [Ref. The Russian
Roots of the Texas Mafia ]

Is it a coincidence that Americans are being "punished" into
submission and humiliation by millionaire's club members who
want free reign to control the wealth and a docile, obedient--or
else--people? [Ref. The Economy May Be Facing More Hurdles

Is it a coincidence, considering the power of oil and war
industry on Congress, that no member of House or Senate has
yet come out to speak against DEREGULATION and ADMIT
that they, along with millions of others, have been DUPED into
buying a well-funded, media-perpetuated propaganda LIE? [Ref.
Just say 'Enron' to Social Security fix ]

Is it a coincidence that Bush found a like-minded (albeit FAR
more intelligent) comrade when he looked into Putin's eyes, with
common desires for OIL and WAR profits with which to build
military SUPREMACY "glory," dictatorship rule of people, and
FREE REIGN to subjugate/subvert/abuse those opposed to
dictatorship rule--ABSENT MEDIA AND/OR PUBLIC
CRITICISM? [Ref. Russia Wins the War ]

Is it a coincidence that the Whitewater critics, who were
passionately committed to investigating the Clintons' so-called
"complex web of intermingled funds, fraudulent transactions,
political favors and conflicted relationships," are NOW SILENT
ABOUT BUSH'S INCOMPARABLY dubious connections to
ENRON? [Ref. Media Blame Game Requires a Mirror ]

Is it a coincidence that the oil puppet Bush administration is
obsessed with secrecy and prevention of public disclosure of
what Reagan, father Bush, and the current oil puppet
administration have done, and are doing? [Ref. The Trail Leads
Back to Bush I and Iraq ]

Is it a coincidence that "war" is historically known among war
lords, Christian, Muslim and Jewish, as the only means to boost
the economy THAT ALSO JUSTIFIES flagrant military
spending, neglect of citizens' welfare, extreme measures of
control of citizenry? Is it a coincidence that war, for oil puppet
Bush, also best guarantees the political survival of tyrannical
dictators (as his father Bush, who helped Saddam gain 90%
approval by crushing "rebels," knows well...)? [Ref. Bush
Predicts 'War Year' in 2002 ]

Is it a coincidence that the oil puppet Bush administration's
"concern for Saudi sensibilities fatally compromised our national
security" and continue to do so, absent FREE PRESS and
sufficient number of members of Congress who are not owned
by oil and war industries? [Ref. USA Means "Under Saudi
Arabia"...Thanks to the Bush Family ]

Is it a coincidence that the amount of money spent in U.S.
election campaigns is the biggest predictor of election results, that
the exponential increase in number of Republicans elected to
federal and state offices has been financially organized by big
industries, that Republicans want nothing to do with campaign
finance reform, AND that big industries like Enron ALSO give
financial incentives, albeit much smaller, to Democrats to "move"
them to the right? Is this not a PLAN to create a ONE PARTY
NATION (Hitler revival?) where all citizens and officials are in
step? Does this not explain why Democrats have been so silent
about the stolen election, and so many other issues dear to the
hearts of American citizens since Bush' "selection"? [Ref. Enron
Moves Money to Democrats ]

Is it a coincidence that oil puppet Bush's policies increasingly
put the administration, the government, and its agencies above
the law, leaving people defenseless to protect themselves
democratically with lawsuits? [Ref. Bush policy could foil suits on
FBI dealings ]

Is it a coincidence that the anthrax sent to Senators Daschle
and Leahy have been likened to that owned by the U.S. military,
and that army laboratories are reported to have "lax" controls?
[Ref. Anthrax Army Lab Security Called Lax ]

Is it a coincidence that most highly respected national and
international leaders (without connections to Bush and the Carlyle
Group) strongly warn against walking "away from the
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty," yet all U.S. major media
simultaneously bombard Americans with so-called polls
mesmerizing us into accepting (socially conditioning...) this totally
dangerous insensitivity and arrogance as "U.S. leadership"? [Ref.
Missile Defense Delusion ]

Continue to Part 2
posted on January 26, 2002 07:39:42 AM new
It's like I've been saying for a long time now: the Republican Party has been hijacked by Satan himself! Some Republicans, in defense of these monsters, have tried to twist my words (Satan's doing?) and make it seems as if I say that the Republican voters are Satan! Upon pressing them for any quote of mine that they could point to, as per usual, they relied upon personal attacks.

I know that you may not be especially religious; or that you do not believe in Evil with a capital E. But if you can read this article and others that KRS has been bringing us and you can tell me that it isn't the power of Satan himself running things to his displeasure, I don't think that you get the Big Picture at all!

Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Republican.

posted on January 26, 2002 07:45:14 AM new
"Is it a coincidence that one after another oppressive regime, including the Taliban, has been "sold" to citizens throughout the world as for their "protection"?"

Listen: those who would establish a dictatorship and tyranny will always tell you that in order to be more secure, you have to give up some civil rights and freedoms in order to do so.

That is a blatant lie!

Your greatest security comes from having MORE freedom and MORE civil rights and a strong government and policing force to back up those freedoms and civil rights!

NEVER allow ANYONE to EVER tell you otherwise!

[not just opinion: based on many decades of researching history of nations and governments (and religions). Trust me!]

posted on January 26, 2002 10:48:26 PM new
I'm reminded of a movie that quoted "If the public really knew all the truth, they'd be too afraid to walk outside the door. What good would that do? We're just trying to stop the worst from happening by keeping the truth from them."

so a group of people decide they know better what is best for the rest. Which dictates what people do or stop doing. They take away the individual's right to think for themselves, or worse, makes them feel what they believe is right is really wrong. Soon, they stop thinking for themselves and let all different groups of people think for them on all different levels. Then society starts looking bleak and a crisis occurs that gives all the people a common enemy...then we're all looking out for each other again. And then we all feel superior and safe. But it's the same way it was before, we just have something else to focus on.

I guess it's best to try to be aware, question authority, and look inward for peace and truth. Realize that not all people have the ethics you have, but try to realize some do, and sow the seeds of good things.

posted on January 27, 2002 09:46:57 PM new
I think you're right, virakeck. There is no greater protection for oneself than thinking for oneself. Being an adult means that your no longer need others to tell you right from wrong, but decide for yourself what is right and what is wrong; and taking the rewards or punishments with equal grace. Unfortunately, too many people are too damned lazy to take personal responsibility for themselves and would much rather leave the chore of thinking to someone else. But people fail. Therefore, why entrust your safety to someone else?

No, I'm all for Personal Freedom as the best means of protecting myself from threats.

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