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posted on May 22, 2002 02:41:34 PM new
It is being reported that her remains were found in a Washington, D.C. park.
posted on May 22, 2002 02:48:35 PM new
They ID'd them that fast? Wow.

posted on May 22, 2002 06:58:37 PM new
Still the police are being really carefull what they say - have not called it a homocide even. I think a certain congressman better watch out - now that they have a body I think they will have reason to ask a great deal more and they might just nail his ass.

posted on May 22, 2002 07:09:11 PM new
I dunno, Gravid. An athletic, adventurous girl found a mile from a site she had just checked out on her computer-- in a remote part of the park? What squicks me more is that the cops missed the body a mere mile away from her computer search. Her parents are probably puking their guts out, from the shock and outrage.

But then, they found her car in the parking lot of the health club?

posted on May 22, 2002 08:36:25 PM new
Hopefully, her cause of death was a sudden heart attack from too much athletic exercise. Otherwise, we won't have media coverage of anything else for several years.


posted on May 23, 2002 05:01:34 AM new
>>Otherwise, we won't have media coverage of anything else for several years.<<


posted on May 23, 2002 06:19:51 AM new
That's exactly right Borillar

posted on May 23, 2002 07:28:25 AM new
I'm not trying to deny the family of Levy the opportunity to use the media to put pressure on the D.C. police to investigate this matter; that is, to determine if it is a homicide. More power to them if that keeps Chandra in the media to enable a swift conclusion of that sort.

However, we do not need to have speculation on the news in this matter. Let us know when the D.C. Police have made up their minds on the matter. Then, later on, if they come up with any REAL suspects -- not like last time where only ONE questioned individual got all of the media attention, to the detriment of the rest of the news content.

I find it disturbing how the media decides whom to shine the spotlight on when these things occur. I can see the Levy family, since Chandra was close to the political arena. But WHO are the Van Damnes? I mean, WHY was their case exposed so harshly on the national media, when 50 kids a day are kidnapped in America? Why was THIS family picked when perhaps 49 others just that day were not?

At any rate, the media keeps trying to find something mind nulling and non-news to flood the airwaves with. I think that they are trying to find another O.J. Simpson trial to blot out all government news stories, but we aren't cooperating. Everytime they come up with some new non-news story to blanket what our politicians are up to, we change the channel. And that's a good thing, too!

What that means is that Americans, more and more, are getting WORRIED AS HELL about our government and our country and are tuning in to the news to find out what is going on. The days when only FLUFF stories would keep them riveted to the channel are fading. Americans are getting seriously pissed at a government that is actively working AGAINST them annd their best interests.

You don't think so? Then go post a list of the WONDERFUL THINGS that your favorite Congressperson or President that YOU voteed for has done for you and Americans lately - but not in this thread. Let's SEE if ANY politician has done one damned thing for us since November, 2000!

posted on May 23, 2002 09:15:27 AM new
The Levy case isn't "non-news." Congressman Condit denied having an affair with Levy, and that denial is now casting a lot of suspicion his way.

And while I do have some complaints about our government, I think our senators Feinstein and Boxer are doing a very good job.

posted on May 23, 2002 10:00:47 AM new
I don't concider this non news either this store has already been news for a year or more.

We are now going to get closure on it no matter what it turns out to be it is breaking news...


More pipe bombs in mail boxes, more anthrax in the mail, New flim in the news from bid laden evidence that he is more then likely still alive, an incress in terrist communications more booming and destrution being planned, courts have ruled pilots will not be allow to carry guns on flights, more plalistian blowing them selves up in israel I supose all of this too is just fluff as well !!!

many of these activities going here in this country are being done buy our own citizen we are makeing this country the same as middle east countries where people can live here as long as no one feels comfortable or safe.

any well to do country that starts paying more and more $$$ for protection from its own self will soon be a thrid world hull of a country.

When people in a country can not live in the land and feel even reasonably safe and comfortable soon its productivity and other work will suffer as well.

[ edited by dman3 on May 23, 2002 10:17 AM ]
posted on May 23, 2002 03:12:55 PM new
The authorities are not only going back to question Condit again, but they have been holding a man who is accused of assaulting two other female joggers in that same park around the same time.
posted on May 23, 2002 08:07:48 PM new
Its sickening that someone so close to the seat of power can end up like this, really makes you wonder about the big fish, they were able to identify so quick because during clinton's term the Dc morgue bacame bones R US.

posted on May 23, 2002 08:13:42 PM new
Chandra levy is news, just are all of the other murders that take place in the USA each day. What of them? Is the news to devolve to merely reading off the obituary in order to satisfy you? Me, I'd rather know what new, dirty tricks our politicians are pulling on us. I'd rather leave the obits to the newspapers.

posted on May 23, 2002 09:01:30 PM new
"Congressman Condit denied having an affair with Levy"

He admitted to the affair, not that it matters. This will be likely to vindicate him - remove any thought of his guilt.

posted on May 23, 2002 09:45:47 PM new
Exactly. The idea that Condit would be stupid enough to kill her and then just dump her body off where someone would eventually find it only occurs in the minds of the severely retarded or the Republicans fixated upon political penises and the vaginas that follow them around.

posted on May 23, 2002 11:26:28 PM new
He repeatedly denied it, until the evidence was irrefutable. Then he admitted it.

The idea that Condit would be stupid enough to kill her and then just dump her body off where someone would eventually find it...

We may never know for sure. But I believe the question was whether this particular death is newsworthy, not Condit's guilt or innocence.

Face it. The story is news, and you are being argumentative.

posted on May 23, 2002 11:38:38 PM new
He denied it to the family, but told the cops.

"But I believe the question was whether this particular death is newsworthy, not Condit's guilt or innocence"

So you've already forgotten that you brought up his guilt or innocence with "that denial is now casting a lot of suspicion his way"?

posted on May 24, 2002 12:14:20 AM new
So you've already forgotten that you brought up his guilt or innocence with "that denial is now casting a lot of suspicion his way"?

Jesus, Ken. Get your brain in gear. The fact that Condit is a married congressman who got caught with his pants down, denied the affair, and then his little playmate intern turned up dead, makes it newsworthy.

Funny how you and Borillar are so adept at spinning conspiracy theories when republicans are involved, yet when it's a democrat, suddenly it's not worth mentioning.

[ edited by twinsoft on May 24, 2002 12:14 AM ]
posted on May 24, 2002 01:26:23 AM new
Are you saying that Condit conspired to kill her? Now I'm interested! He has so many suspicious republican friends.......

posted on May 24, 2002 07:24:41 AM new
Yes, twinsoft, please tell us all how your conspiracy theory works. And, oh, be sure to link it to one or more mainstream media sources if you can for support of your theory.

posted on May 24, 2002 07:53:50 AM new
Just because you can link something to a media source by no means makes it fact or truth.

thats what makes many of the posts on these subjects here such a laughing stock your so dependent on media source and see them as fact and its starting to look as if you have no mind of your own just a bunch of media puppets who can be made believe anything thats printed.

is there a single Iwitness account in this group or just a bunch of guessing aaccordingto whats seen in scandle papers here.
Email [email protected]
posted on May 24, 2002 08:10:23 AM new
dman, maybe you are right. So you think that twinsoft just made this story up in his head? Men who call women braying jackasses sometimes do this sort of thing.


posted on May 24, 2002 08:25:35 AM new
Borillar, the problem with psychosis is that there is always a thread of reality within. You suggested above that the Levy story is an attempt by "the media" to "blot out all government news stories." IOW, any story that isn't directly related to Bush is part of a "cover-up." My friend, you have gone off the deep end.

Stop for a minute. Put aside what you believe are the "facts," and just ask yourself, "is this what a sane person would think? " When you find yourself slipping into mania, ask yourself, "is this what a sane person would think? " Make that your mantra. Don't give up hope.

posted on May 24, 2002 08:59:00 AM new
sometimes helen just sometimes men who call women braying jackasses are right.

which gets to the only point im trying to make there are many different views and since most of these thread on this board are for the most part personal views of individuals no matter how backed by some media link a news source who main goal is to make dollars getting you to come back and read there trash dont make anyone else view any less the truth or real.

1000 people could witness the same event and there will be 1000 different versions of what happened and how it came about all witness to the same event but all seen it just a little differently.

Two People Each given a million dollars One see an opertunity to tune this million into enough moneey to make them independently wealth never haveing to muddle through each day pay check to paycheck again.

The other see it as barely enough money for a fun weekend with the friends.

Email [email protected]
[ edited by dman3 on May 24, 2002 09:06 AM ]
posted on May 24, 2002 09:12:15 AM new
Hi, Rich. Of course that's right. For many folks, when they are unable to debate, they resort to insults or name-calling. That's why most threads don't go more than a few posts before becoming a free-for-all. Then, there's payback to consider. (Heh, heh.)

I know HJW can post civilly. I just hoped to show her how offensive her own attacks can become. I guess she got the message.

Or, maybe I can just fall back on the old excuse so many other posters use: "I never insult anyone, unless they really deserve it! "

Off for the weekend, thanks for the pleasant chat, all.

posted on May 24, 2002 09:23:26 AM new

Don't guess about any message that I get from you. I read your message just as most people here read your message.

Stop pussyfooting around to cover your degrading remarks.


posted on May 24, 2002 09:35:31 AM new

So you were trying to teach me a lesson? lol!

Were you trying to teach Borillar a "lesson" above?

It might be wise to END your teaching career.


ed. change message to lesson

[ edited by Helenjw on May 24, 2002 09:40 AM ]
posted on May 24, 2002 10:24:38 AM new
And you'd need to look far and wide to find a more qualified instructor in name calling, innuendo, and what to do when lacking ability to debate than is twinsoft. Add to those the inveterate skill at snivelling and calling the moderator possessed by twinsoft, and so often displayed here, and you have a whining master par exellance.

Dman must certainly be his star pupil for aside a qualifying inborn stupidity he has the requisite lack of the ability to remember very much at all. If he COULD remember he would surely know that it was the demands for linked information by his republican cohorts and all of their ilk that began the practice of linking here. Each time he or any one of his favorite ignoramus's were met with any fact they could not refute they called for a link in the hope that the poster of that which bothered them would either just not bring the link or better, would not return to even see their demand for several hours, at which failure to link they would then take up their heehaww braying feeling secure again that they were right even though still wrong.

Dman's saving grace is his gross illiteracy. Most of his posts are so poorly composed and badly spelled that no one can make out what he's trying to say and so simply ignores him.

posted on May 24, 2002 12:18:38 PM new
KRS I'm not really sure what group here you are trying to link me too but I'm pretty sure you have me mix up with someone else.

I think you will surely find I have no republican cohorts here that I have never insisted on a links to anything ever in this forum or any other for that matter, in fact if you had any kind of a memory at all you would know of the nearly three years I have been Registered at auction watch I have been mainly a seller and have less then 100 post on any forum here outside of the eBay outlook forum.

as far as gross illiteracy as you call it I'll have you Know I finished 12 years of what they call Education in this country as well I went to bible college for six years studying to be a teacher and a counselor I spent years counseling trouble youth as well.

I have also Spent 5 Years Studying Broadcasting Radio and Television , Journalism and advertising, In fact I worked in radio in the seventies I have even help write several ad campaigns that got national air play and even won an award for one of them.

On top of that I have learned TV, Radio, vcr, cd, and computer Repair as well as internet and intranet web design I have work for Companies as large as underwrites laboratories with a team to help design there intranet and internet web sites and well versed in many program languages and server administration.

I Have had my First class Radio Telephone operators license since I was 15 years old as well I am a qualified licensed electrician and have been a teen counselor since I was 21, and to top that off I have had to work since I was 15 years old to pay for near all of this education myself since my father was not in very good health and my family could afford to give me these things them self my father die when I was 18 years old I not only paid for my education but I took over all the bill mortgage payments and taxes on the house I still live in today.

as far as most of my posts being poorly composed or badly spelled or unchecked spelling this is not do to illiteracy as you or anyone else many like to claim you know its because I don't have a life time to spend at these board answer these stupid attack post I have goals to meet in my life and I spend my time meeting them.

What have you or the rest of the self proclaim Round table gods and geniuses accomplished in your lives since the day you first booted up your computers other then worthless bickering on this message board and others ???

Email [email protected]
[ edited by dman3 on May 24, 2002 12:23 PM ]
posted on May 24, 2002 12:46:34 PM new

You have spent days and considerable energies attacking in here in this forum. Do I need to go cut and paste the whole of your activities for you to see that? You really need look no further than just a little ways up on this thread to see the type. I have known of you for quite some time of course, and don't know that ever before now have addressed you but I have done so now because of the recent character of your posts, specifically those in which you persist in attacks against Helen. Not to say that she needs my protection by any means, I posted to you to add my voice in objection to your activity. Yes, by your posting you have grouped yourself in amongst a type and for as long as you continue as you have it is useless to deny your associations with those others.

Congratulations on your first class ticket. I had mine at 13. N6QUA, long inactive.

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